九年级英语语法Unit 1

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Unit 1 section A


1.成为好的学习者become good learns 19.像一个噩梦be like a bad dream

2.和朋友们一起学习work with friends 20.害怕(做)某事be afraid of (doing) sth /be afraid to sth

3.制作单词卡片make word cards 21.一部名叫电影an English movie called/named...

4.向某人寻求帮助/某物ask sb for help/sth 22.爱上某人/某物fall in love with sb/sth

邀请某人做某事ask(invite) sb to do 23.开始做某事begin to do/doing sth

向某人询问某事ask sb about sth 24. 肢体语言body language

5.通过做某事by doing sth 25.脸上的表情the expression on their faces

6. ....的秘诀the secret to... 26.也:as well 用于句中,句末。

保守秘密keep a secret too 用于肯定句,句末。

7..为考试而学习study for a test 27.关键词the key words

7.与某人交谈have conversations with sb 28.英语电影中的对白the conversations in English movies

8.练习做某事practice doing sth 29.更好的理解英文电影have a better understanding of English movies

9.用那种方式学到了许多learn a lot (in) that way 30.大声跟读/改善我的发音repeat out loud/improve my pronunciation

10.口语技能/英语口语speaking skills/ spoken English 31.大量阅读/ 记笔记read a lot / take notes

11.有时sometimes=at times 32.给笔友写电子邮件write e-mails to my pen pal

12.太......而不能too ...to do sth 33.写日记keep a diary/diaries

= ...so... that(not)... 33.大多数时间most (of the) time

=not ...enough to do sth 34.做语法练习do grammar exercises

13.有点儿紧张 a little/a bit/kind of nervous 35.对...做出改进improve on sth

14.做读书报告give a report 36.用......造句make a sentence with...

15.(为了)获取大意(to)get the main ideas 37.记句型模式memorize sentence patterns

16.逐个字,逐个字读read word by word 38.查字典look ...up in the dictionary

17.按意群读read word groups 39.对某人有耐心be patient with sb

18.努力做某事/猜try to do sth/guess 忍耐某事be patient of sth

尽某人最大努力做某事try one’s best to do sth 有耐心做某事be patient to do sth

尝试做某事try doing sth 40.大声朗读(来练习发音)read aloud (to practice pronunciation)19.完成做某事finish doing sth


1.小菜一碟。It’s a piece of cake.

2.你活该。It serves you right.

3.做某事对某人来说...样It’s+ 形+ for sb to do sth.

学英语对我们来说很重要。It’s important for us to learn English.

4.发现做某事...样find it +形+ for sb to do sth.

魏芬发现学英语很难。Wei Fen finds it difficult for her to learn English.

5.越...,越... the +比较级,the+比较级

你读的越多,你将越快。The more you read,the faster you’ll be.




8.我可以更好地理解英文电影。I have a better understanding of English movies.

Unit 1 section B


1.如何提高我的学阅读速度how to increase my reading speed 16.成功做某事succeed(v) in doing sth

如何做某事/以...增加how to do sth / increase by... success(n)/successful(adj)/successfully(adv)

2.犯错误(在语法方面) make mistakes in grammar 17.做...是不够的It’s not enough to do sth.

3.写作练习/练习拼写writing practice/practice speaking 18. (做某事)最好的方法the best way to do sth

4.使...正确get ...right 19. 画思维导图draw mind maps

5.一个练习英语的同伴 a partner to practice English with 20..向某人解释某事explain sth to sb

6.天生具有做某事的能力be born with the ability to do sth 21.反复over and over again

7.是否whether or not=whether... or not 22.一个终生的旅程 a lifelong journey

8.依靠,依赖/学习习惯depend on/learning habits 23.感到紧张,焦虑不安be stressed out/get nervous

9.有共同特征have in common 24.独自,单独on one’ own

10.对...感兴趣be interested in 25.属于某人自己的of one’s own

11.更活跃/感到无聊more active/get bored 26.渐渐的,一点一点的bit by bit/little by little

12.注意,关注做某事pay attention to doing sth 27.担心worry about/be worried about

13.把...和...连接起来connect...with... 28.以...的高/低速度at high/low speed of

14.即使even though= even if 29.一直,坚持做某事keep (on) doing sth

15.(积极)参加have an ( active ) part in 30.明智的,聪明的学习learn wisely


1.从错误中汲取教训。Learning from mistakes。

2.熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect.

3.不用就作废。Use it or lose it.

4.知识源于质疑。Knowledge comes from questioning.
