



1、 Who was responsible for the accident is not yet clear.

2、 Why he left so abruptly is not known to any of us.

3、When he’ll be back depends much on the weather.

4、 Whether she comes or not doesn’t concern me.

5、 Wherever he once lived is well preserved.

6、 It is natural that they should have different views.

7、It was quite plain that she didn’t want come.

8、It’s a pity that he can’t swim.

9、It was a fearful disappointment to your mother that you didn’t come yesterday.

10、It hap pened that she wasn’t in that day.

11、It struck me that we ought to make a new plan.

12、It was rumoured that he was suffering from a tone in the kidney.

13、It is estimated that 25 million school lunches are sold each day.

14、It’s none of your business wher e I spend my summer.

15、It’s doubtful whether the payment is legal.

16、It was a question whether he should get married.


1、 We never doubt that he is honest.

2、I can’t imagine what made him act like that.

3、 Nobody can tell when she will arrive.

4、 Before I came downstairs I had prepared myself very carefully for what I must say.

5、 You must give it back to whoever it belongs to.

6、Why don’t you bring it to his attention that you’re too ill to go on working?

7、I’ve heard it said that you’ve won a scholarship.

8、 She has seen to it that all the children are well taken care of.

9、 I feel it a terrible thing that my mother should have to toil so endlessly.


1、The fact is that he didn’t notice the car until too late.

2、 The mystery is whether he ever went there at all.

3、 The question is why he likes the place so much.

4、 The problem is not who will go but who will stay.

5、Your brother’s health is not what it used to be.


1、 They had to face the fact that the nearest filling station is 30 miles away.

2、 Have you any idea how soon they are coming?

3、Obviously there was little probability that they would succeed, but they didn’t mind.

4、 The suggestion that the new rule be adopted came from the chairman.

5、 There is a feeling in me that it is going to rain.

6、 The proposal has been put forward that the flight should be cancelled.


名词性从句专项练习100题 1. His success was because of ________ he had been working hard. A. that B. the fact which C. the fact that D. the fact 2. “Is Mary from New York City” “I don't know _______.” A. from what city does she come from B. from what city she come C. what city does she come from D. what city she comes from 3. ________ makes mistakes must correct them. A. What B. That C. Whoever D. Whatever 4. The reason why I didn't go to Shanghai was ________ a new job. A. because I got B. because of getting C. I got D. that I got 5. It worried her a bit ____ her hair was turning grey. A. while B. that C. if D. for 6. Henry killed the dog. I'll ask him why ________. A. did he do that B. he did that C. he did D. he has done so 7. Have you seen Henry lately My boss wants to know ________. A. how he is getting along B. how is he getting along C. what he is getting along D. what is he getting along 8. It is generally considered unwise to give a child ____ he or she wants. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever 9. He asked me ________ with me. A. what is the trouble B. what wrong was C. what was the matter D. what trouble it is 10. I am sure ________ he said is true. A. that B. about that C. of that D. that what 11. When and why he came here ________ yet. A. is not known B. are not known C. has not known D. have not bee 12. I wonder how much ________. A. does the watch cost B. did the watch cost C. the watch costed D. the watch costs 13. Mary is ________ someone might recognize her. A. afraid of B. afraid about C. afraid that D. afraid for 14.________ is no reason for dismissing her. A. Because she was a few minutes late B. Owing to a few minutes late C. The fact that she was a few minutes late D. Being a few minutes late 15. They came to the conclusion ________ by a computer. A. that not all things can be done B. because of not all things be done C. being not all things can be done D. because not all things can be done 16. Why the explosion occurred was ________ the laboratory attendant had been careless. A. for B. because C. since D. that 17. I don't doubt ________ he'll come.


