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Achilles has frequently been mentioned in music: Achilles‘ death is mentioned in the song “Helen and Cassandra(希神)” from the album “Last Days of the Century” by Al Stewart. and many other songs(music) In the animated television series Class of the Titans, one of the seven heroes, Archie, is descended(从一个祖宗传下来的) from Achilles and has inherited(遗传的) both his vulnerable(脆弱的) heel and part of his invincibility(无敌 (television) Achilles in the Trench is a famous poem by Patrick Shaw-Stewart (poetry)
1.Birth of Achilles 2.Character of Achilles 3.Achilles in the Trojan War 4.Warship of Achilles 5.Achilles in later art 6.Achilles told by story tellers
Worship of Achilles in modern times
• The palace was named after Achilles:Achilleion • Abounding(大量存在) with paintings and statues of Achilles in the main hall • in the lavish gardens depicting(描绘) the heroic and tragic scenes of the Trojan war
Achilles in the war
Achilles’ Revenge
• Achilles kills Hector and then dishonors(羞辱) the body by dragging it around tied to the back of a chariot ['tʃæriət](战车) before the walls of Troy for 9 days and refused to allow it to receive funeral rites
• His father received two horses in the wedding • one horse told Achilles he would die in Trojon war • His mother sent him abroad • He was brought to Trojon War
• There was an archaic(古代的) heroic cult (崇拜)of
• • • •
Achilles on the White Island,Lecue,with a temple and oracle. not inhabited, goats grazing(吃草)on it , some sacrificial animals a great many holy gifts, craters(火山口), rings and precious stones, offered to Achilles in gratitude(感激) numbers of sea birds looking after Achilles’ temple One can still read inscriptions(题词)in Greek and Latin, in which Achilles is praised and celebrated
SUMMARY • All in all , Achilles is a great hero. • He deserves our respects. • We have to accept the fact that everyone has his faults.
Worship of Achilles in antiguity(古代)
• Raised/Taught by a mortal --- Chiron. • Battle skills, singing, art, especially how to lead people. • Stayed with him until teenager.
Birth of Achilles
Achilles In the Trojan['trəudʒən] War
The Discovery of Achilles
• In order to prevent Achilles from participating in the war, he was sent him to the court of Lycomedes, in Scyros['sairəs], hidden and disguised as a young girl. • Achilles‘ disguise was finally penetrated by Odysseus(奥德修斯), who placed arms and armor amidst(在……当中) a display of women’s finery(华服) and seized upon Achilles when he was the only “maiden(少女)” to be fascinated by the swords and shields(盾).
Birth of Achilles
• Mother : Thetis(海洋 女神) • Father :Peleus • Mother tries to make him immortal • Dip him in magical river Styx(冥河)
Achilles and Chiron
In other art: • Achilles :阿基里斯(小行星 588号) • Achilles heel :唯一致命的 弱点(传说阿基里斯除脚踵 外全身刀枪不入
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• Agamemnon‘s arrogant disrespect to him , took away his beloved maid and humiliated(羞辱) him.
Achilles refuses to fight anymore, withdraw from the war Reject Agamemnon‘s apology
Achilles in later art
Achilles is portrayed(被描述) as a former hero who has become lazy and devoted to the love of Patroclus(希神), in William Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida. (drama) Achilles plays a part in the novel, The Firebrand by Marion Zimmer Bradley.(fiction) In Aaron Allston's Galatea in 2-D, a painting of Achilles is one of those brought to life.(fiction) Gordon Mitchell in The Fury of Achilles (1962)(film) Richard Trewett in the miniseries(电视连续短剧) The Odyssey (TV, 1997) (film)
Patroclus’s death bring him great sadness and Hatred. Achilles mourned(哀悼) and grieved for Patroclus in tent . Returned the war to avenge for his friends. Slain Hector before Gates of Troy .
Multidimensional(多面的) but the rally as an organic whole
Character strengths
Character weaknesses
When Apollo casts the plague to the Greek ,endangering many lives, Achilles summoned the crowd stand up to find solutions Hector’s father begs him to redeem(赎回) the body of his son ,moved(his own father), truce agreement (休战) to hold Hector’s funeral
Biblioteka Baidu
• Achilles finally relented; he received Priam graciously and allowed him to take the body away.
Achilles’ Death
• Priam's son Paris aided by Apollo, wounded Achilles in the heel with an arrow; Achilles died of the wound.
In the face of the fate of the choices, Achilles readily accepts the challenge to the battlefield Face of the war he never retreat, he faced the enemy without fear. He threw himself into any battle, wining the honor and victory for his team. Fight for the honor, fight for him own.
Cruel He nailed Hector's body behind his chariot and drove in the procession, totally disregarding the sadness over the city of Troy. self-willed and stubborn Achilles publicly denounced (指责) Agamemnon‘s selfish, and refused to fight when his spoils were violated. Ignore Apollo’s discouragement and finally got killed.