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1. __ (电影放映不到十分钟) when electricity was cut off unexpectedly. 1. (The movie had hardly been on for ten minutes)

2.When she saw the pitiful condition of the children, Kim _____ (几乎忍不住流泪了). 2.(could barely choke back her tears)

3. It all came so quickly, so terribly, _____________ (她几乎没有意识到发生了什么事情)before the storm was upon her.

3.(she scarcely realized what was happening)

4. (我们刚要出发) when we realized we’d left the dog behind . 4. (Barely / Hardly / Scarcely had we set off)

5. (第一个演讲者还没有完成演讲) when someone rose to challenge his argument .

5. (The first speaker had hardly finished his speech)

1. We managed to record the whole of the concert from a(n) _____________ (实况转播的) studio broadcast. 1.( live)

2. She is a writer who really knows how to make her character come ____________ (栩栩如生). 2.( Alive)

3. The pyramids are a(n) __________ (永存的纪念碑) to the skill of their builders. 3.( living monument )

4. English is a(n) ________ (仍在使用着的语言) and it is widely used throughout the world. 4. (living language )

5. Their religion is based on a respect for all ______ (生物). 5. (living things) 1. The stuff in this container is a mixture _ _ (面粉和水). 1.( consisting of flour and water)

2. The committee is _________ (由十人组成), which are all well-known authorities on finance. 2.(is composed of ten members)

3. I think the most remarkable fact

about the universe is that these

elements that _____ on earth are

traceable to the actions of stars. (构成

生命体)3.( constitute the life)

4. This album _____ (包含有几首我最爱

听的歌), such as The One, As Long As

You Love Me, and so on. 4.( contains

some of my favorite songs)

5. Two small boys and a dog

________________ (成了街头艺人仅有

的观众).5.(constitute the street

entertainer’s only audience)

1. I haven’t heard from you till today. I

wonder _______(你是否已收到了我的电

子邮件).1.(if you’ve received my


2. I haven’t settled ______________ (春

节期间是否回家的问题). 2.(the

question of whether I’ll go back home

during the Spring Festival)

3. He is nice to me, so I don’t know

________________ (是该接受还是拒

绝). 3.( whether to accept or refuse)

4. Participants will also discuss



4. (whether changes in the education

system are needed)

5. I was asked ________________ (是

想待在旅馆里,还是待在他家里). 5.

(whether I wanted to stay at a hotel or

at his home)

1. The painting is very valuable, so they



1.( have already insured it for over

half a million pounds)

2. At the meeting, ____________(他们

向她保证) she and her Party had the full

support of the local people.

2.( they assured her that)

3. Please take this medicine, for it will



3.( ensure you a good night’s sleep )

4. What you should do there is


有工作能力). 4. assure the manager of

your ability to work

5. They are making efforts to create _(一


kind of device that can ensure the

coal miners against accident)

1. (我很寂寞)________________ when

my best friend was away on vacation

with his family. 1.(I was lonely)

2. Students could see ___________ (老

师一个人朝他们走来). 2.( a lone

teacher coming towards them)

3. The little girl cried _______ (因为她一

个人孤零零地待在屋子里).3.( because

she was alone in the house)

4. What the teacher said warmed

_____________ (那位孤独学生的心).

4.( the heart of that lonely student)

5. She returned to the room and

________________ (发现只有她一人).

5. found she was alone

1. I have known her for two years and

still don’t know ________________ (为


1.( why she never wears red)

2. Our math teacher is a strange person,

because he ________________ (老系


2. (always wears a black tie and black

leather shoes)

3. Early in the morning our secretary

called and told us that _____________


3. (we must wear evening dress for

the banquet)

4. My uncle says that it is just an

informal gathering and all the family

member and friends ______ (不必打扮).

4. (needn’t dress up for it)

5. Tom is going to be 2 years old next

month, but he ________________ (还太


5. (is still too young to dress himself)
