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• 木结构如今已经破损,队员从不同的破口进入,迄今为止发现7个空间,空 间高度超过5米,内里的墙身也全是木质,但并非盒子形,墙身有点弧形和 倾斜。 • 亚拉腊山的永久雪线位于海拔3900米,而方舟遗骸在4000米以上,有利于木 材的保存。而木材可以负载本身重量的5倍,因此木结构承受了巨大的重量 而没有粉碎。这些因素让方舟得以保存至今,最终现身于世。
• At the end of one hundred fifty days, the waters began to abate and the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. (In the east of Turkey, 亚拉山, [ˈærəræt]). Noah sent out the dove to see if the waters had subsided from the face of the ground, the dove came back in the evening with a freshly plucked olive leaf in its beak. Then he waited another seven days, sent out the dove and the dove did not return. Then Noah went out of the ark with his family members and all the living things in the ark. When Noah died, he was 950 years old.
• 2008年开始,先后有我国和土耳其的方舟探索队来此一探究竟,近两年 的探索后,他们终于在亚拉腊山海拔4000多米的冰川下找到一处人工遗 迹,经证实,确为诺亚方舟遗骸。
• 遗骸为巨型木结构,木样本经分析,证实有4800年历史。亚拉腊山的雪线以 上没有树木生长,由于气候严酷,3000米以上也从没有人类建屋聚居的遗迹, 加上当地世代以泥砖建屋,木材是罕有建材。如此推测,这处遗骸应该就是 传说中的诺亚方舟。
•-When God saw that the wickedness of
humankind was great in the earth,He decided to blot out from the earth the humans together with all the other animals. But Noah, a righteous man, found favor in the sight of God.
• 由《圣经》的记载推算,大船应该是一只排水量43000吨的巨大木箱,最 后停靠在亚拉腊山上。亚拉腊山位于今土耳其东部,海拔5000多米,这 里果真是大船最后的归宿吗? • 2003年,卫星拍到亚拉腊山有一片“不规则区域”,这里纹理相对平整, 好像和周围的岩石质地不同。科学家通过软件分析,计算出“不规则区 域”的长度是309米。更令人兴奋的是,记载中的诺亚方舟长宽比为6:1, 而卫星拍摄的照片显示,“不规则区域”的长宽比也是6:1。
• 如此说来,其它关于方舟遗迹、遗址的传言自然不攻自破。
Thanks for
• 上帝对诺亚说:你要用歌斐木(柏木)造一只方舟,分 一间一间的造,里外抹上松香。方舟的造法乃是这样: 要长300肘(古代长度单位,1肘=0.44米),宽50肘,高 30肘……你和你的全家都要进入方舟,凡洁净的畜类你要 带七公七母,不洁净的畜类你要带一公一母,空中的飞 鸟也要带七公七母。因为再过7天,我要在地上降雨40昼 夜,把我所造的各种活物,都从地上除灭。 • 诺亚就遵循着上帝的吩咐行事了。 • 当人和各样活物都进去之后,过了7天,洪水泛滥在地上。 大渊的泉源都裂开了,天上的窗户也敞开了。水势在地 上极其浩大,天下的高山都淹没了。2月17日,方舟停在 亚拉腊山上。
• God asked Noah to make an ark of cypress wood. ['saipris]柏木/歌斐木,and cover it with pitch. 沥青; 松脂. And the length of the ark is three hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits. • When the flood came on the earth, he waters swelled so mightily as to cover all the high mountains under the whole heaven fifteen cubits deep. All the living things were blotted out on the earth except for those Noah with his family had taken into the ark two of every kind of living things, a male, and its mate.