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摘 要

本次设计主要针对数控磨床做部分改造, 以适应加工产品时可以简单加工、 精确定位、 保证尺寸,提高加工效率,减轻工人劳动强度。

此次改造对机床的导轨和驱动等进给部件做一定的修改,以适应产品的需要,保证在 生产中的精度及效率。

液压驱动对重复定位及尺寸的精度很难保证,使得在生产中很难提高效率。改用伺服 电机驱动进给部件,可以保证机床的重复定位,使产品的精度不会因为操作者的原因而无 法得到保证。

导轨是数控控制精度的一个方面, 数控方式对导轨要求是具有高灵敏度, 低摩擦阻力, 高寿命等,所以对导轨的要求也比较高。一般的磨床采用的是滚动导轨,精度较低,摩擦 阻力大,寿命不高,所以本次设计导轨采用的是滚动导轨

丝杠是控制精度的另一个方面,以前沿用的滑动丝杠传动效率低、导程精度低,不能 满足高精度、高效率的要求,因此该用滚珠丝杠,滚珠丝杠传动系统是以滚珠为媒介的滚 动螺旋传动的体系,它的传动效率高,是传统滚珠丝杠的 2~4 倍,运动平稳性好,精度 高,较高的耐用性,可靠性高,无间隙,刚性好。

对于生产时产品的尺寸能进行补偿,保证产品一致性。另外对于产品的变更能及时进 行调整,以适应不同的产品,尽量降低加工成本。



The design focuses on CNC grinding machines to do part of the transformation to adapt to the processed products can be simple processing, precise positioning to ensure that the size, improve processing efficiency, reduce labor intensity.

The transformation of feed components on the the machine rails and drive to do some modifications to accommodate the needs of the product to ensure accuracy and efficiency in production.

The hydraulic drive to repeat the positioning and dimensions of precision is difficult to ensure, so that is difficult to improve efficiency in production. Switch to servo motor drive feed parts can guarantee repeat positioning of the machine, the accuracy of the product will not be because of the operator's reasons can not be guaranteed.

Rails to one aspect of the numerical control precision CNC pair of guide rails requirements having a high sensitivity and low frictional resistance, high life, etc., and so on rails requirements are relatively high. The grinder is rolling guide, low accuracy, friction, life is not high, so the design rail is rolling guide

The screw is another aspect of the control accuracy, sliding screw previously used transmission efficiency is low, the lead accuracy is low, can not meet the requirements of high precision, high efficiency, so that the ball screw, ball screw drive system is based on a ball media rolling screw drive system, the transmission efficiency is high, the traditional ball screw 2 to 4 times and good, smooth motion, high accuracy, high durability, high reliability, no gap, good rigidity.

To compensate for the size of the product in the production to ensure product consistency.

In addition to the change of the product can be adjusted in a timely manner, in order to adapt to the type of product and to minimize processing costs.

Keywords: Internal grinder; CNC; Servo

目 录

摘 要........................................................................................................................................I Abstract......................................................................................................................................II 目 录......................................................................................................................................V 1 绪论 (1)

1.1本课题的研究内容和意义 (1)

1.2国内外的发展概况 (1)

1.3本课题应达到的要求 (1)

2 总设计方案 (2)

2.1 主要规格与参数 (2)

2.2 总设计方案分析与选定 (3)

2.2.1机床设计改造的基本要求 (3)

2.2.2机床设计改造的研究方法 (3)

2.2.3机床设计的方案分析 (3)

2.3 主要结构与性能 (7)

2.3.1床身 (7)

2.3.2 进给箱 (7)

2.3.3 磨架 (7)

2.3.4 床头 (8)

2.3.5 砂轮修整器 (8)

2.3.6 砂轮轴 (8)

3 传动系统 (9)

3.1 工件传动 (9)

3.2 砂轮传动 (9)

3.3 进给传动 (9)

3.4 机床所用滚动轴承明细表 (9)

3.5 传动带明细表 (10)

3.6 丝杠副明细表 (10)

4 X轴进给伺服系统的设计与计算 (11)

4.1 进给伺服系统的控制方式的选择 (11)

4.2 伺服系统机械传动结构设计特点 (12)

4.3 伺服电动机的选择计算 (12)

4.3.1选择伺服电机的三个指标及其计算 (12)

4.3.2电动机转子惯量与负载惯量匹配 (12)

4.3.3空载加速转矩 (13)

4.3.4电动机的选择 (13)

4.4 滚珠丝杠副 (14)

4.4.1滚珠丝杠特点 (14)

4.4.2滚珠丝杠的消隙和预加载荷 (14)

4.4.3滚珠丝杠的支承 (14)

4.4.4滚珠丝杠的选择计算 (14)

4.4.5 选择丝杠轴承 (16)

4.5 半闭环进给系统的精度 (16)

4.5.1伺服刚度 R k (16)

4.5.2滚珠丝杠的螺母的接触强度 (17)
