unit10sports单元测试 职高英语 基础模块

unit10sports单元测试 职高英语 基础模块
unit10sports单元测试 职高英语 基础模块

Unit 10 Sports

Ⅰ,Translate the following phrases

1. be eager to 6.跌倒.倒下

2. keep on 7.欣喜若狂

3. as soon as possible 8.胜利的消息

4. get to 9.擅长

5. give up 10.参加

Ⅱ,Translate the following sentences

11. The Persians wanted very much to have is as theirs.

12. Pheidipides was eager to get to Athens as soon as possible.

13. He was very tired, but he didn’t give up.

14. The idea of a marathon race came up.

15. Keep on, never give up.

16. Pheidipides (擅长……) running.

17. the first modern Olympic Games (举行)in Athens.

18.They (参加)a marathon race to show their strength and will.

19. They (保持身体健康) by running.

20. 我们应该保持和发扬马拉松精神。

Ⅲ, Ahoose the best answer to completed the sentences

21. ---____you good at _____?

---No, I don't like it.

A. Are; drawing

B. Is; drawing

C. Are; draw

D. Is; draw

22.---do you know the man is sitting behind Nancy

A. What

B. Which

C. Who

D. Whom

23. The book fell from the desk the floor.

A. in

B. on

C. to

D. into

24. I'm eager get full marks in the exams.

A. in

B. with

C. to

D. for

25. They are able to talk openly to one another whenever _________ of them feels hurt.

A. either

B. both

C. some

D. all

26. Even Tony’s granddaughter, a five-year-old girl, asked him ________ smoking.

A. give up

B. gave up

C. to give up

D. giving up

27. He is good student that the teacher likes him.

A. so a

B. such an

C. such a

D. so an

28. It is too noisy. I can’t make my voice .

A. be heard

B. hear

C. to hear

D. heard

29. This kind of paper is made wood.

A. of

B. from

C. to

D. in

30. ---What are you doing

---I’m my lost watch.

A. Looking at

B. looking for

C. finding

D. looking into

31. Look ___ the map ___ China ___ the wall, please.

A after, of, in

B at, of, in

C after, in, on

D at, of, on

32. - When did Mr Green arrive in London

- He arrived there ___ the evening of December 6th.

A at

B in

C on

D to

33. The twins got on well ___ their classmates.

A to

B in

C with

D about

34. He couldn't work out the maths problem ___ your help

A without

B under

C for

D with

35. How many English words had you learnt ___ last term

A by the end of

B at the end of

C to the end of

D till the end of

36. I was born ___ the night ___ September 15, 1978

A in, on

B at, on

C at, in

D on, of

37. It's a bad manner to laugh ___people when they are ___trouble

A over, in

B at, in

C in, at

D at, for

38. I go to school ___ bus every morning.

A. in

B. by

C. on

D. at

39. Edison was very interested ___ science when he was a boy.

A. to

B. on

C. in

D. about

40. The story happened ___ Beijing.

A. in

B. with

C. for

D. on

Ⅳ Cloze

A young man was about to finish school. For a long time he had 26 to get a beautiful sports car. He knew his father could well 27 it, so he told him that a sports car was all he wanted.

Then on the morning of his graduation(毕业),he was called to his father’s room. His father told him how 28 he was to have such a fine son, and told him how 29 he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful gift box.

30 , the young man opened the box and found a lovely Bible(圣经)with his name on it. Angrily, he raised his 31 to his father and said, “With all your money you give me a Bible” He then 32 out of the house, leaving the Bible.

Many years passed and the young man was very 33 in business, and had a beautiful home and a wonderful family. 34 that his father was very old, he thought perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him 35 that graduation day. Before he could go, he received a 36 telling him that his father had died. He had to go home immediately and take 37 of the things that his father left him.

When he began to search through his father’s important papers, he saw the still new Bible, 38 as he had left it years ago. He opened the Bible and began to 39 the pages. As he was reading, a car key with a tag(标牌)dropped from the back of the Bible. On the tag was the 40 of his graduation, and the words “PAID IN

FULL”. Sadness and regret(悔恨)filled his heart.