名词性从句知识点总结 在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词性从句(Noun Clauses)。名词性从句的功能相当于名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,名词从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。 一.主语从句 主语从句是在复合句中充当主语的从句,通常放在主句谓语动词之前或由形式主语it代替,而本身放在句子末尾。 1. It 作形式主语和it引导强调句的比较 It 作形式主语代替主语从句,主要是为了平衡句子结构,主语从句的连接词没有变化。而it引导的强调句则是对句子某一部分进行强调,无论强调的是什么成分,都可用连词that。被强调部分指人时也可用who/whom。例如: a) It is a pity that you didn’t go to see the film. 你不去看那场电影真可惜。 b) It doesn’t interest me whether you succeed or not.我对你成功与否不感兴趣。 c) It is in the morning that the murder took place.谋杀案是在早上发生的。(强调句型) d) It is John that broke the window.是John打碎的窗户。(强调句型) 2. 用it 作形式主语的结构 (1) It is +名词+从句 It is a fact that …事实是… It is an honor that …非常荣幸 It is common knowledge that …是常识 (2) It is +形容词+从句 It is natural that…很自然… It is strange that…奇怪的是… (3) It is +不及物动词+从句 It seems that…似乎… It happened that…碰巧… It appears that…似乎… (4) It +过去分词+从句 It is reported that…据报道… It has been proved that…已证实… It is said that…据说… 3. 主语从句不可位于句首的五种情况: (1)if 引导的主语从句不可居于复合句句首。 (2)It is said /reported…结构中的主语从句不可提前。例如: 正确表达:It is said that President Jiang will visit our school next week. 错误表达:That President Jiang will visit our school next week is said. (3)It happens/occurs…结构中的主语从句不可提前。例如: 正确表达:It occurred to him that he failed in the examination. 错误表达:That he failed in the examination occurred to him. (4)It doesn’t matter how/whether …结构中的主语从句不可提前。例如: 正确表达:It doesn’t matter whether he is wrong or not.


I feel sorry for famous people who live their lives in the glare of publicity.我真可怜那些要在众目睽睽之下生活的名人。He's not the kind of man who would go back on his words.他不是那种背信弃义的人。 People who walk on the grass are liable to a fine.在草坪上行走要罚款。 The man who I saw is called Smith.我见到的那个人名叫史密斯。 The man who telephoned was a friend of yours.打电话的人是你的一位朋友。 He who laughs last laughs best.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。 There is a lady who wants to see you.有一位女士要见你。 The girl with whom he had been living for two years suddenly packed her bags and left.这姑娘和他同居了两年,突然收拾起行李走掉了。 The police have pulled in a half dozen people whom they suspect.警方已逮捕6个他们怀疑的人。 That's the girl (whom) I teach. 那就是我教的女孩。 The person (whom) you wish to see has come.你希望见到的人已经来了。 He is a shallow thinker whose opinions aren't worth much.他看问题很浅薄,他的意见没有多大价值。 The play,whose style is rigidly formal,is typical of the period.这剧本是那个时期的典型作品,风格拘谨刻板。 Nobody is going to buy a house whose front door opens onto a gas works.没有谁会买一栋前门对着煤气厂的房子。 I'd like a room whose window looks out over the sea.我想要一个窗户面临大海的房间。 This is the room which is kept for the reception of visitors.这是专供接待来访者用的房间。 There is a special parasite which gives rise to the itch.有一种特别的寄生虫会导致皮炎。 Lally was right about the repairs which the cottage needed.拉莉关于农舍需要如何修理的意见是正确的。 Rule out neatly any words which you don't wish Jack to read.把你不想让杰克看的词句整整齐齐地划掉。 The sports day is an occasion which we can all join in.运动日是大家都能参加运动的一个机会。 that work very hard. 她是特别用功的学生之一。 Is he the man that sells eggs?他是卖鸡蛋的那个人吗? I like those cookies that are coated with chocolate spread.我喜欢那些裹巧克力酱的甜饼。 The letter that I received from him yesterday is very important.我昨天收到的他那封来信很重要。 Here is the car that I had told you about.这就是我和你谈过的那辆汽车。 The two brothers were satisfied with this decision,as was agreed beforehand.两兄弟对这个事先已经同意的决定都满意。 I never heard such stories as he tells.我从未听过他讲的这类故事。 I have never seen such a man as you talked about.我从没见过你说到的那种人。 During this terrible year they took only such food as they could find.在这可怕的年头里,他们只能找到什么吃什么。 He is not the same boy as he was.他和从前不一样了。 Her attitude to him was quite the same as it had always been.她对他的态度同她一贯的态度完全一样。 I gave him old clothes which he made a penny of.我给了他一些旧衣服,让他拿去换钱。 The situation (which) we had got into was very dangerous.我们当时的处境很危险。 The man (whom) we sent the present to is a doctor of laws.我们寄给他礼物的那个人是位法学博士。 He married a wife by whom he had two daughters.他娶了妻并和她生了两个女儿。 Water is the natural medium in which most fish live.水是大多数鱼类生活的自然环境。 There were long periods when we had no news of him.我们曾好长时间没有他的消息。 Jenney dreams of the day when she will be playing the piano for a living.珍妮梦想着有朝一日能以演奏钢琴为生。 This is the hour when the place is full of people.这种时候这地方到处都是人。 Returning to a city where one used to live can be a saddening experience.重归故地有时会给人带来几许惆怅。 I went off in search of a garage where I could buy some petrol.我跑去寻找加油站买汽油。 The tourists sought out a shady spot where they sat down and rested. 旅游者找到一块阴凉的地方坐下休息。 The reason why she didn't get the job was that her English was not very good.她没得到这个工作的原因是她的英语不是很好。 The reason why he is late is that his car went wrong.他迟到的原因是他的汽车坏了。 That is the reason why we must go now.这就是我们现在必须走的理由。 This is one of the basic reasons why some of our work can't be done well.这是我们有些工作做不好的一个基本原因。 This is the way how he always treats me. 他一贯就是这样对待我的。 That's the way how I learn English.那就是我学英语的方法。


