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Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering
Introduction 介绍

Some of the important properties性能 of solid materials固体材料 depend on取决于 geometrical (几何的) atomic arrangements 原子 排列, and also the interactions 相互作用that exist among constituent (component 组元、成分) atoms or molecules分子. This chapter, by way of 经由preparation for为做准备 subsequent discussions随后而来 的讨论, considers考虑 several几个 fundamental基本 and important concepts概念, namely也就是: atomic structure (原子结构), electron 电子 configurations (分布) in atoms and the periodic table(周期表), and the various 这种types 类型of primary 主要的and secondary次要 的 interatomic原子间的 bonds that hold together 使结合the atoms comprising包含 (consisting of ) a solid固体. These topics主题 are reviewed复习 briefly, under 在之下the assumption (假设) that some of the material is familiar to (为熟 悉) the reader.
Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering

Each chemical element 化学元素is characterized by (的特点) the number of protons in the nucleus 原子核, or the atomic number (Z) (原子序数). The atomic mass (A) (原子质量) of a specific 特 殊的atom may be expressed as 被表示成the sum 总数 of the masses of大多数 protons and neutrons 中子within the nucleus. Thus atoms of some elements基础 have two or more different atomic masses, which are called isotopes (同位素).
Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering

2.1 FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS基本概念 Each atom consists of 包含a very small nucleus(pl. nuclei原子核) composed of 由 组成protons (质子) and neutrons (中子), which is encircled (encompassed 原子核 围绕) by moving 移动的electrons (电子). Both electrons and protons质子 are electrically charged (带电的), the charge (电荷) magnitude (数量) being 1.60 × 10-19 C, which is negative 负in sign for 轨 道 电 子 electrons and positive阳性 for protons; neutrons中子 are electrically电性 neutral中立. (translation )

Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering
This micrograph (图片), which represents代表 the surface 表面of a gold specimen金样品, was taken with a sophisticated (complex复 杂的)atomic force microscope (AFM)(原子力显微镜). Individual个别的 atoms for this (111) crystallographic surface plane (晶面)are resolved(分 辩的). Also note the dimensional scale(标尺) (in the nanometer (纳 米) range) below 在下面the micrograph.
Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering

Masses集中 for these subatomic particles亚原子 粒子 are infinitesimally (Immeasurably or incalculably minute 无穷小的) small; protons 质子and neutrons 中子have approximately 大 约(about) the same同样 mass质量, 1.67× 10-27 kg, which is significantly显著地 larger than that of an electron, 9.11 × 10-31 kg.
Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering
Important terms and concepts

Symmetrical 对称的 ↔ asymmetrical不对称的 Coulombic force 库仑力 covalent 共价的 ~bond 共价键 ductile Easily molded or shaped. 可塑的,易成形的,可延展的 ≈malleable electronegative 负电性的 ↔ electropositive阳电性的(正电性的) parameter :variable 参数 quantum mechanics 量子力学 repulsive 排斥的 ↔attractive scale 刻度 Schematical: in the form of a scheme or diagram 图解的 solidification 凝固 固化 /Liquefaction 液化↔ melting superscript 上标 ↔ subscript 下标 valence electrons 价电子 vibration 振动
Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering
Please cite引用 the four components部分 for materials 材料 science and engineering discipline工程科学.
Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering
What should you be able to do after studying this chapter?
Name and explain the primary or chemical bond 化学键found in向 提供 solids固体.
Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering

glue 胶合 Computation 估计 ground state 基态 Coulomb 库仑 Covalent 共价的 hybrid 杂化 Diatomic 二价的 Dipole 偶极子 induced dipoles诱导偶极子 inert : inactive惰性的 ↔active Intrinsical本质的 固有的 quantum mechanics量子力学

tabulate vt. 列成表格 Pauli exclusion principle 包 利不相容原理 tungsten 钨 Predominate支配 掌握 typify 作为 的代表 Proton 质子 valence electrons价电子 Quantize 使量子化
Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering
Ion离子 Ionic 离子的 Cation阳离子↔ Anion阴离 子 Isotopes 同位素 Magnitude 大小 量级 shield 防护物质 Mercury汞 Mole 摩尔 spatial orientation 空间取向 Neutron 中子 Overlap 交叠
Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering
Chapter 2 Atomic 原子Structure结构 and Interatomic原子间的 Bonding联系
Covalent Bond(SiO2 B2O3)
Metallic bond
Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering
After careful study of this chapter章节you should be able to do the followings: 1. Name the two atomic models模型 cited引用, and note 记录the differences between them. 2. Describe描述 the important quantum-mechanical principle (量子理论) that relates to涉及 electron电子 energies能量. 3. (a) Briefly简略 describe 描述ionic离子, covalent共价, metallic金属, hydrogen氢, and van der Waals bonds范德瓦尔斯键. (b) Note记录 what materials 材料exhib展出it each of these bonding键 types 类型.
Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering
1. Define定义 materials science and materials engineering. 2. Offer 提议an example to explain 说明the interrelationship相互关系 among在 中间 the four components of materials science and engineering discipline. 3.从历史上来说,社会的发展和前进是与其社会成员为满足其需要而生产和利 用材料的能力紧密相连的。 Historically, the development of social development and advance with the members of the society is to meet the needs of production and use of materials ability of closely linked. 4. 中国重庆市巴南区红光大道69号重庆理工大学材料科学与工程学院,邮政骗 码: 400050。 (Homework) Chongqing China BaNaOu red road 69, chongqing university of science and technology of materials science and engineering college, postal cheat code: 400050