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Magnetic resonance hydrography of gastrointestinal tract

LI Xue dan,Z HANG Xiao peng,SU N Y ing shi

(De p a rtment of Radiology ,the First Aff iliated Clinical Hospital of China Medical University ,Shen yang 110001,China)[Abstract] Objective To determine a method to acquire MR gas troin tes tinal hydrography.Methods MR examination was per

formed in 36volunteers.16persons drank 600-1000ml water before scanning stomachs.20persons drank 1000-1500ml 2%-4%Angiografin solution within 1hour before scanning s mall bowels and six of 20persons drank 1000-1500ml water in another time as comparision.A single shot 2D FASE sequence and 3D FASE sequence were used to obtain MRGIH.Results Thirty six cases ac qui red all good 2D pictures.2D images had not motion artifacts and had a good contrast between fluid signals in gastrointestinal tract and signals of adjacent tissue.S tructures of gastrointestinal tract demonstrated clearly.10cases 3D MIP images had motion arti facts and depicted unclearly.There was significant difference between 2D i mages and 3D MIP images (P <0.01).Water dilated stomachs well,fundus,body and antrum of the s tomach denmonstrated clearly.2%-4%Angiografin solution dilated small bowels well and water was easily absorbed in the s mall bowels.Conclusion A single shot 2D FASE seq uence is an effective and convenient sequence for MR gastrointestinal hydrography.2%-4%Angiografin solution is suitable for small bowel MR hydrography.[Key w ords] Gastrointestinal tract;Magnetic resonance;Hydrography



(1.中国医科大学附属第一医院放射科,辽宁沈阳 110001; 2.北京大学临床肿瘤学院暨北京肿瘤医院放射科)[摘 要] 目的 探讨胃肠道磁共振水成像方法。方法 36名健康自愿者,随机分为胃组16名、小肠组20名。依检查部位和目的不同,扫描前口服水或2%~4%安其格纳芬水溶液。选用单次激发厚层投射2D FASE 序列和3D FASE 序列进行胃肠道磁共振水成像。结果 36例均获得较为满意的2D 胃肠道磁共振水成像图像。图像无运动伪影,胃肠道内液体信号与周围组织信号对比良好,结构清晰。10例3D MIP 图像有运动伪影,胃肠道轮廓模糊,黏膜皱襞显示不清,2D 与3D 图像质量有明显差异(P <0.01)。水能很好充盈胃,胃磁共振水成像能勾勒出胃大体轮廓,区分胃底、胃体和胃窦。水在小肠内易被吸收而不易到达远段小肠,2%~4%安其格纳芬水溶液使小肠各段充盈扩张良好。结论 单次激发厚层投射2D FASE 序列是胃肠道磁共振水成像简便有效的序列,2%~4%安其格纳芬水溶液是较理想的小肠磁共振水成像口服造影剂。[关键词] 胃肠道;磁共振;水成像

[中图分类号] R735;R445.2 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1003 3289(2004)01 0017 03[作者简介]李雪丹(1968-),女,辽宁抚顺人,硕士,主治医师。研究方向:腹部影像诊断。E mail:xuedan1225@ [收稿日期]2003 08 24

磁共振水成像(MR hydrography)技术自1991年[1]提出以来,经过不断完善,日趋成熟,应用范围不断扩大。胃肠道磁共振水成像技术(magnetic resonance gastrointestinal hydrography,MRGIH)是在快速扫描方法出现后实现的,有关这方面的较研已有一些报道,初步的研究结果显示出其在胃肠道磁共振研究领域中的价值[2,3]。本研究拟通过36例正常自愿者MRIGH 检查,进一步探讨胃肠道磁共振水成像方法。1 资料与方法

1.1一般资料 36名健康自愿者,男20例,女16例,平均年龄39.4岁。随机分为两组:胃组16名,小肠组20名。

1.2检查前准备 胃磁共振水成像,禁食水4h,扫描前20min 饮水约200ml,上检查床前饮水600~1000ml,饮水时尽量避免咽下空气。小肠磁共振水成像,禁食水12h,扫描前1h 内分段口服2%~4%安其格纳芬(Angiografin,泛影葡胺注射液,先灵药业有限公司生产)水溶液共约1000~1500ml 。其中6例在相似生理状态下,在扫描前1h 内饮水1000~1500ml 。无禁忌症者检查前5min 肌注654 220mg 。

1.3检查技术 TOSHIBA VISART/EX 1.5T 超导型MR 机。用相控阵表面线圈接收信号,呼吸门控。患者取仰卧位,在获得三向(轴位、矢状位、冠状位)定位片后,先行常规轴位T2加权扫描,使用单次激发厚层投射2D FASE 序列在6s 屏气时间内获得重T2加权冠状位图像。胃磁共振水成像层厚为5~10cm,为显示所有小肠袢,可用厚层获得一幅包括整个小肠的图像;为避免小肠前后重叠,由后向前获得2~4层2~4cm
