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Room to have a great start 成功的开始

Group Coordi nator 团队协调员表

Hotel Level: I -V Departme nt: Rooms Divisio n


Job Band: 8 Reports To: Front Office Man ager

职位等级:8 直属上级:前厅部经理


«Resp on sible for atte nding to n eeds of hotel group guests, in clud ing the room allocati on, bill co

ord in ati on and atte nding to their n eeds whilst they are guests of the hotel.



At In terC on ti nen tal Hotels & Resorts we want our guests to feel special, cosmopolita n and In the Know

which means we n eed you to:

« Be charm ing by being approachable, hav ing con fide nee and show ing respect.

* Stay in the moment by understanding and anticipating guests ' needs, bein^ettent taking own ership of gett ing things done.

« Make it memorable by being knowledgeable, sharing stories and showing your style to create moments that make people feel sp ecial. 在洲际酒店及度假村?,我们希望宾客感觉风格独特、时尚现代和深入洞悉,这意味我们需要你:





♦Prepare for each group ' s arrival, prepare group history, billing information, deposits, filing, VIP in formati on, corresp onden ce, etc.; in teract with book ing con tacts as n eeded. Correctly record group rooms and reve nue in the property man

ageme nt system.


•Process all group reservati on requests, cha nges and can cellati ons received by pho ne, fax, e-mail, mail, in ternally and through travel pla nn ers/corporati ons. En ter an d/or modify group block in system to

en sure inven tory, stay dates, can cellati on policy, deposit requireme nt, and book ing procedure are reflected correctly.


« Maintain accurate fili ng system for groups and en sure that each group block is traced.


« Create and update group block no tes to provide releva nt data perta ining to all group reservati ons, and coord in ate with other departme nts as n eeded to provide group reservati on in formatio n and group n eeds as specified in con tract.


*Provide and maintain reports and records of all groups during stay and after departure, and follow up on any group in quiries.


*Stay abreast of curre nt rates, rate cha nges and all promoti ons, curre nt facilities, services, hours of operati on, etc.


*Atte nd pre-meet ing pla nning meet ings or conferen ces as n eeded or requested.


*Resp ond to guest concerns or compla in ts. Commu ni cate any outsta nding guest requests or issues to man ageme nt that may require additi onal mon itori ng or follow-up.


*Promote team work and quality service through daily commu ni cati ons and coord in ati on with other departme nts.


*Perform other duties as assig ned such as running daily reports, e.g. the can cellati ons, book in gs, or arrivals reports.



Number of employees supervised


Direct N/A


In direct N/A


Ann ual Operati ng Profit/Payroll Budget -


« N/A
