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Role & Responsibility
- Wistron Case
Function HW (Hardware Design) Responsibility * Hardware is responsible for Electronic Engineering Design * Co-works with S/W and QT to make sure that the every function works well according to spec. * H/W should conduct technical transfer to PE. * H/W should input, update, and maintain the bugs/issues information in the bug tracking system. * Software is responsible for the design of BIOS, Driver, Utilities, and S/W Preload. * S/W co-works with H/W and QT to make sure that every function works well according to the specification. * S/W has to release the SCD and the Cert. Team Document. * S/W should conduct technical transfer to TE. * S/W has to input/update/maintain the bugs/issues information in the bug tracking system. * ID/ME is responsible for Mechanical Engineering, Thermal and Packing designs. * ID/ME should conduct technical transfer to PME. * ID/ME should input, update, and maintain the bugs/issues information in the bug tracking system used.
SW (Software Design)
ID/ME (Industrial Design/ Mechanical Engineering)
Role & Responsibility
- Wistron Case
Function PA (EMI/Safety, QT, CE/Reliability, PCB, OS Certification) EMC/Safety Responsibility 為產品保證暨開發支援Function之總稱, 主要負責根據 MRS/PES 執行各 項 產 品 之 測 試 , 諸 如 EMC/Safety : REGULATORY TEST , CE : RELIABILITY TEST 及 KEY COMPONENT APPROVAL , PCB : PCB LAYOUT, DC : BOM , OS : OS 認證 etc;… All products to meet EMC/Safety requirements and guarantee the legality in the international marketing. 申請產品之安規、測試、 Debug.. 為 R&D 轄 下 所 屬 之 測 試 單 位 人 員 , 主 要 負 責 各 項 產 品 之 測 試 , 諸 如 COMPATIBILITY TEST, SOFTWARE TEST, S/W PRELOAD TEST, DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAM TEST ,ETC., 組件承認測試、不良品故障分析及其他附件等材料品質之管制及保證 產品相關之可靠度與環境實驗,以及可靠度工程之研究與制定. PCB Layout之申請、PCB之設計、Orcad library & Mentor library的建 立與管理. 信號品質CAE分析, PCB layout外包廠商之管理,PCB製造廠商之管理. 執行公司各產品之 OS 相容性認證測試及 LOGO 申請. O.S. Beta Site 測試
Role & Responsibility
- Wistron Case
Function PM Responsibility 產品經理- Product Manager (或計畫專案經理- Project Manager)為所 負責計畫或產品線成敗之總負責人, 將依產品線之性質指定專人負責某類 產品,必頇對所負責產品線專業領域之發展及行銷雙方面皆有相當程度的 了解. 並依照產品之條件及市場狀況,做適當的運用,訂定技術或產品市場 競爭策略,並在適當的時機推出適當之技術或產品. TM is responsible to coordinate technical issues conflict among HW, SW, ID and ME and decision-making. TM has to handle all project technical issues. 為規劃推廣、連絡及控制專案進行的負責人, 掌握專案進行之情況以協助 處理異常狀況, 使新產品能順暢切入工廠且如期推出, 以提高產品競爭力. 協助 R&D RELEASE 開發階段 BOM CHANGE NOTICE. R&D 包括電子部門及工業設計部門,若只寫 HW (Hardware Design) 則指 電子部門,若只寫 ID (INDUSTRIAL DESIGN) 則指工業設計部門; 包括ME, Thermal, Packing design. 若只寫 SW (Software design) 則指軟體設 計部門有負責 BIOS, Driver 及 Pre-load 不同工作性質之軟體開發功能. R&D 人員負責產品之開發、設計、測試規劃,包括 H/W、S/W及ID的開發、 設計、提出新發明及著作權揭露書.
