外贸英语函电 第七章

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3)Demand draft (D/D)(票汇):The buyer buys a draft from a local bank and sends it by mail to the seller, the seller or his appointed person can collect money from the relative bank at his end against the draft sent by the buyer. • 票汇是指汇出行应汇款人的申请,代汇款人开立以其分行 或代理行为解付行的银行即期汇票,支付一定金额给收款 人的汇款方式。
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• We enclose a check for US$3,000 in payment of all commissions due to you up to date. 随信附上3000美元支票一张,以支付截至目前所欠你放全部佣金。 We have received your check for $300 in payment for the samples we sent you last month. 收到你放300美元支票一张,支付我方上个月寄给贵公司的样品。
We hope our request will meet with your agreement and look forward for your early reply. Sincerely yours,
Notes to case2
1. tie up funds 占压资金 e.g. The request for easier payment terms is compelled by their funds being tied up in numerous commitments. 2. easy/easier payment terms 易于接受的条件,宽 容 的条件 e.g. They ask for easier payment terms because their funds are tight. The market of fruits is turning easy as a result of rainy days. 阴雨天导致水果行情疲软。
1. Remittance(汇付) According to the terms and time stipulated in the contract, the remittance is classified into 3 kinds: 1)Mail transfer (M/T) (信汇):by mail 信汇是汇出行应汇款人的申请,用航空信函的形 式,指示出口国汇入行解付一定金额的款项给收 款人的汇款方式。信汇的优点是费用较低廉,但 收款人收到汇款的时间较迟。 2)Telegraphic transfer (T/T)(电汇):by cable 电汇是汇出行应汇款人的申请,拍发加押电报或 电传给在另一国家的分行或代理行(即汇入行) 解付一定金额给收款人的一种汇款方式。
2. departure n. 背离,违背;离开(常接介词from) e.g. It is a departure from your promise. We can get the goods ready before the ship’s departure. 3. usual practice 通常惯例,习惯 international business practice 国际商务 惯例 e.g. It is our usual practice to ask for sight L/C, no matter the order is large-sized or small-sized.
Notes to case one
1. pay v. 付(款,费用) pay in advance 预付 Pay by installments 分期付款 pay on delivery 货到付款 ★ payable a. 应付的(款项);可付的 bills payable 应付票据 amount payable 应付金额 account payable 应付账款 a check payable at sight 见票即付的支票
4. regard v. 把…看作,把…认为(后接介词 as) e.g. We regard your market as one of promising markets in USA. 5. precedent n. 先例,惯例 set a precedent 开创先例 take sth. as a precedent 将某事当做先例 e.g. Our accommodation in this respect should not set a precedent for future transactions.
Note: The banks only do the services of remitting or
collecting and not liable for non-payment or non-acceptance of the importer. Payment through collection is accepted by the seller only when the importer’s credit standing is sound or where previous transactions have inspired the exporter the confidence the importer will always effect payment.
Case one
Dear Mr Smith, Thank you for your order for 5,000 dozen shirts by your letter of 10 February. We have considered your proposal to pay a 30-day letter of credit. We do not usually accept time credit. However, in view of our long and mutually beneficial relationship, we are willing to make an exception this time. We must stress that this departure from our usual practice relates to this transaction only. We cannot regard it as setting a precedent for future transcations. We enclose our sales Contract No. TL120 covering the order. We would be grateful if you follow the usual procedure. Yours faithfully,
B) Documents against acceptance (D/A):承兑交单 D/A is always after sight 指出口人的交单以进口人在汇票上承兑为条件。即出口人 在装运货物后开具远期汇票,连同商业单据,通过银行向 进口人提示,进口人承兑汇票后,代收银行即将商业单据 交给进口人,在汇票到期时,方履行付款义务。承兑交单 是进口人只要在汇票上办理承兑之后,即可取得商业单据, 凭以提取货物。
Chapter Seven Terms of Payment
Business knowledge Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Exercises Homework
Functions of payment
• The payment plays a very important role in business. Terms of payment means way or method of making payment. The methods we use in payment in the clearing (结算) of international trade are the letter of credit (L/C), collection(托收) and remittance(汇付).
2. Collection(托收)是出口人在货物装运后,开具以进口方为付 款人的汇票(随附或不随付货运单据),委托出口地银行通过 它在进口地的分行或代理行代出口人收取货款一种结算方式。 1)The remitting bank(托收行):appointed by the exporter to collect the proceeds of sales. 2)The collecting bank(代收行):appointed by the remitting bank to collect the proceeds from the importer, usually a branch office abroad or a correspondent bank of the remitting bank.
3)Kinds of collection
A) Documents against payment (D/P): 付款交单 D/P at sight; D/P after sight
是出口人的交单以进口人的付款为条件,即出口人将汇票连同货运单据 交给银行托收时,指示银行只有在进口人付清货款时,才能交出货运 单据
• payment n. 支付,支付的款 payment in advance 预付货款 deferred payment 延期付款 cash payment 现金付款 in payment of 付某种费用的款,如发票、佣金等 in payment for 付某种具体实物的款,如广告、商品、样品等
3. propose v. 提议,建议 proposal n. 提议 e.g. We regret that we cannot accept your proposal for changing in payment. 4. cash against document on arrival of the goods 货到 凭单付款 5. draw 开出(汇票) draw a draft on sb for an amount against sth draw on sb at sight for an amount against sth 根据…向某人开出金额为…的…汇票 e.g. We have drawn a sight draft on you against the document for the amount of invoice through the Bank of Asia.
Case Two
Dear sirs, In the past, our purchases of Spinning Machine Parts from you have been paid by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit. This arrangements has cost us a great deal of money. From the moment we open the credit until our buyers pay us, it normally ties up funds for about four months. This is currently a particularly serious problem for us in view of the difficult economic climate and the prevailing high interest rates. If you could offer us easier payment terms, it would probably lead to an increase in business between our companies. We propose either cash against documents on arrival of goods, or drawing on us at three months’ sight.