26. A.expected B.believed C.enjoyed D.felt

27. A.afford B.spend C.cost D.pay

28. A.excited B.proud C.angry D.anxious

29. A.far B.much C.long D.often

30. A.Interested B.Tired C.Surprised D.Relaxed

31. A.hand B.head C.voice D.sound

32. A.looked B.moved C.walked D.rushed

33. A.careful B.helpful C.wonderful D.successful

34. A.Wanting B.Suggesting C.Noticing D.Realizing

35. A.on B.since C.after D.from

36. A.bag B.ticket C.phone D.book

37. A.care B.part C.notes D.time

38. A.just B.only C.always D.already

39. A.use B.open C.turn D.close

40. A.place B.date C.test D.name

Ⅴ Reading comprehension

People often say that the Englis hman’s home is his castle.They mean that the home is very important and personal to him. Most people in Britain live in houses rather than flats, and many people own their homes. This means that they can make them individual(个体的);they can paint them, and change them in any way they like. Most house have a garden, even if it is a very small one, and the garden is usually loved. The house and the garden are the private (私人的)space of the individual.

People usually like to mark their space. Are you sitting now in your home or on a train Have you marked the space around yourself as your If you are on the train you may put your coat or small bag on the seat beside you. If you share a flat you may have one corner or chair which is your own.

Once I was travelling on a train to London. I was in a section for four people and there was a table between us .The man on the space on my side of the table at all. I was angry. Maybe he thought that he owned the whole table.

I had read a book about non-verbal communication, so I took various papers out of my bag and put them on his briefcase! When I did this he stiffened and his eyes nearly popped(瞪出)out of his head. I had invaded(侵犯)his space!

A few minutes later I took my papers off his case in order to read them. He immediately moved his case to his side of the table. Of course, it is possible that he just wanted to be helpful to me!

If you are visiting another country you may feel that you don’t have any private space. Hotel rooms look much the same in every country in the world. All day long, you share public spaces with o their people. You see the local people in their private spaces and you feel lonely and “outside”. Local people can create their private spaces by talking about things you don’t know about .And you even feel that they like you to be outside them so that they will enjoy being inside even more! This is one of the difficulties of being a traveler! But if you understand it then it helps you .Haven’t you enjoyed being part of a group and “owning” a bit of space

41. The writer was angry as he was travelling on a train to London because______.

A. he had no place to sit

B. someone had invaded his “space”

C. too many people shared a section with him

D. some other people talked about things he didn’t know about

42. “…you feel lonely and ‘outside”in paragraph 4 means that_______.

A. you are alone outside the house

B. you feel lonely because you travel on your own

C. you are alone and therefore you go outside to have some fun

D. you feel lonely and you don’t belong to that place or that group of people

Paragraph 4 ,the pronoun “them” refers to(所指)“___________”.

A. public spaces

B. private spaces

C. local people

D. other countries

44. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage

A. British people dislike marking their space.

B. You always feel at home in another country.

C. Most British people prefer living in houses to flats.

D. You can’t mark your private space in a foreign country.

45. The main purpose of the passage is to tell readers to _______.

A. own private spaces by living in houses

B. have one corner of their own in public places

C. realize the importance of “space” in communication

D. create their private spaces by talking with local people


26. A 27. A 28. B 29. B 30. C 31. C 32. D 33. D 34. D 35. B

36. C 37. A 38. A 39. C 40. B



此文档下载后即可编辑 2013-2014学年度第一学期期末考试 高一英语试题(对口升学) 说明:本次考试只交答题卡,试卷自己保存好,试后讲评。 第一部分英语知识运用(共三节共45分) 第一节语音知识从下列各组ABCD四个选项中,选出划线部分读音不同的选项。(共5分) ( ) 1. A fish B drive C city D fix ( ) 2. A again B change C ancient D mistake ( ) 3. A luck B culture C hurry D pull ( ) 4. A get B left C never D reply ( ) 5. A stop B possible C hope D modern 第二节词汇与语法知识从ABCD四个选项中,找出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(共30分) 6.--- Who’s the boy _______red hair? A. in B. with C. on D. of 7. This is my sister;name is Linda. A. My B. His C. Its D. Her 8. ____ is a girl, __________ name is Jill. A. Her, she B. He, his C. She, her D. I, my 9.Miss zhang is very kind ____me. A to B for C. at D. on 10. He looks young ____ his age. A. in B. for C. on D. of 11. Li Wei is _______ Chinese boy. He’s ________ honest boy. A. a, a B. an, a C. a, an D. an, an 12. My father often enjoys _____ to music after work. A. listens B. to listen C. listened D. listening 13. Thanks _______your help. A. at B. for C. in D. of 14. ---How do you do? ---_____. A. How old are you? B. Fine, thanks. C. How are you? D. How do you do? 15 Jim is popular __________ his friends. A. to B. with C. for D. on 16._______ girl she is! A How clever a B What a clever C How a clever D How clever 17.—I’m sorry, it’s my fault. —_________ . A Ok, no problem. B That’s all right C No, I’m not D Never mind 18.______ Alice speak English? A Do B Does C Are D Is 19.Mother is ______ in my family. A busier B the busiest C busiest D busy 20.It was a______ winter morning. A snowy B snow C snowing D snowed


