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Department of College English
Language Points
14. steer: v. to direct the course of (as a ship or a car) steer a boat into the wind steer the conversation into a favorite subject
Department of College English
Language Points
7. try out: test sth. or sb. by use and experience to find about quality, worth, effect, etc. The idea seems fine but we need to try it out in practice. The new engine must be thoroughly tried out before being out on the market. Cf. try on (a hat, garment, shoes, etc)
Department of College English
Language Points
8. focus on: direct one's attention to
Today we're
going to focus on the question of homeless people in London.

Department of College English
Warm-up Activity

Look at the pictures and guess who they are.
Department of College English
Department of College English
Department of College English
Language Points
6. foster: v. help (something) grow or develop; raise (a child, an animal, etc.) Cooperation learning fosters a spirit of cooperation. fostered parents fostered children
Department of College English
Language Points
9. grateful: feeling or showing thanks I was most grateful to John for his kindness. We are grateful to your neighbors for help in time of trouble.
Who said the famous sayings?
1. If A is success in life, then A equals X plus Y plus Z. Work is X; Y is play; and Z is keeping your mouth shut. Albert Einstein 2. Genius is one percent inspiration (灵感) and 99 percent perspiration (汗水). Thomas Edison
Department of College English
Language Points
5. discourage: vt. prevent (an action) The school teachers discourage smoking. We tried to discourage him from climbing the mountain without a guide. Don’t let one failure discourage you, try again. Cf. encourage vt.
Department of College English
Language Points
10. sign up (for): sign an agreement to take part in something We will not have the picnic unless more people sign up. How many people have signed up for this course?
DepaΒιβλιοθήκη Baidutment of College English
Language Points
3. claim: v. say that something is true or is a fact without having any proof Jean claims to own a car but I don't believe her. Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea.
Department of College English
Language Points
12. lead to: have as a result; cause
bad cold can lead to pneumonia. Carelessness leads to failure.
Department of College English
Experiencing English
Book Two
Department of College English
Unit 5
Ways to Success
Department of College English
Passage A Warm-up Activities Culture Notes Language Points Difficult Sentences Summary Follow-up Activity Assignment
Department of College English
Culture Notes
Who is Bill Gates? What do you know about him? ﹡chairman of Microsoft Corporation ﹡founded Microsoft with his childhood friends Paul Allen in 1975 ﹡born in 1955 ﹡attended Harvard in 1975 ﹡dropped out of Harvard in 1977
Department of College English
Language Points
11. lose oneself in: be extremely interested in something On a dull winter afternoon, Harry would sit by the computer and lose himself in computer games.
Department of College English
Talk About: what factors do you think will contribute to success?
interest hard work self-confidence talent love for your career team spirit /cooperation with your fellow workers good education …
Department of College English
Difficult Sentences
1. Since you are a success, my students perceive that as a reason not to care much about getting a good education. (para. 5, line 3) Since you are successful, my students tend to infer from your success that they don't have to worry very much about doing well in school.
Department of College English
3. Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. Ernest Hemingway 4. Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing. Abraham Lincoln 5. Success is a lousy (糟糕的) teacher. It seduces (诱使) smart people into thinking they can’t lose. Bill Gates
Language Points
13. discipline: n. a method of training Learning poetry is a good discipline for the memory. In learning a foreign language, pronunciation drills and question and answer drills are good discipline.
Department of College English
Watch the video
Can you tell us why he established this foundation?
Department of College English
Language Points
1.take advantage of: make use of You’d better take advantage of the fine weather to play tennis. We should take full advantage of the exceptional opportunity to promote the sales of our products .
Department of College English
Passage A My Advice to Students: Education Counts
Department of College English
Culture Notes
Department of College English
Department of College English
Language Points
4. let alone: not to mention I have not even read the first chapter, let alone finished the book. I haven’t enough room for the family, let alone three dogs and four cats.
Department of College English
Language Points
2. opportunity: n. a favorable moment or occasion for doing something Don't slip any opportunity of practicing your English. It will give you an opportunity to meet all kinds of people.