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Vocabulary & Useful Expressions
Some thrive at night when all is silent. Others prefer to study as soon as they come home from school when the lessons are fresh in their minds. However, all agreed that consistency is a main factor if one is to perform well at all times. Eg: When it comes to study abroad, some regard it a good idea, while others think it has some disadvantages. However, all agreed that it’s necessary to go to universities.
Principle 2: (in para.2)
Make a point of studying anywhere or everywhere:
Indication word: In addition
Reading & Text Comprehension Principle 3: (in para.3)
Indication word: It is equally important
Reading & Text Comprehension
Principle 9: (in para.6)
Studying together
Indication word: The value of studying together was in …
1. Write a passage about your own studying principles, and explain why they are good or not, and how to improve. Please try to use the structure learnt today. (200 words) Find related materials on the internet to read and try to share what you have got in the next class.
Thank you!
Principle 11: (in para.7)
Do more than you are asked
Indication word: Another technique
Principle 12: (in para.7)
Cultivation of the parents
Indication word: Last but not least
A professor of education says: It is far more important for a student to know: How to make the most of his or her innate abilities.
Para. 2- Para.7: Innate ability
▪ Lead-in ▪ 12 principles/secrets of straightA students ▪ Introspection about my own learning principles ▪ Vocabulary & Useful EΒιβλιοθήκη Baidupressions
Reading & Text Comprehension
Principle 7: (in para.5)
Hand in neat work
Indication word: Another winning formula.
Principle 8: (in para.5)
speak up and ask questions in class
Taken from Improve Your English Through Comprehension Practice by Christina Lim Cher Kee
Reading & Text Comprehension
Reading & Text Comprehension
Para. 1: Introduction
Vocabulary & Useful Expressions
Priority [prai'ɒriti] n. (be prior to)
Eg: Students’ priority is studying. Phrase1 : give priority to sth./sb. Eg: You must give priority to studying. Phrase 2: …takes priority/has priority over… Eg: Studying takes priority over recreaction.
Schedule their time
Indication word: It is also important
Principle 6: (in para.4)
Take good notes and use them
Indication word: a secret of their success
Vocabulary & Useful Expressions
Make a point of doing sth.
=take particular care about sth.=emphasize sth.=highlight=put emphasis on Eg: Some governments make a point of trying to increase their populations. Our teacher makes a point of reviewing timely.(timely revision)
Vocabulary & Useful Expressions
Innate ['ɪneit]
An innate quality or ability is one which a person is born with
Eg: All human beings have an innate desire to overcome sufferings, to find happiness. He obviously has an innate talent for music. =He is a born musician. 天生的 Innate immunity 先天免疫
Principle 10: (in para.6)
Test yourself (conduct hypothetical tests)
Indication word: The experiment also illuminated the value of…
Reading & Text Comprehension
Get organized
Indication word: also
Principle 4: (in para.3)
Read effectively
Indication word: Another technique
Reading & Text Comprehension
Principle 5: (in para.4)
Unit 8 College Life Text A
수 =A+
Top Scorer in College Entrance Exam
Reading & Text Comprehension
Text A: Secrets of Straight-A Students
Para2: by mastering a few basic principles that others can easily learn
Reading & Text Comprehension
Principle 1: (in para.2)
Set priorities right:
Indication word: To begin with
Reading & Text Comprehension Introspection:
What are my studying principles? Are they good or not? Why? How to improve them to become a straight-A student?