名词性从句是由if, whether, that 和各种疑问词充当连接词所引导的从句,其功同名词一样。 一.主语从句 1. It 作形式主语和it引导强调句的比较 It is a pity that you didn't go to see the film. It doesn't interest me whether you succeed or not. It is in the morning that the murder took place. It is John that broke the window. 2. 用it 作形式主语的结构 (1) It is +名词+从句 It is a fact that …事实是… It is an honor that…非常荣幸 It is common knowledge that…是常识 (2) it is +形容词+从句 It is natural that…很自然… It is strange that…奇怪的是… (3) it is +不及物动词+从句 It seems that…似乎… It happened that…碰巧… (4) it +过去分词+从句 It is reported that…据报道… It has been proved that…已证实… 3. What 与that 在引导主语从句时的区别 What 引导主语从句时在句时在从句中充当句子成分,如主语.宾语.表语,而that 则不然。例如: 1) What you said yesterday is right. 2) I know that he will study. 3) I know what he will study.


定语从句详解+例句 一、定语从句及相关术语 1.定语从句:修饰一个名词或代词的从句称为定语从句,一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词后面。 2.关系词:引导定语从句的关联词成为关系词 关系词有关系代词和关系副词。关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose, as 等; 关系副词有where, when, why等。 关系词常有3个作用:1,引导定语从句。2,代替先行词。3,在定语从句中担当一个成分。 二.关系代词引导的定语从句 1.who指人,在从句中做主语 (1) The boys who are playing football are from Class One. (2) Yesterday I helped an old man who lost his way. 2. whom指人,在定语从句中充当宾语,常可省略。 (1) Mr. Liu is the person (whom) you talked about on the bus. (2) Mr. Ling is just the boy whom I want to see. 注意:关系代词whom在口语和非正式语体中常用who代替,可省略。 (3) The man who/whom you met just now is my friend. 3. which指物,在定语从句中做主语或者宾语,做宾语时可省略 (1) Football is a game which is liked by most boys. (2) This is the pen (which) he bought yesterday. 4. that指人时,相当于who 或者whom;指物时,相当于which。在宾语从句中做主语或者宾语,做宾语时可省略。 (5) The number of the people that/who come to visit the city each year rises one million. (6) Where is the man that/whom I saw this morning? 5. whose通常指人,也可指物,在定语从句中做定语 (1) He has a friend whose father is a doctor. (2) I once lived in a house whose roof has fallen in. whose指物时,常用以下结构来代替 (3) The classroom whose door is broken will soon be repaired. (4) The classroom the door of which is broken will soon be repaired. (5) Do you like the book whose cover is yellow? (6) Do you like the book the color of which is yellow? 三.介词+关系代词引导的定语从句 关系代词在定语从句中做介词宾语时,从句常由介词+关系代词引导 (1) The school (that/which) he once studied in is very famous. (2) The school in which he once studied is very famous. (3) Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine (that/which) you asked for. (4) Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine for which you asked. (5) We'll go to hear the famous singer (whom/that/who) we have often talked about. (6) We'll go to hear the famous singer about whom we have often talked. 注意:1. 含有介词的动词短语一般不拆开使用,如:look for, look after, take care of等 (1) This is the watch which/that I am looking for. (T)


