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O 叹息桥(英国牛津大学)正式名称为赫特福德(Hertford)桥,是牛津大学的一个 著名景点。叹息桥始建于1913年(1914年完工),正式名称为赫特福德 (Hertford)桥,她跨过新学院路连接了赫特福德学院的新旧两个部分,是牛津大 学的一个著名景点。由托马斯杰克逊爵士(Sir TomasJackson)设计。由于此桥 形似意大利威尼斯的叹息桥故被称为叹息桥
O牛津大学,位于英国牛津 市,是英语世界中最古老 的大学,也是世界上现存 第二古老的大学 。有“天
才与首相的摇篮”之称的 美名。虽然牛津大学的确 切创立日期百度文库不清楚,但 其有记录的授课历史可大 约追溯到1096年,迄今已 有9个世纪。
Oxford University Library
Oxford University has 104 libraries. One of the biggest is the UK's second largest Bodleian Library Library (second only to the British Library), opened in 1602, the British Museum library than 150 years earlier, the existing collection of more than 600 million copies, has a huge hidden underground stacks. Cambridge also has nearly 100 libraries, books about more than 500 million copies per year textbook funds of about 300 million pounds (equivalent to more than 40 million yuan). According to the 1611 British Book Industry hall decision any UK book publishing company must provide a copy free library to Oxford and Cambridge, so far.
Oxford University Library is one of the oldest public libraries in the world, and has
been used to shoot some scenes of "Harry Potter" series of films in the magic
school. 牛津大学图书馆是世界上最古老的公共图书馆之一,曾被用来拍摄《哈利·波特》系 列电影中魔法学校的部分场景。
这座漂亮的罗马式拱形建筑是牛津大学图书馆的阅览室, 旁边就是大名鼎鼎的牛津基督教堂学院。 This beautiful arched Romanesque architecture of Oxford University Library Reading Room, Oxford Christ Church College next to the famous.
牛津大学共有104个图书馆。其中最大的是英国第二大Bodleian图书馆图书馆(仅次于大英图书馆),于 1602年开业,大英博物馆图书馆超过150年前,600多万册的现有的集合,有着巨大的隐藏的地下书库。剑 桥也有近100库,每年约教科书资金500多万份约300万英镑(折合4000多万人民币)的书。根据1611英国书 业展厅决定任何英国的图书出版公司必须提供一份免费的图书馆,以牛津,剑桥,到目前为止。
University of Oxford 牛津大学
制作人:杨珍 杨雪 蒋佳杰
University of Oxford (Oxon)
O University of Oxford,Located in the city of Oxford, is the English-speaking world's oldest university, is the world's second oldest existing university. The "cradle of genius with the Prime Minister," said the reputation. Although the exact date of the creation of the University of Oxford is still unclear, but it has a record of teaching history dating back to about 1096, so far, nine centuries.
Magdalen College(莫德林学院): Is both typical and beautiful Oxford College.
Famous attractions
O Bridge of Sighs (Oxford University) formally known as the Hertford (Hertford) bridge, is a well-known attractions of Oxford University. Bridge of Sighs was built in 1913 (completed in 1914), the official name for Hertford (Hertford) bridge, she crossed the road connecting the old and new New College two parts of Hertford College, Oxford University, is a well-known attractions. By Sir Thomas Jackson (Sir TomasJackson) design. Due to the shape of the bridge Bridge of Sighs in Venice, Italy it is known as the Bridge of Sighs.