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The people in the blood area are hungry for provisions,clothes and medicine

2. 他整夜看电视连续剧,难怪他看上去这么疲惫。

As he sat up late watching TV, (It’s) no wonder that he looks so tired

3. 如果我是你的话,我不会卷入那些复杂的事情。

If I were you,I would n’t get involved in those complicated affairs

4. 她的手艺特别号,做的蛋糕简直是艺术品。

Her skills are so excellent that the cakes she makes are simply works of art

5. 我知道这是我的不对,但也没有必要老说个没完。

I know it’s my fault but there is no need to rub it in.

6. 这种工作要求要很有耐心。

This sort of work calls for a lot of patience.

7. 政府说有足够的外汇储备抵制金融风暴。

The government declared that its foreign currency reserve is strong enough to resist the financial crisis.

8. 救援队天一亮就出发去搜寻那失踪的孩子。

The rescue team set off in search of missing children at the first light of day.

9. 尽管守门员竭尽全力,仍然没有挡住球。

Although goal keeper tried his best,he missed catching the ball.

10. 消息太意外了,她惊奇的透不过起来。

The news was so unexpected that he caught her breath in surprise

11. 看见足球队员踢进一个球,观众们爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。

Seeing the footballer score a goal,the spectators burst into thunderous applause, 12. 你算老几,跟我来谈这件事?

Who do you think you are?You are the last person I would like to talk to about this matter!

13. 姑娘在等他男朋友的电话时,双眼急切的盯着电话机。

The girl fixed her eyes intently on the telephone when the girl was waiting for her boyfriend’s call.

14. 当孩子从小自行车掉下时,他的父亲鼓励他再试一次。

When the boy fell off his little bike,the father encouraged him to make another effort.

15. 新闻界经常批评她,但她早已对此满不在乎了。

The press had criticized her so often that in the end she had become immune to what was said.

16. 工业和车辆向大气排放大量的废气,造成了严重的空气污染。

Air pollution is caused by industries and vehicles which release large amounts of waste gas into atmosphere.

17. 医生要我工作是戴上保护镜,以防止异物进入眼睛。

The doctor required me to wear goggles at work to prevent foreign objects from getting into my eyes.

18. 由于父母通常把他们的染色特遗传给后代,所以有些疾病具有遗传性。

As parents can pass on their chromosomes to their offspring,some diseases are hereditary.

19. 虽然他很会做生意,但我们认为他不会成为商界的领袖。

He possesses a remarkable talent for doing business,but we don’t see him a potential leader in business circle.

20. 这次划时代的峰会由卫星向全世界转播。

The epoch-making summit conference was beamed by satellite all over the world. 21.许多新兴国家在刚获得独立的时候,都遇到过经济问题的困扰。

Many developing countries,after independent,were afflicted with economic problems to begin with.

22. 为了保护国内工业,政府决定对进口倾销产品征收反倾销关税。

In order to protect domestic industries,the government decided to impose anti-dumping tariff on imported products.

23. 只有学问而没有实践经验,这种学问没有多少价值。

Knowledge without practical experience counts for little.

24. 敌军入侵使得成千上万的老百姓只好弃家而逃。

Thousands of people were forced to abandon their homes to the invading enemy troops.

25. 我在上海住了很久,已经把这个城市看作我的第二故乡。

I’ve lived in Shanghai so long that I’ve looked upon the city as my second hometown.

26. 修理屋顶时底下必须用东西支撑着。

The roof will have to be propped up while repairs are being carried out

27. 在困难面前,他仍然保持着幽默感。

In the face of great hardship,he managed to keep his sense of humor.

28. 由于路上交通繁忙,父母必须亲自陪同他们的孩子上学。

Parents must accompany their children to school because the traffic is too busy on the road.

29. 我背着包裹,无法走快。

Loaded with packs,I was unable to walk fast.

30. 他参加了好几次高考,最好才通过了考试。

He made several attempts before finally passing the university entrance examination.


Young people tend to feel disdain for anything old-fashioned.


This novel testifies to his rich knowledge of the culture of the tribe.

33. 由于大量的书面材料来不及写,公司只好推迟了与应聘人员的见面。

Due to a backlog of paper work, the company had to put off interviewing the job applicants.

34. 老师说,他的演奏中仍然有一些地方走调了。

The teacher pointed out that there were several places in his performance that were out of tune.

35. 这样的好机会千载难逢。

An opportunity as good as this arises occurs only once in a blue moon.

36. 这个孩子因为私自拿了母亲包里的钱而觉得十分内疚。

The boy felt guilty for taking money from his mother’s handbag without permission.

37. 她知道他的话一句真的也没有。

She did not give credence to a single word of his story.