名词性从句 在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词从句。名词从句的功能相当于名词词组,名词从句又可分为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。 一.主语从句 1.作句子主语的从句叫主语从句。主语从句通常由从属连词that,whether, if和连接代词what, who, which, whatever,whoever以及连接副词how, when, where, why等词引导。that在句中无词义,只起连接作用。连接代词和连接副词在句中既保留自己的疑问含义、又起连接作用,在从句中充当从句的成分。主语从句要求使用陈述句语序。 What surprised me most was that the little girl could play the violin so well. How he was successful is still a puzzle. That he is going aboard made him excited. Where the English party will be held has not yet been announced. 注:有时为避免句子头重脚轻,常用形式主语it代替主语从句作形式主语放于句首,而把主语从句置于句末。主语从句后的谓语动词一般用单数形式。 It is interesting that you like him. It is a pity that you can not go to the party tonight. 2.连接词的选用 (1)that和what的选用 that和what都可引导主语从句。what除起连接作用外,还在名词性从句中充当某些成分,可作从句的主语、宾语或表语。而that在名词性从句中不充当任何成分,无词义,只起连接词作用。 What he wants is a book. 他想要的是一本书。 That light travels in straight lines is known to all. 众所周知,光线沿直线运行。 (2)if和whether的选用


定语从句经典例句(2010-05-25 11:24:23)英语语法 要了解定语从句,我们先得明白定语是啥,如果我给介绍一个人或者描述一样东西,以介绍一个人为例,如果我说是个女孩,那么你头脑中的对我介绍的人印象清晰么,应该就一女孩轮廓,但如果我说一个漂亮的,穿着红色衣服的,站在站台上的,那么你对这个人印象是不是逐渐清晰了,这里漂亮的,红色的,站在站台上的便是定语。 我们看看例子先 a pretty girl a girl in red a girl standing in the platform a girl who is standing in the platform is lucy 上例中打彩色部分便都是定语,定语通常是修饰名词,如果定语是一个词并且能完整表达一个意思,定语便放在被修饰词前面,否则就放后面,请观察pretty是一个词,便是放前面的,这是你也许会说,a pretty little girl,pretty 和little不是两个词,怎么就放被修饰词前面了呢,一定要注意,pretty和little都是一个并且是各自能表达完整的意思滴。 上例中彩色部分都是定语,定语可以是一个形容词(pretty),可以是介词短语(in red),也可以是分词短语(standing in the platform),也可以是一个句子(who is standing in the platform),而当定语从句是一个句子时,这个句子呢,就是定语从句。 由于定语从句是一个句子,毫无疑问滴,必定不可能是一个词,所以都是放在被修饰词的后面,我们还给这个被修饰的词起了个名字,先行词,因为修饰她的句子还在后面,她先出现的。 然后我们在说说这定语从句,在英语中呢有个规定就是一个句子中有且只能有一个谓语,就好比我们人呢只能有一个心脏。(事物是普遍联系的),那我们人啥时候可能会有两个心脏呢?。。。。。对了,有宝宝的时候,男同胞貌似目前不可能哈,那么句子有个子句的时候便可以有两个谓语了,这时候我们便需要一个东西来标志其子句特征,人类呢是以大肚子,从句便以她的关系代词。我们例子中的who便是关系代词,这个关系我们也可以理解成人类的脐带,将子句和母句联系到一起。所以这关系代词也是紧挨着先行词的。 所以偶们先要搞清楚啥是定语从句,啥是先行词,啥是关系代词。咱再琢磨这定语从句如何用。 1.He is a famous star. 2.Who’s that girl in red?


