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Are they playing basketball? No,they aren't.
They are playing football.
Who is the guessing champion?
Let’s play a game:
Are they + v-ing…? Is it/he/she + v-ing…?
六年级英语时态综合复习 现在进行时
Sing a song.
Look and answer
Look! What is he doing? He is crying.
Look and answer
What is the bird doing? It is singing.
Look and answer
的单词,去掉e, take
重读闭音节以一 个辅音字母结尾 的,双写辅音字 母再加ing
get swim run put
writing taking dancing getting swimming running putting
Clever saying(顺口溜)
魔术师“ing”真神奇,加“ing”表示 正进行。
wash_w_a_s_hi_ng clean_c_le_a_n_in_g
dance_d_a_n_ci_ng read_re_a_d_in_g fly__fl_y_in_g
make_m_a_k_i_ng paint_pa_i_n_ti_ng think_th_i_n_k_in_g
• 人称+be动词+动词ing形式 注:be动词随人称的变化而变化
Play a game (火眼金睛)
• Look • Think • Remember
(记忆) • Say
What is she doing?
She is drawing pictures.
What is the boy doing?
have_h_a_v_i_ng swim_s_w_i_m_m_ing climb_c_li_m_b_in_g
第一人称+am+v-ing 第二人称+are+v-ing 第三人称+is+v-ing • 单数+is+v-ing • 复数+are+v-ing
我用am, 你用are, is跟着他,她,它
Find out:What are they doing?
Is he writing? No,he isn't. He is reading.
Find out:What are they doing?
Is he walking? Yes,he is.
Find out:What are they doing?
普通动词直接加,简简单单真好记。 尾字母e不发音,去e加“ing”别忘记。 重读闭音节难分清,双写尾字母要牢记。
Do you know how to get “ ---ing” ? Let’s
try ! (完成下面动词的ing形式)
walk_w_a_l_k_ing play__pl_a_y_ing keep_k_e_ep_i_n_g
Look and say(找规律)
drawing having running
writing swimming
cooking taking
listening making
一般在动词原形 do
doing asking
以不发音的e结尾 write
e.g. What are they doing? Are they running?
No,they aren't. They are riding a bike.
What is Lan Yangyang doing?
Is he...?
He is sweeping the floor.
What is Xi Yangyang doing? Is he...?
He is catching butterflies.
What is your mother doing?
She is writing an e-mail.
What are the tigers doing?
They are swimming.
What is Tom doing?
Tom is taking pictures.
He is washing the clothes.
What is Lan Yangyang doing? Is he...?
He is having a bath.
What are they doing? Are they...?
Fill in the blacks
1.The child ___is__o_p_e_n_in_g___the windows now.(open) 2.The boy ___is_d_r_a_w_i_n_g____ a picture now.(draw) 3.Look! She ___is_r_e_a_d_in_g______ a book.(read) 4.I __a_m__w_r_i_ti_n_g__an e-mail to my friend now.(write) 5.Look!Sarah__i_s_m__a_k_in_g__th_e__b_ed____.(make the bed) 6.Listen!The students__a_r_e_s_i_n_g_in_g_______.(sing) 7.We ____a_re__ru_n_n_i_n_g___ to school now.(run)
What are they doing now? They are watching TV.
Look and answer
Listen! What is she doing? She is laughing.
The Present Continuous Tense
现在进行时态表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。 标志词:now(现在) look(看) listen(听)等。