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21. Salon lived to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his


A. thanking, amazed

B. thanked, amazing

C. thanks, amazing

D. to thank, amazed

22. I’m exa mining the article he just finished the possible mistakes in it.

A. correcting

B. corrected

C. to correct

D. having corrected

23. Have you dreamed about such a good chance for further education abroad?

A. there is

B. there being

C. there to be

D. there will be

24. Congratulations you not looking your age.

A. to, on

B. on, to

C. to, for

D. with, for

25. Are we going to all night, or shall we go out?

A. sit by

B. sit up

C. sit around

D. sit down

26. The statement completely laid bare their for world conquest.

A. enterprise

B. ambition

C. aspiration

D. admiration

27. I’m shocked to hear that he an accident yes terda y.

A. come about

B. broke out

C. took place

D. met with

28. —What will the weather be like tomorr ow?

—I think it will be as it was yesterda y?

A. so a sunny da y

B. so sunny a da y

C. as sunny a da y

D. as a sunny da y

29. —John, don’t waste any time and there’s only 25 minutes left before the train leaves.

—Don’t worr y, mu m, I think I ca n it.

A. take

B. make

C. do

D. achieve

30. All these gifts must be mailed immediate ly in time for Christmas.

A. in order to have received

B. in order to receive

C. so as to be received

D. so as to be receivin g

31. —Is Bob still perf orming?

—I’m afraid not. He is said the stage already as he has become an official.

A. to have left

B. to leave

C. to have been left

D. to be left

32. Does the way you thought of the water clean make any sense?

A. making

B. to make

C. how to make

D. having made

33. You will have an idea of what a hard life the working people at that time after you read the book.

A. enjoyed

B. shared

C. managed

D. lived

34. I did nothing all da y but to my friend who I ha ven’t seen for almost a year.

A. write

B. to write

C. wrote

D. writing

35. You want to help your kids as much as yo u can, but you’ve got to be careful to help them on their own.

A. in other words

B. on the other hard

C. as a result

D. all in all


Some years ago, when my father became pa rtially paralyzed (瘫痪), I bought him a motorized 36 . In nice 37 he enjoyed riding it around but in winter he 38 it in my house miles awa y.

One spring I decided to 39 the wheel chair to my father’s hous e, so a friend came on his motorc ycle and waited to 40 me home. I 41 with the wheelchair for a few minutes, and then we started down a road that had a canal on each side. 42 went well for the first half mile, but when I came off a43 , I met an oncoming car and got 44 . I 45 control of the wheelchair and 46 into a canal, 47 I ended up standing in waist-deep water 48 the wheelchair, which was 49 in the mud.
