第五章 词语的翻译
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①敌人的阴谋破产了。 The enemy's scheme went bankrupt. ②我们制订了一项计划。 We have mapped out a scheme.
fortuneteller compound
sour grounddates nuts rickshaw -boy
先交代我自己吧。我是个算命先生。我也卖过酸枣、落花生什么 的,那可是先前的事了。现在我在街上摆挂摊,好了呢,一天也抓 弄个三毛五毛的。老伴儿早死了,儿子拉洋车。我们爷儿俩住着柳 家大院的一间北房。 First, a few words about myself. I’m a fortuneteller. Once I was a vender of sour dates, ground-nuts and what not. But that was ages ago. Now I keep a fortuneteller’s stall on the side-walk and can scrape up three or five dimes a day at best. My old gal had long kicked up her heels. My son’s a rickshaw-boy. That’s who he is. We two, father and son, hang our hats at a south-facing room in the Liu’s compound.
1. 我们找个安静点的地方好好聊聊。 Let’s find a quiet place where we can have a good talk. Let’s find somewhere quiet so we can have a good talk. 2. 箱子里已经没有地方了。 平民的; There is no more space in the chest. 民用的 There is no room left in the chest. 3. 你希望留在部队还是到地方上去? Do you wish to stay in the army or to transfer to a civilian unit? Would you like to stay in the army or leave for a non-military unit?
2.论褒贬,即要注意同义词之间有不同的 语体色彩、使用范围及程度。 (1)词义有轻重的不同
表示“打破”的词 break是最一般的用语,意思是经打击或施加压力而破碎。 crack是出现了裂缝,但还没有变成碎片。 crush是从外面用力往内或从上往下压而致碎。 demolish是破坏、铲平或削平(如土堆、建筑物、城堡 等)。 destroy是完全摧毁,使之无法复原。 shatter是突然使一物体粉碎。 smash是指由于突如其来的一阵暴力带一声响而彻底粉碎。
intimate — casual—consultative— formal — frozen
(一)准确理解词义 1.根据上下文辨词义,即必须根据该词在文中的地 位,联系上下文的逻辑关系,决定其译义。 他说英语。 他说谎。 他说他很忙。 我说不好。 这可说不得。 别胡说八道!
He speaks English. He’s telling a lie. He says he is busy. I’m unable to express. It must not be mentioned. Be reasonable!
合适的词用在合适的地方就是好文章。 ———Jonathan Swift
country表示国家的地理范畴。 nation体现在共同的地域和政府下的全民概念 land给人以国土或家园之感。 state指国家的政治实体 power表示国家的实力 empty可以用来形容house, room, cup, box,stomach, head, words等词,表示“空的,一 无所有。” vacant可以用来形容position, room, house, seat 等,表示“没有人占用的,空缺的。” hollow可以和tree, voice, sound, cheeks等词连 用,表示“空洞的,虚的,不实的,下陷的。”
词语Hale Waihona Puke Baidu翻译
Teaching objectives:使学生掌握 辨析词义、选词用词的方法和成语、四 字格词语的翻译技巧 Teaching Focus:辨析词义、选词用 词的方法和习语、四字格词语的翻译技 巧 Time Allocation:180 minutes Teaching Methods and Strategies: teacher presentation and class discussion
表示“闪光”的词。 shine 照耀;指光的稳定发射。 glitter闪光;指光的不稳定发射。 glare耀眼;表示光的最强度。 sparkle闪烁;指发射微细的光度。
agriculture指农业科学、农业技术、整个农业生产过 程,所包含的范围最广。 farming指农业的实践。 cultivation指农作物的栽培过程。 agronomy指把科学原理运用到农业耕作中去的实践。
“马” horse 为一般用语 steed 为诗歌用语
“波浪”: wave 为一般用语 billow 为诗歌用语
“警察”: policeman 正式用语 cop 美国口语 bobby 英国口语 nab 美国俚语
“声誉”: fame具有褒义,指有关一个人的人格、行 为、才能等方面的优点。 reputation和repute差不多,也是指对 人或物的评价或看法。这两个词的词义都比 fame狭窄,可用作褒义或贬义。 distinction往往是由于职位、地位或人格 所造成的,通常包含有“优越于人,与众不 同”的含义。 renown指的是显赫的声誉或应该得到的荣 誉,用作褒义。 notoriety一词则用作贬义,和fame相对。
General/Specific Degree (Deep/Shallow) Coverage (wide/narrow) Abstract/Concrete
农业是国民经济的基础.(广义) 这些年来,我国的农业、林业、畜牧业和渔业都得到了 相应的发展.(狭义) 我们要破除迷信,解放思想.(一般) 当前我们应努力克服个人主义和享乐主义各种错误思 想.(具体) 他那八十高龄的母亲已于上月去世. (褒义) 臭名昭著的麦卡锡终于一命呜呼哀哉!(贬义)
3. 对他这种人就是不能客气. You cannot afford to go soft on a man like him. You must not be too soft when dealing with someone like him. You must be tough with people like him. Don’t give in easily when dealing with someone like him. 贬值; 4.他说自己才疏学浅,这只不过是中国人的客气罢了. 蔑视 He says that he is a man of little learning and talent. That is merely self-depreciation, considered as politeness by the Chinese. When he says he has little learning or talent, he is only being modest in accordance with the Chinese rules of politeness. By describing himself as lacking in talent and learning, he is only being modest like a typical Chinese. He describes himself as incompetent and unlearned. That is merely typical Chinese modesty.
Teaching Procedures
1、认真辨析词义 2、认真选词用词 3、成语汉译英 4、四字格的翻译
多义词 歧异词 同义词 反义词
1. 请别客气. Please don’t stand on ceremony. Please don’t be so polite. Please make yourself at home. Please don’t bother. 礼貌 Please, we don’t want to put you to trouble. 2. 他客气而冷淡地接待了我们. 漠不关心; He received us politely but coolly. 无兴趣 He received us with civility but no warmth. He received us with cool politeness. He received us with polite indifference.
“死”就有许多委婉的说法: to expire 逝世 to pass away 与世长辞 to close (end) one's day 寿终 to breathe one's last 断气 to go west 归西天 to pay the debt of nature 了结尘缘 to depart to the world of shadows 命归黄泉 to give up the ghost 见阎王 to kick the bucket 翘辫子 to kick up one's heels 蹬腿
4. 请大家积极参与单位的体制改革。 Everyone is called on to take an active part in the systematic reform of one’s work unit. You are all encouraged to play an active role in the systematic reform of our unit. 5. 他总是以积极态度处理各种问题。 He takes a positive attitude in dealing with all kinds of problems. He approaches various problems with a positive frame of mind.
“怀孕”也有许多委婉的说法: She is having a baby. 有价值 的物品 She is expecting. 微妙的; She is in a family 虚弱的 way. She is knitting little booties. She is in a delicate condition. She is in an interesting condition.