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Foreign Ministry spokesman
7月31日的外交记者会上,有记者问: 美国总统特朗普称,中方经常出尔反尔。如果要等到 明年大选他连任之后才签订协议,那一定会是一个更
• 关于第三个问题,我看到了有关报道,我 只想“呵呵”两声。
On youBiblioteka Baidu third question, I have seen relevant reports and twitter. Hmm. How interesting.
• 英方动不动就以“守护者”自居,这 纯粹是自作多情、痴心妄想。
• Claiming itself the guardian of Hong Kong is nothing more than selfentertaining.
• 这种说法简直是厚颜无耻! • How brazen is that!
• 还执迷于居高临下对他国事务指手画 脚的恶习当中。
• He is obsessed with condescendingly criticizing other countries.
• 仍然不思悔改,继续信口雌黄。 • He keeps lying without remorse.
• 亨特先生罔顾事实,居然称特区政府 是在“镇压”,这完全是颠倒黑白。
• In total disregard of facts, Mr. Hunt called the SAR government's response "repression". That is entirely misleading.
• 如果英国议会被围攻、被闯入、被破 坏,英政府会听之任之、坐视不管吗?
• If it were the British Parliament that had been stormed and vandalized, what would the British government do? Will it sit by idly and let the protesters have their way?
注:flip-flop作名词是指人字拖,作动 词指改变立场,尤指转持相反观点, 来一个180度的大转弯。一个词即翻译 出“出尔反尔、言而无信、反复无常” 的意思,既简洁有力,又生动形象, 易于理解。
事实上,自己生病,却让别人吃药,也 是没有任何用的。
• In fact, it's useless to ask others to take pills when the US is ill itself.
我认为,在经贸磋商问题上,美方应该 更多地展现诚意和诚信。
• I believe the US needs to show more sincerity and good faith on this issue.
2019年7月3日,外交部发言人驳英国外交大臣涉港言论时,连怼 10个成语, 居高临下、指手画脚、信口雌黄、自作多情、痴心妄 想、厚颜无耻、颠倒黑白、听之任之、坐视不管、自不量力。
• 因为你知道,中美经贸磋商一年多来, 是谁出尔反尔、言而无信、反复无常, 大家都有目共睹。而中方对于经贸磋 商的立场始终如一。
We all know who has been flipflopping in the trade talks over the past year or so. In contrast, China's position remains consistent.
7月31日的外交记者会上,有记者问: 美国总统特朗普称,中方经常出尔反尔。如果要等到 明年大选他连任之后才签订协议,那一定会是一个更
• 关于第三个问题,我看到了有关报道,我 只想“呵呵”两声。
On youBiblioteka Baidu third question, I have seen relevant reports and twitter. Hmm. How interesting.
• 英方动不动就以“守护者”自居,这 纯粹是自作多情、痴心妄想。
• Claiming itself the guardian of Hong Kong is nothing more than selfentertaining.
• 这种说法简直是厚颜无耻! • How brazen is that!
• 还执迷于居高临下对他国事务指手画 脚的恶习当中。
• He is obsessed with condescendingly criticizing other countries.
• 仍然不思悔改,继续信口雌黄。 • He keeps lying without remorse.
• 亨特先生罔顾事实,居然称特区政府 是在“镇压”,这完全是颠倒黑白。
• In total disregard of facts, Mr. Hunt called the SAR government's response "repression". That is entirely misleading.
• 如果英国议会被围攻、被闯入、被破 坏,英政府会听之任之、坐视不管吗?
• If it were the British Parliament that had been stormed and vandalized, what would the British government do? Will it sit by idly and let the protesters have their way?
注:flip-flop作名词是指人字拖,作动 词指改变立场,尤指转持相反观点, 来一个180度的大转弯。一个词即翻译 出“出尔反尔、言而无信、反复无常” 的意思,既简洁有力,又生动形象, 易于理解。
事实上,自己生病,却让别人吃药,也 是没有任何用的。
• In fact, it's useless to ask others to take pills when the US is ill itself.
我认为,在经贸磋商问题上,美方应该 更多地展现诚意和诚信。
• I believe the US needs to show more sincerity and good faith on this issue.
2019年7月3日,外交部发言人驳英国外交大臣涉港言论时,连怼 10个成语, 居高临下、指手画脚、信口雌黄、自作多情、痴心妄 想、厚颜无耻、颠倒黑白、听之任之、坐视不管、自不量力。
• 因为你知道,中美经贸磋商一年多来, 是谁出尔反尔、言而无信、反复无常, 大家都有目共睹。而中方对于经贸磋 商的立场始终如一。
We all know who has been flipflopping in the trade talks over the past year or so. In contrast, China's position remains consistent.