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Three Kingdoms三国 (220-280)

the three powers which arose in tripartite balance (三 足鼎立)----Wei, Shu, Wu whose virtual founders are Caopi, Liubei and Sunquan.
Wrong-doings of Ying Zhen

Ying zhen lived a luxurious life. In order to live longer and keep young, he summoned people to seek elixir(长生不老药) at an enormous expense. He went on construction works on a large scale, and imposed severe laws to suppress the revolt(叛乱) of the people. Under his ruthless and cruel rule, people led a bitter life. The disaster known as “Burning books and burying intellectuals in pits” (焚书坑儒) devastated the Chinese culture for generations.
Han Dynasty 汉朝(206B.C.—A.D.220)

The Han Dynasty was established by Liu Bang, with its capital at Chan’an (长安), now Xi’an. It is divided into two periods: Western Han Dynasty, and Eastern Han Dynasty.

Great Contributions of Ying Zheng

He carried out vast construction works like the Great Wall, which linked up the defense walls of the previous Qin, Zhao and Yan states and stretched as long as more than 5000 kilometers.
Tang Dynasty 唐朝(618-907)

The Tang Dynasty is regarded as the most glorious period in the Chinese civilization. It was at that time the largest and economically and culturally speaking, the most developed empire in the world. The two famous emperor in Tang Dynasty are Tangtaizong Li shimin(李世民) and Tangxuanzong Li Longji (李 隆基)
Emperor Wu----Liu Che

Thanks to the effort he made for years, Liu Che expanded the territory of his empire to the area east and south of the Balkhash Lake. (巴尔喀什湖
Great Contributions of Ying Zheng
He established the centralized autocratic political system and introduced the prefecture and county system (郡县制度). He standardized the land system, weight and measures, currency, and the written language. He ordered that the width of the cart track, the styles of clothing and calendar should be uniform.
Emperor Wu----Liu Che

Liu Che adopted Dong Zhongshu’s suggestion of “paying supreme tribute to Confucianism while banning all other schools of thought” (罢黜百家, 独尊儒术) and took the principles of Confucianism as the state philosophy and code of ethics for his empire.
Qin Dynasty秦朝 (221B.C.206B.C.)

Qin Dynasty is the first centralized, unified and multi-national feudal autocratic(封建专制) dynasty in the history of China. Ying Zheng(赢政) proclaimed himself the First Emperor(始皇)
Chinese Idioms or Allusions

一日三秋:One day out of sight seems like three years far apart. 一鼓作气:Press on without letup. 业精于勤:Diligence makes a master