名词性从句专项练习 100 题 1. His success was because of he had been working hard. A. from what city does she come from C. what city does she come from D. what city she comes from makes mistakes must correct them.6. Henry killed the dog. I'll ask him why 7. Have you seen Henry lately My boss wants to know 12. I wonder how much 2. A. that B. the fact which C. the fact that D. the fact Is Mary from New York City ” “I don't know B. from what city she come 3. A. What B. That C. Whoever D. Whatever 4. The reason why I didn't go to Shanghai was a new job. A. because I got B. because of getting C. I got D. that I got 5. It worried her a bit her hair was turning grey. A. while B. that C. if D. for A. did he do that B. he did that C. he did D. he has done so A. how he is getting along B. how is he getting along C. what he is getting along D. what is he getting along 8. It is generally considered unwise to give a child he or she wants. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever 9. He asked me with me. A. what is the trouble B. what wrong was C. what was the matter D. what trouble it is 10. I am sure he said is true. A. that B. about that C. of that D. that what 11. When and why he came here yet. A. is not known B. are not known C. has not known D. have not bee A. does the watch cost B. did the watch cost C. the watch costed D. the watch costs 13. Mary is someone might recognize her. 14. A. afraid of B. afraid about C. afraid that D. afraid for is no reason for dismissing her. A. Because she was a few minutes late B. Owing to a few minutes late C. The fact that she was a few minutes late D. Being a few minutes late 15. They came to the conclusion by a computer. A. that not all things can be done B. because of not all things be done C. being not all things can be done D. because not all things can be done 16. Why the explosion occurred was the laboratory attendant had been careless. A. for B. because C. since D. that 17. I don't doubt he'll come.


英语写作提高——名词性从句例句 一.主语从句 1、 Who was responsible for the accident is not yet clear. 2、 Why he left so abruptly is not known to any of us. 3、When he’ll be back depends much on the weather. 4、 Whether she comes or not doesn’t concern me. 5、 Wherever he once lived is well preserved. 6、 It is natural that they should have different views. 7、It was quite plain that she didn’t want come. 8、It’s a pity that he can’t swim. 9、It was a fearful disappointment to your mother that you didn’t come yesterday. 10、It hap pened that she wasn’t in that day. 11、It struck me that we ought to make a new plan. 12、It was rumoured that he was suffering from a tone in the kidney. 13、It is estimated that 25 million school lunches are sold each day. 14、It’s none of your business wher e I spend my summer. 15、It’s doubtful whether the payment is legal. 16、It was a question whether he should get married. 二.宾语从句 1、 We never doubt that he is honest. 2、I can’t imagine what made him act like that. 3、 Nobody can tell when she will arrive. 4、 Before I came downstairs I had prepared myself very carefully for what I must say. 5、 You must give it back to whoever it belongs to. 6、Why don’t you bring it to his attention that you’re too ill to go on working? 7、I’ve heard it said that you’ve won a scholarship. 8、 She has seen to it that all the children are well taken care of. 9、 I feel it a terrible thing that my mother should have to toil so endlessly. 三.表语从句 1、The fact is that he didn’t notice the car until too late. 2、 The mystery is whether he ever went there at all. 3、 The question is why he likes the place so much. 4、 The problem is not who will go but who will stay. 5、Your brother’s health is not what it used to be. 四.同位语从句 1、 They had to face the fact that the nearest filling station is 30 miles away. 2、 Have you any idea how soon they are coming? 3、Obviously there was little probability that they would succeed, but they didn’t mind. 4、 The suggestion that the new rule be adopted came from the chairman. 5、 There is a feeling in me that it is going to rain. 6、 The proposal has been put forward that the flight should be cancelled.



