英语科技论文写作Unit 10

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– Academic: in the form of failure or expulsion – Legal: in the form of lawsuits
• Acts of plagiarism
– Copy strings of words from a source without using quotation marks to show that the words came from another writer. – Superficially change words or sentences to make it appear that sentences are original.
• The use of another person’s ideas or words without giving him/her the proper credit • The action of taking (words, ideas, etc.) from someone else’s work and use them in one’s own work without admitting one has done so • A violation of the ethics of the academic community • To bring the serious consequences
• Acts of plagiarism
– Restate another person’s words and ideas in a completely new manner but fail to show whose ideas were in the first place. – Use some thoughts of the original writer and give credit to that first writer, but unintentionally change the meaning of what was in the source.
Unit 10
Plagiarism, General Layout and Check-lists
Topical Highlights
• The Definition of Plagiarism • General Layout: the general way in which printed matter is set out on paper • Check-lists: revision check-list, overall manuscript check-list • Special Attention: conciseness (3) – using technical terms, using contracted words, deleting redundant expressions
• How to avoid Plagiarism
– To represent the source’s ideas accurately – To avoid distortion through misstatement or improper emphasis – To state entirely based on the author’s thoughts and in his own words – To avoid imitating sentence structure, rearranging words and phrases and borrowing phrases even of two or three words
General Layout
• How and where will the paper be published? • How will the planned paper be used and in what way can it be made more beneficial to its intended readers? • Will the paper compete with other papers for readers’ attention or evaluation? Will the board of editors of the target journal be highly critical or highly competitive in admitting manuscripts? • Will the general layout of the paper be accepted by the specific target journal?
• Revision Check-list
– Check carefully to see if there are any places to be revise by answering the following questions:
• Does my paper have a guiding purpose? What is my own contribution to my point of view? Have I indicated how my point of view differs from the point of view held by other writers?
• Revision Check-list
• Is my paper unified? Is it well-organized and proportioned? Is there a clear introduction? Does the discussion really constitute the main body of the paper? Is my conclusion an accurate statement of what I have accomplished? Is it brief and pointed?
• How to avoid Plagiarism
– To indicate the source either with parenthetical documentation accompanied by a list of works cited or with a superscript – To use a raised number in the text and a corresponding footnote or an endnote that is a provided with bibliographic information – To use indirect quotation for the presentation of information whenever he cannot justify direct quotation by one of the criteria discussed in the section on direct quotation below
Baidu Nhomakorabea
Faith makes science possible. This does not mean that science rests on religious faith or the acceptance of religious dogmas, but without the faith that nature functions according to laws, science cannot exit. (Plagiarism) • The belief that nature function in accordance with
laws makes science possible. [1](Correct)
• Science depends on faith, not religious faith, but the faith that “nature is subject to law.” [1] (Correct)
I have said that science is impossible without faith. By this I do not mean that the faith on which science depends is religious in nature or involves the acceptance of any of the dogma of the ordinary religious creeds, yet without faith that nature is subject to law there can be no science. • Science is impossible without faith that nature is subject to law. (Plagiarism)
General Layout
• The general layout of a paper usually includes:
– The page layout (page size and page fashion)
– Margins – Typefaces (serif and sans serif) ( – Line spacing and line width
– page grids
• Revision Check-list
– Set it aside for several days so that when he returns to it he can approach it with a degree of objectivity. – Keep an outline and a draft of his paper, basis reference tools (quotations, acknowledgments for facts and opinions in footnotes, a final bibliography referred to in your footnotes) handy.
• Is my paper coherent? Does each sentence
logically follow the topic of the paragraph, and each paragraph follow the thesis statement of the paper? • Is my paper concise? Have I introduced any irrelevant materials? Have I employed any unnecessary words and expressions?
n n)
– Type sizes, the interaction of type size
– Highlighting techniques(boldface type, italic types, reverse type, underlining, and different type sizes)
• Is my paper concrete? Have I avoided any
vagueness and misunderstanding? Is the