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Along with the development of the society and science and technology, more and more high request to accuracy and surface quality of machine spare parts, the application of various high degree of hardness material increases day by day and the use of grinding machine scope extends day by day., Process in the precision-machined , there are many zero partses whetting to pare to attain its request through a nicety, but the nicety whet to pare to process would at correspond of precise grinding machine up carry on, so the Jing whet grinding machine to occupy a prominent function in the nicety process.In addition, more and more high to the environmental protection request of grinding machine, the tool machine products of overwhelming majority all adopt the cover hull of whole closingses, absolutely didn't slice scraps or slice to pare the phenomenon that the liquid outside splashes.This text mainly what to study be circle track design and emery wheel mounting of the lead of appropriation grinding machine to account out of the big diameter roller, guide rail and wheelhead design influence the accuracy of the grinding machine, have to from actual the circumstance set out and organically combine various guide rail and principal axis box form, try hard for to design a structure in brief, work credibility, the cost is conveniently low and adjusts to maintain a reasonable principal axis and guide rail .

Keywords:special purpose grinding machine, big diameter roller, guide rail, wheelhead


目录 (3)

1.绪论 (4)

1.1磨床的类型与用途 (4)

1.1.1磨床的类型及特点 (4)

1.1.2 磨床的用途 (4)

1.1.3 外圆磨削 (5)

1.2 磨床的现状及其发展趋势 (6)

2.设计任务书 (8)

2.1毕业设计题目 (8)

2.2零件工艺分析 (8)

3.机械传动原理图及说明 (11)

3.1主要运动 (11)

3.2设计重点与难点 (11)

3.3拟采用的途径与手段 (12)

3.4磨床总体布局 (12)

4.导轨设计 (14)

4.1导轨的功用和分类 (14)

4.2导轨的设计要求.............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

4.3导轨的截面形状选择...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

4.4导轨的组合形式.............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

4.5导轨组合形式的选用...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

4.6导轨的传动形式.............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

4.6.1滚珠丝杠副的选择.............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

5.砂轮架设计................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

5.1砂轮架设计的基本要求.................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

5.2砂轮架设计应满足以下几点基本要求:...................................... 错误!未定义书签。

5.3主轴轴承系统的刚性...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

5.4砂轮架主轴强度的校核.................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

5.5主轴刚度校核.................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

5.6电动机的选择.................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

5.7皮带设计.......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

5.8带轮设计.......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

5.9砂轮的选用 (16)

6.结论 (17)

致谢 (18)

参考文献 (20)
