明辨性思维完整版课件section 01 what is Critical Thinking

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levels of thinking
Lower-Order Thinking Higher-Order Thinking Critical Thinking Critical Thinking Standards Barriers to Critical Thinking Benefits of Critical Thinking
Logical Correctness Completeness Fairness
Barriers to Critical Thinking
Bias and prejudice Egocentrism (self-centered thinking) Sociocentrism (group-centered thinking)
Barriers to Critical Thinking
Conformism (tendency to follow the group; to do something because everyone else is doing it) Unwarranted assumption (to take some belief for granted without good reasons) Overwhelming emotions
HigherOrder thinking
In college, students are expected to engage in higher-order thinking. Higher-order thinking entails more than simply memorizing facts. Students who engage in higher-order thinking should be comfortable: --Evaluating their knowledge. --Interpreting their knowledge. --Questioning the correctness of their assumptions, biases, and prejudices.
TV news
What is critical thinking?
How to Develop Critical Thinking Skills
Here Are Some Tips
1 Value objective reality
2 Keep an open mind
In time of information explosion
Blog aticles
Online chatrooms
Build one’s viewpoint activly
Accept other’s passivly books
Public speech
Lower-Order thinking
Lower-Order thinking is the kind of thinking students are asked to perform in middle school. --Students are expected to memorize material. --Students are thought to have successfully learned material when they can accurately recite it back to their teachers.
What do you think "critical thinking" means?
Different sources define it in different ways, but basically: Its looking at the world to extract the essential truth Understanding the context and concepts behind a given topic or issue Looking at the big picture, understanding how all the details fit together to make the big picture
change our way of THINKING ! 海绵式思维
阅读句子:这个句子的意思是? 标注重点:这个段落的关键是? 总结观点:找到并理解作者意思 记住作者观点及推理,但不能评价
提出问题:为什么提出这个观点? 质疑推理:推导过程合乎逻辑吗? 评估材料:这些论据可信度高吗? 发现最有意义的论点和观念
Thought and language
Critical Thinking Standards
Thought and language
Facts and descriptions
1 3
Critical Thinking Standards
Fra Baidu bibliotek
Benefits of Critical Thinking
When we learn how to think critically, we learn how to learn. This improves: --Our education. --Our careers. --Our lives.
6 Challenge conventional wisdom
智者受理智的指导, 常人受经验的指导; 而野兽受直觉的指导。
5L 6L
think !
process of problem solving
read and understand the question; think, and find a proper solution; confirm your solution with the question; but most importantly, just don't panic! you should calm dowm yourself before making any move
3 Distinguish between observation and inference, between established facts and assumptions
4 Maintain a sense of humor
5 Cultivate intellectual curiosity
财大 龙欣
Section 1
What is critical thinking?
critic的词源: kriticos -- 恰当的判断 kriterion -- 标准
think !
what is your answer?
how can i get 3 litres of water with these 2 measuring cups ?
critical thinking
Students who engage in critical thinking must be able to: --Identify, analyze, and evaluate arguments. --Discover and overcome biases and prejudices. --Make arguments based on logical, wellsupported evidence. --Make judgments based on reason and evidence, not emotion or prejudice.