Unit 2 Family(Ⅰ) Teaching aims(教学目的及要求): 了解有关家庭成员以及有关职业的词汇 掌握询问家庭及职业的句型,练习提高英语口语交际能力 识记本单元的词汇 Teaching importance and difficulties(教学重点及难点): 询问家庭及职业的句型,提高英语口语交际能力 熟练认读本单元英语词汇 Class(课时):1课时 Teaching methods(教学方法): 情景教学法、合作教学法、分组教学法 运用情景教学和分组教学的方法使学生积极参与课堂中有关“家庭及职业”的提问——How many people are there in your family ? who are they? What are they?等,以及根据实际情况回答“There are people in my family. They are my . ……;当同学回答遇到困难的时候,可以求助同学和老师,在老师同学的帮助下完成提问,提高同学回答问题的积极性。 Teaching aids(教具): 准备有关家庭成员的图片;录音机 Reference book(参考书): 教师用书 Teaching procedures(教学过程): Step1——warming up: Describe the members of a family in the picture.we can draw the family tree. Family tree 复习有关描述职业的词汇:worker/ teacher/ manager/ doctor/ student/ driver/ farmer/


基础模块单项选择(选) 1 Italy is ______European country. A an B a C the D.\ 2 which is ____ , Canada or Australia? A. large B. larger C. the larger D. the largest 3 When we saw his face , we know ____was good . A. a news B. a many news C. news D. the news 4 Thefamily__together is important during the Spring festival. A. getting B. to get C. got D. geting 5 Did you carry your notebook ? . Yes, I remembered ___it with me. A. to take B. to bring C. taking D. Picking 6 What’s the weather like today? It’s_________. A. sun B. suny c. sunny D. Wind 7.________of the students are girls, and the rest______ boys. A. Two third, is B. The two third, are C. Two thirds, are D. Two thirds, is 8.Look! Someone _______ the classroom A has swept B is sweeping Care sweeping D. have swept 9.The more you practice , the ______ you draw. A. good B. better C. well D. best 10. The doctor asked the old man to give_______ smoking. A .to B. up C. off D. in 11. I hope ______ successful in your study. A. you to be B. it will be C. it to be D. you will be 12. _____ can I keep the dictionary? ---A week. A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. How far 13. Watching TV too much is bad ____ your eyes. A. at B. to C. for D. with 14.The film ____ him ____ what he had seen in London. A. remind?-of B. reminded?-to C. reminded?-of D. remind?-to 15.I?ˉm looking forward to _____ from you . A hearing B. to hear C. to be heard D. to have heard 16.The girl ____ to bed until very late last night. A. went B. didn't go C. go D. don't go 17. He is _____ _____ to join the Army. A enough old . B. old enough C enough young D. young enough 18.He was born ______ December 24,1990. A in B on C at D by


英语基础模块下册 Unit1TravelThe Great Wall 1.the Great Wall“长城” 2.JiayuguanPass“嘉峪关” 3.in Gansu Province“在甘肃省” 4.The west end of the Great Wall“长城西端” 5.a beacon tower“烽火台” 6.ShanhaiguanPass“山海关” 7.The First Pass under Heaven“天下第一关” 8.The Old Dragon Head“老龙头” 9.The east end of the Great Wall“长城的东端” 10.during the Ming Dynasty“在明朝期间” 11.on business“出差,因公” 12.an American engineer“一位美国的工程师” 13.talk to“与……谈话” 14.a tour guide“一位旅游向导” 15.hopetovisittheGreatWallfirst“希望先参观长城” 16.be far from“离……远” 17.a booklet with a brief introduction“一本简介小册子” 18.picksbup“搭载,开车接(某人)” 19.tomorrow morning“明天早晨,明天上午”

