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worried:为以后的事情担心 upset:不安的 irritable 易怒的
afford 负担得起 ;承受
通常与can, ◆ 1) afford sth.买得起,付得起 could 连用
◆ e.g.: I can't afford the coat. It's too expensive. ◆ e.g.: I can only afford five yuan. ◆ 2) afford to do sth. 担负得起做某事;有经济能力
It is impolite to interrupt others. 2.中断;遮断;阻碍 交通被暴雪中断了。 The traffic was interrupted by snowstorm.
近义词:disturb vt. 打扰,扰乱
disturb sb 打扰某人 e.g My cousin always makes a lot of noise and
◆ e.g.:I can't afford to be ill again. 我不能再病了。 ◆ I can afford to buy the book.. ◆ =I can afford the book ◆ 翻译:他买不起这台电脑。
He can’t afford the computer/ He can’t afford to buy the computer.
Lesson 15. Good News
Good news
Bad news
n. 秘书;书记;部长;大臣
美国国务卿希拉里 Secretary of State
Kofi Atta Annan
They are general secretaries.
general secretary of the CPC Central Committee
( sick/low/dull )
Weak health
声音 Weak/low voice
Eg. You are weak and not fit to command an
智力 a weak mind(低能)
学习能力 he is weak in mathematics.
He has a strong/healthy body
Great mind
Hawking has a great/strong mind but a weak body.
打断(别人的话等); 暂停;中断
n. interruption
interrupt sb 打断某人的话 1.打断(讲话或讲话人) 打断别人谈话是不礼貌的。
/afford someone great pleasure 给某人很大乐趣
afford sb. a help (offer)
The boy was affording a help to the girl.
weak 虚弱的;无力的
nerve n. 神经
I'm very nervous about taking this exam. ◆ 参加这次考试我非常紧张。 ◆ e.g.: I’m always nervous when I have to make
a speech. ◆ 当我要做演讲时我总是很紧张。 ◆ → be nervous of 害怕……;对……胆怯
into his office. He did not look up _f_ro_m__ his desk when I _e_n_t_er_e_d. After I had sat down, he said that
_b_u_s_in_e_s_s_ was very bad. He told me that the firm _c_o_u_ld_ not afford to pay _s_u_c_h_ large salaries. T_w_e_n_t_y_ people had already left. I knew that _m_y___
disturbs me when I’m studying. 当我在学习的时候,我的表弟总是发出噪音打扰我。
T: We did not disturb him until he had finished work.
The _s_e_c_r_et_a_ry_ told me that Mr. Harmsworth w_o_u_l_d_ see me. I felt very _n_e_rv_o_u_s_when I _w__en_t_
◆ e.g.: Some people are nervous of walking in the dark.
◆ → feel nervous about (at) sth. 为某事儿忐忑不 安
◆ e.g.:I feel nervous about whether I can be admited to this university.
secret 秘密 n. keep a secret保守秘密 the secret of success成功的秘密 an open secret一个公开的秘密 secret adj.秘密地,保密的,不公开的 a secret marriage一次秘密的婚礼 keep a secret for sb 为某人保守秘密 keep a secret to sb 对某人保守秘密
turn had come. I said _i_n___ a weak voice: “ Mr.
3. 足以;经得起;能受得住,够得上(做某事): The country can't afford another flood. 该国经不起再受一次水灾了。
4. 给予;提供,供给: 音乐给我带来乐趣。 Music affords me pleasure. Phrase:afford great pleasure to someone