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03-Seller’s Viewpoint卖方观点



1 . A family-owned business is planning to sell the business. What should be their first obxxxxjective? 家族企业正计划出售该企业。他们的第一个目标应该是什么?

• A.Prepare an information memo to describe the business 准备一份信息备忘录来描述业务

• B.Hire an investment bank to market the business 聘请投资银行营销业务

• C.Contact competitors to see if they are interested 联系竞争对手,看看他们是否感兴趣• D.Obtain a valuation of the business from a finance expert 从财务专家那里获得业务估值• E.Look at personnel issues from a possible sale 从可能的销售中查看人事问题

我的答案: D

2 . Sellers in the Mergers and Acquisitions process include the following: 合并和收购过程中的卖方包括以下类别:

• rge companies selling small divisions 大公司销售小部门

• B.Family-owned businesses 家族企业

• C.Private-equity firms 私募股权公司

• D.All of the above 上述所有的

我的答案: D

3 . If a seller (or its investment bank) approaches 100 potential buyers what is the likely number of reasonable acquisition offers? 如果卖方(或其投资银行)接触100位潜在买家,收到的合理收购报价的可能数量是多少?

• A.3

• B.10

• C.20

• D.50

• E.Over 75

我的答案: A

多选题(共1题,每题 20分)

1 . Which are the key provisions in a letter-of-intent? 哪些是投资意向书中的重要条款?

• A.Price 价格

• B.Form of payment 付款方式

• C.Legal and tax structure 法律和税务结构

• D.Non-compete agreements 非竞争条款

我的答案: ABCD

判断题(共1题,每题 20分)

1 . At the beginning of the sale process a seller (or its investment bank) usually need to approach 5-10 potential buyers. 在出售过程的开始,卖方(或其投资银行)通常需要接触5-10个潜在买家。对错

