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Little Habits Make a Big Difference

Everything around us is changing at amazing speed, it seems ̶but some things will always remain the same.________ Some of our daily habits have the power to always give us happiness and lead us toward success. Here are some little habits that can make a big difference:


Many studies have linked early rising with success. An early morning wake-up carries benefits including better planning and anticipation(预料)of problems, and more time to do the things that make you happy.

Happiness comes to those who are curious.

________ As long as you live, there will always be something to learn, and as long as you follow your heart and your passions, you won't miss out on learning.

Believe in yourself and all that your are.

________ Confidence is the key to success ̶the thing that lets you look at the past without regret, stay grounded in the present, and prepare for the future without fear.

A day well spent gets you a good night sleep.

Enough sleep makes you feel healthier and happier, and it's more than lifting up your mood or removing exhaustion. Adequate sleep is a key part of your health and inner happiness. ________ It doesn't take a huge effort to make a significant change in your life-using one or two tiny habits may be all you need. Get started today and you'll soon be experiencing the rewards.

A. That's why habits are so powerful.

B. The ground work of all happiness is good health.

C. Early to rise makes you healthy, wealthy, and wise.

D. The habit of respect means treating everyone with kindness.

E. Nothing will ever make you happier than having faith in yourself.

F. When you rest better, you can live better and achieve more happiness.

G. There is no stage in life when we can't be learning something valuable.

【答案】 A;C;G;E;F





(4)根据上下文可知,这一段讲述的是要相信自己,自信是成功的关键,E选项中的have faith in yourself正是此意,故选E。



1)分析选项,串联主题:了解文章的主题、大意,会让解题的方向更明确。 2)研究空格前后,对比选项,选择答案。3)复读短文,核对答案:为了保证答案的正确性,一定要把答案代入原文,进行核对检查。


The autumn wind woke me up from my dream. I took a deep breath and looked around. Suddenly I saw two people approaching me. As there was no one else in the park, they caught my attention immediately.

The two people were getting closer and I heard them laughing. At first, this laugh made me annoyed as if they had broken my unity with this park and disturbed my thoughts. But all of a sudden, I noticed the age of them — they were old. I could not clearly identify their age, but the woman looked as old as my grandmother. She had grey hair, blue eyes, and a smile on her face. And all the time she was looking at HIM...

"Jim, I think we should change the park. It's the same every Saturday. You know..." "Sus! Hug me."— that was all he said. He looked at her, smiled and gave her a hug.

At this very moment, I saw an old but strong man who knew his wife, and no matter how often she could be complaining, he loved her! I imagined the many things they might go through together — so many hardships that might make them cry, all the problems that they might be experiencing right now and the probability that one of them would outlive the other. And the one that outlives will think the life they spent together was the most beautiful period of their life.

They left, and I was sitting on my bench, shocked, and I had a special feeling in my heart. This feeling was hope! The old couple with all the complaints and tons of mistakes behind their backs made me realize that it was happiness that mattered in life. Eventually, all people would get old and die, and what made a difference was the person you had dedicated your life to. I made a wish — waking up one day, being old and feeling proud of being together with the person I loved to overcome all the obstacles ( 障碍) and fight for happiness.

(1)Why did the author become angry at the old couple's laugh? (no more than 15 words) (2)Why did the old couple look at each other all the time? (no more than 10 words)

(3)What was the author doing at that moment in Paragraph 4? (no more than 20 words) (4)What does the underlined word "dedicated" mean in the last paragraph? (1 word)

(5)How do you like the old couple? What can you learn from the passage? Please express it in your own words. (no more than 20 words)

【答案】(1)Because it had broken his unity with the park and disturbed his thoughts.

(2)Because they loved each other deeply.

(3)The author was wondering what made the old couple love each other so much/The author