20.one of the world’s most famous wonders“世界上最著名的奇观之一” 21.be famous for…“因……而著名” 22.be located in…“位于,坐落于” 23.in the north of China在中国的北方” 24.during the Warring States Period(476-221BC)“战国时期(公元前476-公元前221年)” 25.the first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty“秦朝第一个皇帝”,即“秦始皇” 26.have sth done“使……,被……”指让人做某事。 27.It’s said that…“据说……” 28.It is believed tha t…“据信……” 29.It is reported that…“据报道……” 30.one fifth of China’s population at the time“当时占全国人口的五分之一” 31.be forced to do…“被迫做” 32.under terrible conditions“在恶劣的条件下” 33.It takes sb some time\money to do…“做某事花费某人(时间\钱)” 34.4feetlong“四英尺长”“数量+形容词(long,wide,hig h…)”表示某物的尺寸。35.to be enough to do sth“足够做……” 36.in the 16thcentury“在16世纪” 37.by hand“用手;以手工” 38.Bohai Bay“xx” 39.on the coast of Bohai Bay“渤海湾的海滨”

职高英语基础模块1 高等教育 unit1 教案 第一课时

Book1 Unit 1 Nice to meet you! (第一课时教学设计) 一、学情分析 本单元是新生入学的第一单元,教学重点是活用招呼用语、相互了解个人基本信息、制作个人名片、学习不同职业的表达与描述以及练习发音。就学习英语而言,职业学校的许多学生是胆大心粗,能说不会写或写不到位。因此,教师在教学过程中应充分利用学生的特点开展相应活动。我们可以利用学生胆大、敢说的特点,充分利用头脑风暴法采集相关素材,开展如招呼用语集锦、刨根问底探隐私、名片栏目大荟萃等活动。教学中名片栏目的设计、描述不同职业、圆润的发音是本单元难点。圆润的发音要靠长期的示范与坚持来实现。名片中各栏目的设计可以集体讨论商定,个人名片设计则可以体现个性化、专业化,并决出最佳名片设计奖,教师还可以请学生一起收集生活中的名片,探讨名片的基本要素和个性特色。职业的描述教师可以借助体态语、道具、图片、视频等来推进,还可以设计相应的练习强化学生的认知。 本单元设计分为4个课时: 第一课时 lead-in + listening and speaking 第二课时 reading and writing 第三课时 language in use + vocabulary consolidation 第四课时 unit task + pronunciation practice 第一课时 Lead-in + Listening & Speaking 二、教材分析 1.教学内容 本课时系教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第一单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking两部分,具体内容为:招呼用语,听懂并掌握询问和提供个人信息的词汇、句型。 2.教学重点、难点 ⑴教学重点 招呼用语,听懂并掌握询问和提供个人信息的词汇、句型 ⑵教学难点 个人信息的词汇、句型 三、教学目标 1.知识目标 ⑴掌握与个人信息相关的词汇,如name, first name; last name; name card; telephone number; age; address; e-mail address; job (engineer; manager; secretary; teacher; student; doctor; nurse; singer; fans); position(boss); ⑵掌握提供或询问个人信息时所使用的句型,如: 1) about greeting:


Unit10 一、语音知识:从 ABCD 四个选项中找出其划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。 ( )1. fashion A. flame B. ancient C. battle D. name ( )2. private A. distance B. title C. spirit D. kilometer ( )3. holiday A. soldier B. hold C. story D. cold ( )4. cold A. glory B. exhausted C. Olympic D. story ( )5. wear A. hear B. swear C. clear D. near 二、词汇与语法知识:从 ABCD 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 ( )6. She is ______ a lovely girl that we all like her very much. A. so B. such C. too D. enough ( )7. You have ______ little money that you can’t afford to buy _____ a big house. A. so; so B. such; such C. so; such D. such; so ( )8. Don’t do it like this _____ next time. A. any long B. no more C. no longer D. any more ( )9. Do you know who ______ the gold medal? A. won B. win C. defeat D. defeated ( )10. As we all known, Japan lies _____ the east of China. A. in B. on C. to D. at ( )11. ---How often do you write to your sister? ---_______ A. Twice a month B. Second times a month C. Second a time a month D. A second time a month ( )12. “Not all the students can understand the teacher in class” means _____. A. All the students can’t understand the teacher in class B. None of the students can understand the teacher in class C. No students can understand the teacher in class D. All the students understand the teacher in class ( )13. Do you want to ______ part in the game? A. join B. take C. join in D. joined ( )14. When did your brother _____ the army? A. joined B. join in C. take part in D. join ( )15. People put vegetables in the bridge in order to _____ them fresh. A. keep B. stay C. make D. let ( )16. There is a stone bridge _____ the river. A. over B. above C. at D. On ( )17. The Great Wall runs _____ north China like a huge dragon. A. over B. on C. cross D. across ( )18. She was angry _____ the damage, and _____ the driver for having caused it. A. at; at B. at; with C. with; with D. with; at ( )19. Your composition is good ______ a few mistakes here and there. A. besides B. except C. except for D. except that ( )20. He decided to visit the family ______ Friday night. A. at B. in C. on D. Over ( )21. A battle _____ the Persians and the Greeks happened. A. between B. among C. from D. for ( )22. When he _____ the mountain at last, he was out of breath. A. reached to B. arrived to C. got D. got to


