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以上列举的垂悬分词,我们可以得到一个总体 印象:垂悬分词虽然在产生之初为错误联系使 用所致,但一旦被言语社团成员所接受,便成 为正确英语;由于其产生的特殊性,及其使用 场合的有限性,垂悬分词与一般分词相比灵活 程度差一些,也就是说,垂悬分词的表达及用 途相对固定。甚至于有些垂悬分词词组已被很 多词典编撰者当作固定词组来看待,如上文中 的generally speaking, frankly speaking, judging from ,com ing to details等。
e.表示转折性的垂悬分词或词组有: admitting that,allowed that,allowing for, considering(that),assuming that, seeing that,granting that,granted that, notwithstanding,请看例句: Allowing for(=Considering)the deficiencies,the show is a success. Granted(=Granting)that you are right, you should not get angry. Admitting(=Assuming =Allowing)that he is drunk,that is no excuse.
b.垂悬分词表明说话者的说话方式,如: putting it mildly,frankly speaking, generally speaking,roughly speaking, broadly speaking,biologically speaking等, 请看例句:
Putting it mildly,you have caused us some inconvenience. Generally speaking,dogs are more faithful to men than cats.
另外,从词性角度来看,有些垂悬分词已不再被看作是分词, 失去了动词的本性,已演变成介词或连词。被当作介词看待的 垂悬分词有:considering,counting,including,barring, bating,excepting,excepted, concerning,regarding, respecting,touching, wanting,failing,pending, saving等等,例如: Considering its cost,this machine is not worth buying. He asked me questions concerning my health. Pending a report from Rancy,we'll pro- ceed as planned. I know nothing respecting that girl. 已变成连词的垂悬分词有:providing(that),provided (that),saving,notwithstanding,seeing,considering, granting, granted,adm itting,assum ing,allowing, supposing等等。例句: He was prudent notwithstanding that he was young. Granting that he has made a mistake,he is not to blame.
1.当分词主语是不定人称时,如: When dining in the restaurant,a jacket and tie are required. 2.当分词的主语是表示时间、天气、自然现象等的无 人称代词it时,如: Being Christmas,the government offices were closed. 3.当分词的暗含主语是句子的整体时,如: The siren sounded,indicating that the air-raid was over. Unknown to his closest advisers,he had secretly negotiated with an enemy emissary.
f.有些垂悬分词或词组还可以表明说话者所说内容有 无例外情况,如:barring,bating,excepting, excepted,saving that,意思为“除了……”; including,counting,setting aside, leaving...to one side,意思为“包括;除 了……还有……”等,请看例句: Barring(=bating)this point,I agree with you. There are fifteen students countingme. Setting aside the question of capital,this business has many other problems.
一般来讲,分词或分词短语在句子中充当状语时, 其逻辑主语与句子主语一致,如:Opening the drawer he took out a revolver.其中opening的逻辑 主语是句子主语he。当分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语 不一致时,则应将分词的逻辑主语补出来,如: George yawning,the conversation dropped.这 种分词结构被称作独立主格结构。 但有时我们遇到这种情况:分词的主语既不与句子主 语一致,分词本身又非独立主格结构,如: Going up the hill,the statue of Lincoln struck my eye.在登上山的当儿,林肯的雕像十分引我注目。 Tired but happy,the bus whisked us home.我们 虽然疲乏,但很高兴,公共汽车飞快地把我们送到了 家。
5.垂悬分词最常见于方式分离状语(style disjunct),表明说话人对所说的话的方式、 条件以及说话人的态度或看法,这种用法可细 分为以下几种情况: a.说话者用垂悬分词引出话题,如:talkingபைடு நூலகம்of,getting back to,coming to等,意思为 “谈到……,关于……,回到……”等,请看 例句: Getting back to our story,the princess was killed. Coming to this question,Isayno.
这种分词在语法上被称作垂悬分词(dangling participle),也叫无依着分词。垂悬分词从起源上来 说,是语言的错误使用(performance error),即 将分词的主语与句子的主语错误联系,从而产生垂悬 分词,所以有人又叫它错关联分词(misrelated participle)。 垂悬分词通常出现在句子开头或接近开头的位置,与 句子中的其它成分不产生必要的句法关系,特别是它 与句子主语无逻辑关系。鉴于这种特点,垂悬分词别 名为:独立分词(absolute participle)或孤立分词 (isolated participle)。 垂悬分词多数为现在分词,少数为过去分词。本文将 从使用场合和情况对垂悬分词进行分类、归纳和总结。
总之,垂悬分词与一般分词不一样,是一 种超常规的语言现象,但其用途与形式相对固 定,应引起我们足够的重视。正因为垂悬分词 的使用场合及数量相对有限,英语学习者一方 面要学会理解并掌握这一超常语言现象,另一 方面切记不要将其它一般分词(遵循主谓一致 原则)模仿垂悬分词使用,因为毕竟垂悬分词 的产生源于错误联系,违反了主谓一致原则。
c.有些垂悬分词或词组表明说话的依据或视角,如:judging from,according to,considering,viewing it from, seeing,例如: Judging from his expression,he is in a bad mood. According to Barthes,the author had died. Considering the low price,the car is worth buying. d.有些垂悬分词或词组还为说话者所说内容的成立提供条件, 如:providing(that), provided(that),supposing, given,意思为“if或 with”,wanting和failing意思为 “without”。例如: Provided that a film entertains,few people care about its other merits. Given prudence and patience,anybody can achieve something. Supposing this to be true,he is certainly the murderer.
4.在正式科技文章中,分词前常常带有连词,其主 语通常与I,we,you等同,如: When installing a boiler,the floor space which is available is very important. When treating patients with language retardation and deviation of language development,the therapy consists,in part,of discus- sions of the patients'problems with patients and teachers,with subsequent language teaching carried out by them.