经济学人双语版德国的大学 处于顶尖和一般之间

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German universities


Between great and so-so


Not in the elite but improving, German universities beton a middle way


A GLANCE at the global rankings of universities suggests that nothing much has changed in recentyears. MIT, Stanford, Cambridge, Oxford and a few other English-speaking cam puses remain at thetop, fighting it out with large endowments, celebrity professors and s elective entry. By contrast,universities in Germany are nowhere near the top, even after several reforms, including an“excellence initiative” since 2005. Many students waste awa y in overflow rooms next to packedand stuffy lecture halls. Their best hope of seeing prof essors is through opera glasses.


But look more closely at the rankings, and change is more evident, thinks Günther Zupan c, abiology professor who has taught in Germany, Britain and Canada and is now at Bost on'sNortheastern University. Only a couple of German universities make it into the top 50 : Heidelberg'sRuprecht-Karls-University and Munich's Ludwig-Maximilians-University usual ly lead the pack. Amongthe top 200, however, German universities have improved the m ost. Taken together, they havemoved up by 250 places, Mr Zupanc calculates. Only Dutc h universities have done better.America's, by contrast, have crashed: since 2011 they ha ve collectively moved down by 692places.

但是仔细观察全球排名就发现变化很明显:曾在德国、英国和加拿大任教过的生物学教授GüntherZupanc 现在波士顿的东北大学任教。排在全球前50的德国大学屈指可数:海德堡的鲁普莱希特—卡尔大学和慕尼黑大学(全称路德维希马克西米利安慕尼黑大学

Ludwig Maximilian MuenchenUnitversitaet) 常独领风骚。然而,在前200名的大学中,德国大学排名上升最快。Zupanc统计,总体来说上升了250个名次。其他国家中,只有荷兰大学做的比德国更好些。相比而言,美国大学的排名骤降:自2011年以来,共下降了692个名次。

If this trend continues, Mr Zupanc suggests, it could amount to a German Mittelweg (mid dle path)in higher education. At one extreme of the spectrum stand the Anglo-Saxons, w ho breed eliteuniversities that most students either cannot get into or cannot pay for, but

do less to nurturethose lower in the rankings. At the other are socialist systems which m ake higher education freeand access easy, at the cost of less differentiation among unive rsities and overall mediocrity.


Germany has tried both ends of this spectrum. In 1810 Wilhelm von Humboldt, a Prussia n son ofthe enlightenment, founded the University of Berlin (now Humboldt University) o n the then-revolutionary premise that professors and students should be partners in lear ning and thatteaching and research were inseparable. His philosophy influenced universit y systems from Americato Japan. And it led to more than a century of excellence at Ger man universities, which for manyyears were the best in the world and produced thinkers from Hegel to Planck. This golden age wasdestroyed by the Nazis.


After 1945, West German universities revived the stuffy bits but without the excellence. Only theidolising of titles survived: even outside academia, Germans insist on being addr essed with the fullmouthful of “Herr Professor Doktor”. In the 1960s German students re belled in vain. One sloganwas “under the robes, the musty stink of 1,000 years”.

1945年后,西德的大学重建了这些拥挤的校舍但未保持优势。只有那些象征崇拜的称号保留下来了,德国规定,即使在学术活动外,学生对老师也要用尊陈,如“教授、先生”等。20世纪60年代,德国学生反抗失败,他们的一句口号是:“长袍下,是千年陈腐的老古董”。With the country's first Social Democratic government in 1969, the emphasis shifted to w ideningaccess across social classes. Until a court ruling in 2005, German universities—whi ch, like schools,are run by the states—were not allowed to charge tuition fees. Since the n, seven states (all in theold West Germany) have tried, but all have given up after howls of outrage. The final holdouts,Bavaria and Lower Saxony, have recently dropped fees. 1969年德国第一个社会民主党执政,把重点转移到扩大社会各阶层的学习机会。在2005年法律规定前,德国的大学—如各州州立的大学—是不允许收学费的。自那以后,尽管有七个州(都处于旧西德地区)尝试征收学费,但迫于人们的愤怒而作罢。最后抵抗的学校,Bavaria 和Lower Saxony,最近也放弃了收学费。

But Germany knows that higher education needs to improve. One push has, since 1999, comefrom the European Union's Bologna process, which has made the German system m