职高英语基础模块模拟试卷 第一部分选择题(共60 分) 一、单项选择题(本大题共40 小题,每小题1 分,共40 分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请选出正确答案并将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。 ()1. It was ____ who helped Tom out when he was in trouble. A. me B. I C. us D. ours () 2. What are you doing now? ______ you _______ TV? A. Is··· watch B. Are··· watching C. Are··· watch D. do··· watch () 3. We heard a terrible noise _____ night. A. in B. at C. on D. since ()4. She never had ______ before she became a teacher. A. a lot of work's experiences B. much experience of work C. a lot of work experience D. many experiences of work () 5. The young man wanted to know ______ I know. A. all what B. which C. that D. what () 6. -----"I can't find my mobile-phone. " -----You _____ it in the office. A .must have lost B. might lose C. could lose D. must lose ()7. Difficult _____ the problem is, we should try to work it out. A. however B. as C. although D. that ()8. The train from Beijing _______ this station on time this morning. A. arrived in B. arrived at C. reached to D. get ()9. You must write a _____ composition tomorrow. A. eight-hundred-word B. eight-hundred-words C. eight- hundreds- word D. eight- hundreds- words ()10. ______ he has lived in London, he writes in Chinese. A. As B. Because C. Although D. As if ()11. You_____ put the fruits in the icebox for a longer time. A. mustn't B. needn't C. may not D. don't have to ()12. He said that his job _____ by the end of last week. A. was done B. will be done C. had been done D. is being done ()13. The young woman spent all money that she has ______ the beautiful coat. A. buy B. to buy C. on buying D. buying ()14. If he had known the truth, he _____ us early. A. has told B. had told C. would tell D. would have told ()15. -----What is the woman? -----She is _____. A. a dancer and a fashion designer B. dancer and fashion designer C. a dancer and fashion designer D. the dancer and fashion designer ()16. Shall we stay here or ______ to the park.


职高英语基础模块教案 【篇一:中职英语基础模块1 教学设计】 中职英语基础模块1 教学设计(教案、学案)unit 6 第三课时unit 6 would you like to order? (第三课时教学设计) 一、教材分析 1.教学内容本课时系教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第六单元的第三课时,即reading and writing 部分。本部分的主要活动是读懂菜单,在前两课时的基础上,学生已经了解了一些菜名,本部分内容要求学生通过就菜品的价格用英语进行比较,从而让学生学会在口头和书面表达中正确运用形容词比较级和最高级比较事物,进一步增加学生的学习词汇以及增强学生实际运用语言的能力。 2.教学重点、难点 (1)教学重点 ①通过阅读菜单和表格,学生能总结并掌握形容词比较级和最高级的变化规 律。 ②学生能在口头及书面表达中正确运用形容词比较级和最高级比较不同餐 厅 ③学生能根据阅读材料,纠正错误信息的表达。 (2)教学难点 ①学生通过文中给出的线索,猜出词义 ②学生能够运用阅读表格的策略对餐厅进行比较 二、教学目标 1. 知识目标 (1)学生能理解并运用形容餐厅的词汇如,delicious, cheap, expensive 等 (2)学生能够正确运用形容词比较级和最高级比较各餐厅情况 2. 能力目标 (1)学生能够读懂菜单,并通过文中给出的线索,猜出词义,归纳形容词比较级和最高级规律。 (2)学生能够运用形容词的比较级和最高级以书面形式简单介绍餐厅的基本

