文秘 英语

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Part One
Part TwoUseful Expressions Part Three Part Four Part Five Simple Writing Exercises Social Etiquette
Dialogue One
This is the first day for Miss Susan Brown at work, the personnel staff Mrs. Linda Simpson is greeting her and introducing her to Jocelyn Green, the assistant to general manager and Susan’s superior as well, tells her what duties and routine jobs she will take. S: Susan Brown L: Linda Simpson
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Dialogue One
L: Susan, I’d like to show you around the administrative departments in our company which include Personnel, Finance, Production and Marketing Dept. To begin with, please come here to see the chart on the wall from which you may have a brief overview of the structures4 in each department. You see, this is the Production Dept. and it is made up of four divisions such as Production Control, Material Control, Quality Inspection, Research, and Development Center5, Mr. John Thomson is in charge of it and there are four supervisors in each section. S: Ok, I see. 5. 生产控制部、物料控制部、质检部和研发中心 4. 简单了解它的基本框架
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Dialogue One
L: Sure. First of all I think we should go around and meet most of the colleague you’ll be working with, knowing who’s who in the company1 as soon as possible so that you’ll be aware of who and where to go if you need to handle any office affairs. Let’s start with your superior2 , Miss Jocelyn Green. You will work with her during the following two weeks and she will insBiblioteka Baiduruct you how to handle the office routines before she leaves us and then you’ll take her position3. (They go towards Jocelyn’s worktable.) 2. 接替她的位置。 3. 弄清公司每一个人的身份 1. 我们就从介绍你的上司开始吧。
L: Hi, Susan, welcome to join us. S: Thank you, Mrs. Simpson. Everything is so new and exciting to me. L: Yes, I see. S: Mrs. Simpson, as you know, I’m just a newcomer here, so would you please tell me what I shall start with my first day job?
Preparation for the First Day at Work Tips
Whether you’re starting your first job or you’re an experienced worker, there is no better time to make a good first impression than your first day at work. Here is how: You may begin preparing for your first day at work the night before. Though being excited or even nervous, you should do your best to get a good night’s sleep so you are well rested for the next day. Before going to sleep the night before, gather any supplies, tools, or equipment that you will need for your first day at work. If you carry a briefcase, pack it the night before. Be sure to have a ballpoint pen for filling out those necessary tax forms. In the morning of your first day at work, allow yourself plenty of time for getting ready and for the commute.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Dialogue One
L: And this is Marketing Dept. which includes two branches, Marketing and Sales Center and After-sales Service Center6 . Mr. John Gray is the sales manager. He always takes business trips and Linda Black is his personal assistant. S: Ok, let me write it down. Do you think it is possible for me to go right now and see each of them? L: Why not? Let’s go. 6. 营销中心和售后客服中心。
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Dialogue Two
S: That’s not a problem for me to work overtime occasionally because I need to get more working experience. But I wonder if it is very difficult to handle these office routines. J: Generally speaking, it is not so difficult for you so long as you are engaged in it. S: I will. Then, what can I start now? J: Well, the first thing you may do now is to collect today’s newspapers and messages and put them on Mr. Stevenson’s desk, informing him of today’s appointments, meetings and all the other scheduled activities. S: What can I do for these letters?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Dialogue Two
This is the second day for Susan to be at work, and she is greeting Jocelyn. S: Susan Brown J: Jocelyn Green S: Good morning Jocelyn. J: Good morning, Susan. The general manager,Mr. Henry Stevenson, will be glad to see you. He is a hard-working man, full of energy and enthusiasm. So as his secretary, it’s impossible for us to sit idle, or doing nothing. Instead we have a lot of work to do every day and sometimes we have to work overtime.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Dialogue One
L: Good morning, Jocelyn. May I introduce a new member of our office to you? This is Susan Brown, your future replacement and she will work under you in the coming double weeks. (then turn to Susan) Susan, this is Jocelyn Green, a very experienced secretary from whom you may learn a lot of things and skills. J: Glad to see you, Susan. S: Glad to see you, Miss Green.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Dialogue Two
J: You will take care of them, you may open all the envelopes except the personal mails to read, sort and organize them, then either hand them over or report them to Mr. Henry Stevenson briefly, in accordance with their contents and importance. In some cases, you will be expected to process the letters1 by yourself if you know very well about how-to, otherwise, you’d better ask for the boss’s opinions before you make decision. S: I see. But shall I also deal with these email messages or facsimile letters? J: Yes, it is also a part of your daily jobs which you have to take very seriously. S: Oh, yes, of course. 1. 处理信函
Unit 2
Knowing Your Office Work
Study Objectives
学习用英语与办公室同事初次见面问候并了解办公室工作环境 学习用英语描述和领会涉外秘书办公室日常工作 了解办公室的基本礼仪 掌握商务信函及信封的写作格式与规范