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陛下Your/Her/His Majesty

殿下Your/Her/His Royal Highness

阁下Your/Her/His Excellency

接待host, receive, play host to

纪念honor, observe, in honor of, in commemoration of

互访exchange of visits

贵宾distinguished guest

国宴state banquet

贺电message of greeting, congratulatory message

礼仪etiquette, manners

代表on behalf of

最后in closing

金秋golden autumn

剪彩cut the ribbon at an opening ceremony 竭诚do one’s best, spare no efforts

茶话会tea party


奠基礼foundation stone laying ceremony 自助餐buffet dinner


以……的名义in the name of, in on e’s name 圆满成功a complete success

万事如意all the best

友好访问goodwill visit

友好往来friendly exchanges

远道而来come from a distant land

鸡尾酒会cocktail party

答谢宴会return dinner

告别宴会farewell dinner

欢迎宴会welcome dinner

工作午餐working luncheon

欢聚一堂enjoy this happy get-together

借此机会take this opportunity

友好款待gracious hospitality

回顾过去look back on

展望未来look ahead, look into the future 良辰佳时a wonderful time

略备薄酒prepare a humble dinner

坦诚相待in an honest partnership

结交新朋establish new contacts 明月当空moonlit

隆重举行observe the grand opening of

再叙旧情renew one’s old friendship

恋恋不舍feel reluctant to part with

拨冗光临take the time off one’s busy schedule, come here despite one’s busy schedule

本着……的精神in the spirit of

恭维;称赞flattery, compliment

亲切的问候cordial greetings

美好的祝愿good wishes

融洽的气氛a congenial atmosphere

提供全方位的服务offer an all-around service

向……转达我的问候convey my greetings to 对……表示衷心的感谢express/extend one’s heartfelt /sincere thanks to sb for sth, be grateful to sb for sth, pay tribute to sb for sth, appreciate sb for sth

对……表示衷心的祝贺extend one’s sincere congratulations on

贵国人民的友好使者as an envoy of friendship of your people