情况,如路程远近,饭菜价格及质量。 3. 情感目标 通过对餐厅的比较,学生外出就餐时能做出理智选择。 三、教学步骤 step one lead-in (1min) teacher shows the situation: if you invite your friend to meiwei restaurant to eat out, what would you like to order for your friend ? (设计意图:教师设定情境,让学生想象邀请朋友用餐。自然进入到下面菜单的阅读阶段。) step tworeading (22min) 1. read and circle ( activity 13 ) students read the menu and circle what you may order for your friend. then teacher asks several students , using the sentence pattern “ what would you like to order ? ” as an example. at last, students as k each other, using the sentence pattern “ what would you like to order ? ”.(设计意图: 让学生选择自己喜爱的食品,在点菜中熟悉菜单。老 师运用本 单元的重点句型进行提问,以巩固本句型的运用。) 2. read and guess students work in pairs and read the price of the food on the menu of activity 13 again , guessing the meanings of the underlined words of activity 14. teacher asks some pairs to tell the class what are the meanings of the underlined words. if the students can’t get the correct meanings, teacher should explain them. (设计意图:阅读菜单,在合作中比较价格,通过文中的线索猜出词意,了解形容词比较级和最高级的运用,并培养学生阅读策略。) 3. read and choose teacher tells the students situation: zhang qing is helping sara, wang yang and li xiaonian to choose the right restaurants. students: (1) read the table individually and the statements of three people. ask the following question. “what kind of restaurant does sara/


职高英语基础模块上册教案 Unit 2 My family Period I Vocabulary 学习目标: 通过复习,掌握本单元的单词和短语。 一.预习检测。 Ⅰ.词汇检查。 小组互查:Ⅰ.牢记以下单词和短语。 grandfather manager uncle family picture both always stand hardworking lively interesting popular right wear thin rather dream guess medical warmth cool retired worker、be kind to、enjoy doing、live with、be popular with、 on the right on the left、be full of、a pair of Ⅱ.补全音标。 1. parent \′p___r__ nt\ 2.lively \′l__ vl___\ 3.family \′f__m__l__\ https://www.360docs.net/doc/d12661402.html,pany\′k__mp__n__\ 5.grandparent\′gr__ndp__r__nt\ 6.glasses\′gl__s__z\ 二.自主探究 Ⅰ.英汉互译。 1.我的全家福_____________ 2.retired worker ___________ 3.喜爱做_________________ 4.be kind to _______________ 5.受…欢迎________________ 6.live with ________________ 7.在左边__________________ 8.a pair of glasses _____________ 9.相当酷 ___________________ 10.be full of _________________ Ⅱ.词汇。 1.woman _______(反义词)______(复数) 2.body _________(复数) 3.stand _______ ________ 4.wear_______ ________ 5.tall__________(反义词) 6.left _________(反义词) 7.thin ________ (反义词)__________(比较级) _______(最高级) 8.medical __________(名词) 9.warmth _________(形容词) 三.课后作业 1)预习本单元的阅读:My family. 2.)课后补充练习。 1..Mr Wang ________________(受…欢迎) his students because his class is ________(生动的)and ____________(有趣的). 2. Who is the man standing____________________(在…左边)you. 3.My family __________________(充满了) love and warmth. 4.He is a ________________(经理)at a __________(公司)and he is a ____________(勤劳的)man. 5.Mr Wang is a ________(退休工人),he enjoys _________(live)with us. 6.The old man with ____________(一副眼镜)is my ____________(叔叔). 7.Our teachers ___________________(对…和蔼可亲)us. 8.Jenny is _________(tall)and _______(thin). but Lucy is __________and

中职英语基础模块上册Unit 1单元测试题

Unit 1 Test 一、英汉互译 1、See you next time 2. a lot of 3. next to 4. look at 5.welcome to 6. 为……而感谢…… 7、课后 8、很高兴做…… 9、努力学习 10、This way, please. 二、用所给词或短语的正确形式填空。 a lot of next to study read be glad to let’s thank…for… want visit meet look at 1. We and in the reading-room after class. 2.You can see students playing on the playground after class. 3.Do you to come to our vocational school? 4.Let’s go to Xinhua Vocational School now. 5.It is 11:40 now. go to the dining hall. 6. the blackboard and read these new words. 7.The students’ dormitory is the school library. 8. you very much your help. 9.My parents want to our teacher today. 10.We study in this school. 三、用BE 的正确形式填空 1. She _______ a student. 2.Jane and Tom _________ my friends. 3. My parents _______ very busy every day. 4.I ______ an English teacher now. 5.Where _________ you from? 6.The light _________ green. 7.My name _________ Li Dong. 8._________ they your new friends? 9. The girl______ Jack's sister.

