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《英语常见错误解析》...........................................................................A....................................................................... 1,abdomen n.腹部

误:He told the doctor that his abdomen was painful.

正:He told the doctor there was a pain in his abdomen.

解释:根据英语习惯,肚子疼不说his abdomen was painful ,而是要说成there was a pain in his abdomen,另外,人们常用belly来代替abdomen。实际上,肚疼或者胃疼的常见说法是have a stomach-ache.

2,ability n. 1)能力2)才智才能

误:He has the ability of speaking English.

误: He has the ability to speaking English.

误:He has an ability to speaking English.

正:He has the ability to speak English.

正:His ability saved the team from defeat.


3,able adj.1)有能力的2)显示出才智的

误:She is able of completing the task by herself.

误:She can be able to complete the task by herself.

正:She is able to complete the task by herself.

误:John is very able.

正:John is an able man.

解释:able后不接动名词结构,而是要接动词不定式。为了避免语义重复,able不能和can 一起连用。able不可以坐标与,只能做定语。作表语可用capable。

4,abound v.丰富,盛产

误:Fish is abound in this river.

误:This river abound fish.

正:Fish abounds in this river.

正:This river abounds with fish.


5,about prep,adv

1)be about to 即将正要2)到处

误:I was about going out when it began raining.

误: I was about to go out soon when it began raining.

正:I was about to go out when it began raining.

误:Don’t leave things about everywhere.

正:Don’t leave things about.

解释:about作为介词,后面常跟名称或者动名词,但在be about 之后却要跟to do不定式。而且be about to 意为将要;即将;正要不能和表示意义重复的副词一起连用。如:soon,at once ,immediately,etc. About 作为副词,其意义和everywhere重复,应删去其中一个。

6,abroad adv. 到国外;在国外

误:My father went to abroad a month ago.

正:My father went abroad a month ago.

误:Mary is in abroad.

正:My is abroad.

解释:abroad 是副词,自句中直接作状语,前面不能加任何介词。

7,abscond v. 潜逃

误:The cashier absconded the bank’s money.

正:The cashier absconded with the bank’ money.

解释:abscond为不及物动词,携带东西潜逃应该用abscond with的结构。

8,absent adj./v.缺席

误:She was absent in school yesterday.

正:She was absent from school yesterday.

正:He absented himself from the meeting on some pretext.

误:This word is absent from this dictionary.

正:This word is absent in this dictionary.

误:I went to see him last Sunday but he was absent.

正:I went to see him last Sunday but he was out.

解释:没去上学,没去开会等要用be absent from,但是“在某地方没有某东西”却要用be absent in。Absent 虽有不在之意,但是“不在家”不能用absent,而要用out.

9,absolutely adv.绝对地

误:He is right absolutely.

正:He is absolutely right.

正:He absolutely refused to discuss the problem any further.

解释:absolutely 为副词,应该放在形容词,副词或者行为动词之前,助动词或系动词之后。10,absolve v.解除;赦免;宽恕

误:The relationship promised to absolve his guilty.

正:The relationship promised to absolve him from his guilty.

解释:“宽恕”某人可以说absolve sb,但是“宽恕某人的罪行”应该说absolve sb from his or her guilt.

11,absorb v. 1)吸收2)吸引

误:Paper that absorbs in ink is called blotting paper.

正:Paper that absorbs ink is called blotting paper.

正He is absorbed completely in his business.

正:He has been absorbed bu the book this week.

解释:absorb为及物动词,后面直接加宾语,不需要介词in,若被动语态be absorbed in 和be absorbed by 都是正确的。

12,absorption n.1)专注2)吸收

误:I really admire his complete absorption with his business.

正:I really admire his complete absorption in his business.

正:His insatiable absorption of knowledge is incredible.

解释:absorption 当“专注”解释时,后面要跟介词in ,不能跟with;若当“吸收”讲,则要接of.

13, abstain v. 或;避免;避开

误:It’s difficult for some smokers to abstain smoking.
