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α-2b干扰素治疗流行性腮腺炎合并睾丸炎35例疗效观察[摘要] 目的:探讨流行性腮腺炎合并睾丸炎有效的治疗方法。方法:选择2008年11月~2010年8月本院住院患者60例,随机分成两组,治疗组35例,对照组25例,治疗组应用α-2b干扰素(凯因益生,北京凯因生物技术有限公司)3 000 000 u每日1次肌注,连用5 d;对照组给予利巴韦林注射液10 mg/(kg·d),最大量至600 mg,加入5%葡萄糖液中静滴,连用7 d。观察两组疗效。结果:治疗组患者退热时间、腮腺及睾丸消肿时间、血、尿淀粉酶恢复时间显著缩短,分别为(1.6±0.8)、(2.7±2.9)、(4.3±1.6)、(3.0±1.1)、(4.1±1.9) d、明显优于对照组的(2.4±1.0)、(8.0±5.0)、(6.2±2.8)、(5.1±1.9)、(6.4±1.1) d,经t检验,p <0.01。治疗过程中未发现不良反应。结论:肌内注射小剂量α-2b 干扰素治疗腮腺炎合并睾丸炎是一种安全有效的方法。

[关键词] 腮腺炎;睾丸炎;α-2b干扰素;疗效观察

clinical efficacy of α-2b interferon in the treatment of 35 cases of epidemic mumps orchitis

ju junling

department of infectious diseases, infectious diseases hospital, dandong city, liaoning province, dandong 118002, china

[abstract] objective: to explore the effective treatment of epidemic mumps orchitis. methods: sixty patients from

november 2008 to august 2010 were slected and were divided into treatment group and control group, the treatment group 35 cases were given 3 000 000 u of interferon α-2b (kain prebiotics, by beijing kain biotechnology co., ltd.) intramuscularly once a day for 5 days and 25 patients in the control group were given 10 mg/(kg·d) ribavirin injection with maximum dose of 600 mg in combination with 5% glucose solution intravenously for 7 days. results: fever clearance time, parotid gland and testicular swelling subsidence time and blood and urine amylase recovery time were (1.6±0.8), (2.7±2.9), (4.3±1.6), (3.0±1.1) and (4.1±1.9) days respectively in the treatment group and were significantly shorter than (2.4±1.0), (8.0±5.0)s, (6.2±2.8), (5.1±1.9) and (6.4±1.1) days in the control group. the differences were found to be significant in t-test (p<0.01). no adverse reactions were found in the course of treatment. conclusion: intramuscular injection of small doses of interferon α-2b is an effective treatment of mumps orchitis.

[key words] mumps; orchitis; α-2b interferon; efficacy observation


以腮腺非化脓性炎症腮腺区肿痛为临床特征[1]。本院使用小剂量α-2b干扰素治疗腮腺炎合并睾丸炎取得了满意疗效,现报道如下:1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料

选择2008年11月~2010年8月本院住院患者60例,随机分成两组,治疗组35例,对照组25例,年龄最小14岁,最大21岁,平均18.7岁,所有患者体重<75 kg,在8~30 d内有密切接触使,发热、畏寒、疲倦、食欲不振,1~2 d后单侧或双侧非化脓性腮腺痛,吃酸性食物后加重,腮腺管口可见红肿,白细胞计数正常或稍低,后期淋巴细胞增加,血清、尿淀粉酶增高,脂肪酶正常。b超示腮腺或颌下腺肿大,腮腺肿大开始消退时患者又出现发热,睾丸明显肿胀和疼痛,鞘膜积液和阴囊水肿,睾丸炎多为单侧,两组病史、年龄、临床表现无明显差异(p>0.05)。全部病例均符合第7版(2008年)传染病学[1](人民卫生出版社)关于流行性腮腺炎的诊断标准。

1.2 治疗方法

全部患者常规卧床休息,给予流食,避免进酸性饮料。注意口腔卫生。餐后用0.9%氯化钠溶液漱口。给予5%葡萄糖液加维生素c 营养支持治疗,治疗组给α-2b干扰素(凯因益生)3 000 000 u,每日1次肌注连用5 d;对照组给予利巴韦林注射液10 mg/(kg·d),最大量至600 mg,加入5%葡萄糖液中静滴,连用7 d。腮腺痛和头痛给予镇痛治疗。肿大的睾丸使用“丁”字带托起。
