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• But deliver us from evil. ( but deliver us from nothing)
• Likeliness between the old man and the old waiter-----opposite to the young waiter
• Question: why are the three characters in the story nameless?
The young waiter: compensate for his words by filling the glass to overflowing or on purpose doing this?
• Parody:
• Our father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name, (Our Nothing who art in Nothing, nothing be thy name)
英美文学B 8
• Hemingway: A Clean, Well-lighted Place
• 20th century Am. Poets
• The story: no plot, a loose sketch: an old man leaves a café late at night, two waiters talk while closing up, one waiter stops for a cup of coffee on the way home and does not sleep until morning. On closer examination, the story proves to be heavily symbolic. As one of Hemingway’s most compact stories, it presents two contrasting attitudes to life.
• Hemingway indicates the universal nature of his characters by giving them no names. He sees them as Everyman.
20th century Am. Poets
• Imagism movement: begun by Ezra Pound and a few friends who wanted to rid poetry of the “bad habits” that they felt 19th century poets had fallen into: the use of too many words, the use of words no longer in actual speech, repetitious subject matter, and the use of tired poetic patterns, esp. traditional stanzas and meters.
• Nothing: key word, to the young waiter, the old man had no reason to kill himself because he was not poor. Poverty would be the only excuse for suicide. Hemingway gives the word a deeper meaning: no hope, no close loving friend, no truth or meaning in life, was the exact reason for the old man’s suicide.
• The imagists wanted( the three principles):]
1. Direct treatment: the subject of the poem must be expressed in such a way as to resemble it and reproduce it as closely as possible. Simple language must be used to create an “image”, which the reader can immediately see in his own imagination. Each word must be used with great exactness to produce a precise image and nothing more.
• Beginning: the scene, the climate: a cool evening in a hot dusty Spanish city; an old man, alone, on the outdoor terrace of a restaurant is a part of the landscape. Two waiters discuss the old man’s attempted suicide.
• Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, in Earth as it in Heaven, ( thy kingdom nothing, thy will be nothing, in nothing as it is in nothing)
• Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, ( Give us this nothing our daily nothing, and nothing us our nothings, as we nothing our nothings)
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
being ( existence)----nothingness
e.g. A girl and a soldier under a bright street light-----the solitude of the old man drinking alone in the shadows