《英汉翻译基础教程》 笔记及习题(段落翻译)【圣才出品】

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5.1 复习笔记







英语是一种“形合语言”(a Language of Hypotaxis),所以英语重逻辑性。一般说来,英语句子逻辑标志(1ogic markers)非常明显,即用连接词来明示其逻辑关系。

But occasionally, through haste or carelessness, mistakes were made, so that at the end of the business day one teller would be short on cash, the other long.




It was no burden to me but a relief to dictate from my general body of knowledge acquired at the summit full explanations to one I know so well.


5.2 课后习题详解

课内练习1 逻辑关联


1. Self-esteem is feeling worthy and able to meet life’s challenges. It is as essential as the air we breathe, and just as intangible. It comes from the depths of our core, yet it is reflected in every outward action we take, grand or small. It is the essence from which we measure our worth and the most important building block in the foundation of our intangible.

【提示】meet life’s challenges可译为“接受人生/生活的挑战”;from the depths of our core可译为“来源于我们的心灵深处”;in every outward action we take, grand or small更需要意译,可考虑译为“一举一动”。



2. We do not seem to realize that very little excellence is achieved by living a well-balanced life. Edison, Ford, Einstein, Freud all had single-minded devotion to work whereby they sacrificed many things, including family and friendship. The accusation is made that workaholics bear guilt by not being good parents or spouses. But guilt can exist in balanced life also. Consider how many “normal”people find, at middle-age, that they have never done anything well—they are going to settle for less than what they could have become.

【提示】very little excellence is achieved by living a well-balanced life可译为“取得卓越的成就很少是通过四平八稳的生活实现的”。settle for less than what they could have become必须加以引申进行意译,如译为“他们原本可以有所作为,但现在却只能就此罢休。”


3. One of the generalities most often noted about Americans is that we are a restless, a dissatisfied, a searching people. We bridle and buck under failure, and we
