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Unit 2 Topic 1

Section A


1. a big nose_________________

2. small eyes ________________

3. a round face ________________

4. short hair ___________________

5. big ears _____________________

6. 长脖子 _____________________ II、根据汉语及音标完成下列句子。

1. His hands are very_________(大),but his mouth is small.

2. _______/ ges/! Who am I?

3. They have big mouths and big ________ /aIz/.

4. An elephant has a long ___________ (鼻子).

5. Look at the desk. It’s __________/ waId/.

III、选择have 或 has 填空。

1. She ___________ a new pen.

2. We ___________ apples and oranges.

3. He ____________ a map.

4. The dog __________ a small nose.

5. Li Lei and Li Hong ___________ a box.

Section B


1. This is my ____________ /'feIvərIt/ bike.

2. We are ______________ (中国人).

3. Bruce Lee is ___________ ___________ (一个演员).

4. __________ Kangkang _________ (有) a big nose?

5. He has long ________/a:(r)mz/.

6. Her __________(腿) are short.

7. Linda’s_________ (脚) are big.

II、用be动词或 have的适当形式填空。

1. They_________ small hands.

2. Jim __________ from England.

3. My mom__________ a pen.

4. The boys__________ three apples.

5. Does he __________ a small nose?

6. ___________ Maria in Class 5 ?

7. His ears ________ big.

8. My hair ________ long.


1. Her favorite actor is Li Chen.(就划线部分提问)

_______ ________ her favorite actor?

2.Lucy has a wid e mouth.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

_______ Lucy _______ a wide mouth?

Yes, she ________.

3. He has a big nose. (同义句替换)


4.is, this, who, boy,(?)(连词成句)


5.has, the, girl, a, mouth, small (.) (连词成句)


6.Michael’s, Jackie Chan, favorite, is , act or,(.)(连词成句)


Section C


1. The__________ / bɒI/ in white is cool.

2. He has two ___________ (姐妹).

3. They are in___________ _________(不同的班级).

4. Li Ming and I are in _________ ________ __________ (同一个年级).

5.Tom and Jerry _________ ________ (来自) Cuba.


1. His_________ (eye) are small.

2. He has big __________ (foot).

3. Sue has a small __________ (head), but she has a big nose.

4. Meimei is twelve__________ (year) old.

5. They are__________ (toy).

6. I have two _________(knife). They are nice.

7. Li Yifeng _________(have) a new car.


1. Lin Tao and Kangkang come from Xi’an. ( 同义句替换)

Lin Tao and Kangkang ________ ________ Xi’an.

2. My sister has long hair. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

________ your sister ________ long hair?