中职 英语基础模块第一册课后答案

Unit1 1:Complete the dialogues. B:Hello! How are you? A:How are you? B:Good morning. A:It's really fun. 2.Match. classroom. library. playground canteen. dormitory. computer lab 3.Answer the questions. ⑴I think it's very large and beautiful. ⑵Yes,there is. ⑶Yes.I want to get good grades and gain some useful society skill. 1.Pre-reading ⑴The writer learns carrepairing. ⑵The writer felt lonely and missed parents very much. ⑶The writer has three classes in the morning. In the afternoon,the writer has practice classes.After class,the writer has many interesting activities. 3.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the box. ⑴Luckily ⑵vicational ⑶ repair ⑷concern ⑸adapt 4.Write down your own school life plan. Another new term comes again,so I should have a school life plan to promote myself.Firstly,I decided to finish my homework carefully than before.And pay more attention to the know ledge.Secondly,I will do a lot of read to widen the range of my knowledge and try to combine thoerty to practice.Finally, I will learn to adjust,to be more positive and more helpful. That's what I plan to do in a new term.


2012第一学期期中测试题 (100分钟,满分100分) 一、选择填空。(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1. --- Good morning, class!_______________ A. Hello! B. Good morning, Li Lei 。 C. Good morning, Mr. Xiong。 2. --- Hello,___________ --- Hi, Lucy. A. Mr. Green B. Green Mr. C. Mr. Daniel D. Green Daniel 3. --- Nice to meet you!________________ A. Good morning! B. Hello! C. Nice to meet you, too! D. I'm fine. 4. --- Can you play ______? --- No, I can't. But I can play . A. the guitar; the soccer B. guitar; soccer C. the guitar; soccer D. guitar; the soccer 5. --- How do you do? ---_____________. A. Fine. Thank you. B. How do you do? C. Good. D. How are you? 6. --- Sit down, please! --- _____________. . A. Hello. B. You sit down. C. Thank you! D. OK. 7. --- _________are you from? --- I'm from Shanghai. A. What B. Who C. Where D. When 8. Kangkang and Jim_______ from Japan. A. is B. are C. am D. comes 9. --- Are you Kate? --- __________. A. Yes, I'm. B. Yes, I am. C. I am. D. No, I am. 10. ---_________is that?--- That's Wang Lin. A. What B. Where C. Who D. Which 11. --- Do you like your school? ---_________ A. I like. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I do. D. No, I do. 12. This is English book and that is Chinese book. A. a; a B. the; the C. a; an D. an; a 13. ---__________ is the pen?--- It's black __________red. A. What color; and B. How color; and C. What color; or D. How color; or 14. The students study _____ school _____ Monday to Friday. A. in; on B. at; from C. in; at D. at; of 15. Tom isn't a_____ boy. He is an______ boy. A. Chinese; Chinese B. English; Chinese C. English; English D. Chinese; English 16. Can you spell_________ name? A. you B. your C. he D. him 17. There _________a lot of fish in the water. A .is B. are C. have D. be 18. --- ___________________ ? --- Yes. W-A-T-C-H watch. A. Is it a watch B. Can you spell watch C. How do you spell watch D. He can spell watch. 19. _________ are my cousins, and_______is my brother. A. This; that B. These; those C. Those; that D. That; this 二、连线搭配。(20分) ()1、Goodbye. A 、My name is Bob. ()2、What’s your name? B、How do you do? ()3、How are you? C 、Bye-bye. ()4、Hello! How do you do? D、I’m fine, thank you. ()5、Where are you from? E、Ok. Here you are. ()6、Please help yourself . F 、No,thanks. I don’t want any eggs. ()7、I’d like some cookies, please. G、I am from America. ()8、How about some eggs? H、Thanks. ()9、Good afternoon. I、Good morning , teacher. ()10、Good morning , class. J、Good afternoon。 三、用a, an, some 填空。(5分) 1、Mary has ____new sweater. It is very fashionable. 2、Would you like ______juice? 3、It took me half ____hour to get there. 4、I bought _____drinks for my birthday party.