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考研英语【定语从句】典型例句剖析 1. Activelearning,inwhich studentswriteessays orperform experiments and thenhave their work evaluated by an instructor, is far more beneficialfor those who have not yet fully learnedhow to learn. 【参考译文】积极的学习,即学生们写文章或做实验,然后让一位老师评估他们的作业,对那些还没有完全学会如何学习的学生来说要更为有益得多。 【结构分析】该句可分为两大部分:Activelearning, (in whichstudents write essays or perform experimentsandthen have their work evaluated by an instructor,)isfar morebeneficialforthose whohave notyet fullylearned how tolearn.括号外的内容是主句,括号里的内容是介词+which模式的定语从句;主句的主语是Activelearning,谓语是is,表语是beneficial,far more 是状语,其中far是程度副词,相当于much,for those是状语,其后who引导的定语从句中,主语是who,谓体是have notyet fully learned,宾语结构是howto learn。括号内的定语从句修饰前面的Activelearning,由三部分构成,即or…and连接的三个并列句,第一个并列句的主语是students,谓语是write,宾语是essays,第二个并列句的谓语是perform,宾语是experiments,第三个并列句的谓语是have...evaluated,宾语是wor k,byan instructor是状语结构。 【知识链接】active积极的;essay文章;perform an experiment做实验;evalua te评估instructor指导者,老师;be beneficialfor...对……有益。 2. The American version of the"idealindividual" prefersan atmosphere of f reedom, whereneither the government nor any other externalforce orag encydictateswhatthe individual does. 【参考译文】美国版的“理想个人”更喜欢一种自由的氛围,在这种氛围中政府或者任何别的外部力量都不会强行规定个人该做什么。 【结构分析】该句可分为两大部分:(The Americanversionof the"ideal indiv idual"prefers an atmosphere of freedom,)(whereneither the government norany other external force or agency dictateswhat the individualdoes.),第一部分是主句,第二部分是以where引导的非限定定语从句,修饰前面的atmosphere;主句的主语是The American version,谓语是prefers,宾语是an atmosphere,of the“idealindividual”作version的后定语,of freedom作atmosphere的后定语;第二部分的主语是由 neither...nor…or...连接的并列名词短语,谓语是dictates,宾语是what引导的从句。【知识链接】version版本;ideal理想的;prefer更喜欢,联想记忆:prefer...to...宁要……而不要……;atmosphere氛围;external外部的,联想记忆:internal内部的;agency 机构;dictate命令,强制规定。 3.Conflict,definedas oppositionamongsocial entitlesdirectedag ainsteach other, isdistinguished from competition, defined as opposition amongsocial entitlesindependently strivingforsomething whichis in inadequatesupply. 【参考译文】冲突不同于竞争,前者指彼此对立的社会群体间的对抗,后者指独自争夺匮乏资源的社会群体间的对抗。 【结构分析】该句可分为三部分:Conflict,(definedasopposition among social entities directed against eachother, )is distinguishedfrom competition,


中考英语名词性从句100篇及答案(word) 一、名词性从句 1._______ is troubling me is ______ I don't understand ________ he said A. What; that; what B. What; what; what C. That; that; what D. Why; that; which 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我烦恼的是我不明白他说的话。第一空是主语从句,从句中缺主语,要用What;第二空是表语从句,从句不缺成分,所以要填that;第三空是宾语从句,从句中的动词understand缺宾语,要填what。故选A。 【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及主语从句,表语从句和宾语从句的应用。 2._____ is known to us all is that China has launched Shenzhou VII spaceship, ____ made the country's first spacewalk successful. A. That; what B. What; which C. It; which D. As; that 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:众所周知,中国已经发射了神州7号宇宙飞船,这是中国首次成功的太空行走。第一空处为主语从句,从句缺少主语,需用what引导;第二空所在句子是个定语从句,先行词为整个主句的内容,从句中缺少主语,需用which引导。故选B。【点评】考查名词性从句和定语从句,本题涉及主语从句和非限制性定语从句的应用。 3. is clear to the members of the committee is that the President will not give in to their demands. A. Who B. It C. As D. What 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:委员会成员清楚的是,总统不会向他们的要求让步。that the President will not give in to their demands.这个句子作表语; is clear to the members of the committee这是主语从句,这里缺少主语从句的连接词,并且连接词在句中作主语,it是代词,不是了;连接词,故排除B;as作主语时,是在定语从句中,故排除C;who指人,根据表语指的事情,不是人,故排除A;what在主语从句中可以作主语或宾语,指事,符合句意,故选D。 【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及what引导的主语从句。 4.Some people believe _______ has happened before or is happening now will repeat itself in the future. A. whatever B. whenever C. wherever D. no matter what 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:一些人认为之前发生的或现在正在发生的任何事情在将来都会重复发生。Whatever has happened before or is happening now是一个主语从句,whatever既