C-System Introduction will cover
• Role & Responsibility (R&R) • Process
– Cx Stage: • C0: Proposal phase 構想階段 • C1: Planning phase 規劃階段 • C2: R&D Design phase 設計階段 • C3: Lab Pilot Run phase 樣品試作階段 • C4: Eng Pilot Run phase 工程試作階段 • C5: PD Pilot Run phase 試產階段 • C6: Mass Production phase 量產階段
Role & Responsibility
- Wistron Case
Function HW (Hardware Design) Responsibility * Hardware is responsible for Electronic Engineering Design * Co-works with S/W and QT to make sure that the every function works well according to spec. * H/W should conduct technical transfer to PE. * H/W should input, update, and maintain the bugs/issues information in the bug tracking system. * Software is responsible for the design of BIOS, Driver, Utilities, and S/W Preload. * S/W co-works with H/W and QT to make sure that every function works well according to the specification. * S/W has to release the SCD and the Cert. Team Document. * S/W should conduct technical transfer to TE. * S/W has to input/update/maintain the bugs/issues information in the bug tracking system. * ID/ME is responsible for Mechanical Engineering, Thermal and Packing designs. * ID/ME should conduct technical transfer to PME. * ID/ME should input, update, and maintain the bugs/issues information in the bug tracking system used.
SW (Software Design)
ID/ME (Industrial Design/ Mechanical Engineering)
Role & Responsibility
- Wistron Case
Function PA (EMI/Safety, QT, CE/Reliability, PCB, OS Certification) EMC/Safety Responsibility 為產品保證暨開發支援Function之總稱, 主要負責根據 MRS/PES 執行各 項 產 品 之 測 試 , 諸 如 EMC/Safety : REGULATORY TEST , CE : RELIABILITY TEST 及 KEY COMPONENT APPROVAL , PCB : PCB LAYOUT, DC : BOM , OS : OS 認證 etc;… All products to meet EMC/Safety requirements and guarantee the legality in the international marketing. 申請產品之安規、測試、 Debug.. 為 R&D 轄 下 所 屬 之 測 試 單 位 人 員 , 主 要 負 責 各 項 產 品 之 測 試 , 諸 如 COMPATIBILITY TEST, SOFTWARE TEST, S/W PRELOAD TEST, DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAM TEST ,ETC., 組件承認測試、不良品故障分析及其他附件等材料品質之管制及保證 產品相關之可靠度與環境實驗,以及可靠度工程之研究與制定. PCB Layout之申請、PCB之設計、Orcad library & Mentor library的建 立與管理. 信號品質CAE分析, PCB layout外包廠商之管理,PCB製造廠商之管理. 執行公司各產品之 OS 相容性認證測試及 LOGO 申請. O.S. Beta Site 測試
Role & Responsibility
- Wistron Case
Function PM Responsibility 產品經理- Product Manager (或計畫專案經理- Project Manager)為所 負責計畫或產品線成敗之總負責人, 將依產品線之性質指定專人負責某類 產品,必頇對所負責產品線專業領域之發展及行銷雙方面皆有相當程度的 了解. 並依照產品之條件及市場狀況,做適當的運用,訂定技術或產品市場 競爭策略,並在適當的時機推出適當之技術或產品. TM is responsible to coordinate technical issues conflict among HW, SW, ID and ME and decision-making. TM has to handle all project technical issues. 為規劃推廣、連絡及控制專案進行的負責人, 掌握專案進行之情況以協助 處理異常狀況, 使新產品能順暢切入工廠且如期推出, 以提高產品競爭力. 協助 R&D RELEASE 開發階段 BOM CHANGE NOTICE. R&D 包括電子部門及工業設計部門,若只寫 HW (Hardware Design) 則指 電子部門,若只寫 ID (INDUSTRIAL DESIGN) 則指工業設計部門; 包括ME, Thermal, Packing design. 若只寫 SW (Software design) 則指軟體設 計部門有負責 BIOS, Driver 及 Pre-load 不同工作性質之軟體開發功能. R&D 人員負責產品之開發、設計、測試規劃,包括 H/W、S/W及ID的開發、 設計、提出新發明及著作權揭露書.
C-System Introduction will cover
• Role & Responsibility (R&R) • Process
– Cx Stage: • C0: Proposal phase 構想階段 • C1: Planning phase 規劃階段 • C2: R&D Design phase 設計階段 • C3: Lab Pilot Run phase 樣品試作階段 • C4: Eng Pilot Run phase 工程試作階段 • C5: PD Pilot Run phase 試產階段 • C6: Mass Production phase 量產階段