最新高考英语口语早读Retelling 训练

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梗概:苏珊父亲为了供她上大学而努力加班赚钱。 苏珊第一次考试后却给他带回令他 “高兴”的消息
关键词: University(大学) overtime(加班) worth (值得) examination (考试) pleased(高兴的)
When Susan left high school, she wanted to go to university. Though her father was poor, he encouraged Susan to take the entrance exam. Susan took the exam and passed . Her father was very proud of her and was determined to find the money for her education. He sold his car and asked his boss to give him three hours overtime every day. He worked very hard but did not complain. He thought his daughter’s education was worth it. A year passed. Susan took her first-year examination. When the results were announced she ran home to tell her father the news. She said he would be pleased with the results. He thought Susan had passed the exam. But Susan said that he could have his car back and stop working hard.
梗概:慷慨的警察杰克看到丢失钱包而痛哭的女孩。 他给女孩钱,女孩却哭得更凶了。
关键词: generous(慷慨) trouble(困难,麻烦) cry (哭) purse(女用钱包) louder (更大声)
Police Officer Jack was a generous man and he always tried to help people in trouble. If he saw a beggar in the street, he gave him a few coins instead of arresting him. If he saw children behaving badly, he didn’t not take them to the police station but tried to help them solve the problem. One day he saw a little girl standing in the street crying loudly. He asked her what was her problem and the girl told him that she had lost her purse with all her money it it. It was ten dollars. Jack took out his wallet and gave her ten dollars. But the girl started crying even louder. She wished she had said she had lost fifty dollars.
Retelling 5
梗概:人人梦想中大奖。有人中奖后买了最大的 房子,有人要环游世界。这人却想继续 睡觉。
关键词: dream(梦,做梦) lottery(彩票) travel(旅游) greedy(贪婪的) sleep(睡觉)
All over the world people dream of winning the lottery and becoming millionaires overnight. They often wonder what they would do if they won a huge amount of money. One evening three friends were talking about this topic. One man asked the other two what they would do if they woke up and discovered that they had won fifty million dollars. One of them said that he would buy the biggest house in the world or buy several houses around the world with wonderful views. The other said that he would spend his life travelling around the world, stay at the best hotels, eat the most expensive food and wear only the finest clothes. Then they asked the man what he would do. He laughed and said he was greedy and he would go back to sleep and try to win another fifty million.
梗概:詹姆斯牙痛看牙医。医生将烂牙拔掉后, 他要求把牙拿回来,看着它受罪。
关键词: toothache(牙痛) pain (痛苦) dentist (牙医) pull(拔,拉) suffer (受苦)
Leabharlann Baidu
James had a terrible toothache (that made it difficult for him to eat or drink. ) Anything very hot or cold made the pain worse. He tried to bear the pain but at last it was too much and he went to the dentist at last. The dentist xrayed / examined the tooth which gave him the trouble and found there was a big hole in it. He said he had to take it out because it was too big to fill and James agreed as long as he stopped the pain. After the dentist pulled out the tooth, he dropped it into the garbage can. But James told him not to throw it away and let him have it. When the doctor asked him why, he said he was going to take it home, put it in (a bowl of) hot honey and watch it suffer.
Retelling 6
梗概:三个朋友出海遇风暴。在荒岛上只剩一片 面包,决定谁明晚做的梦最好面包就归谁。
关键词: sail(航海,航行) storm(风暴) deserted(荒废的) describe(描述) bad(坏的)
Three friends were sailing around the world when their Boat was hit by a big storm. They struggled to a deserted island with as much food as they could carry. For a few weeks they lived on the food, but at last there was only a piece of bread left. They decided that whoever had the best dream that next night could have the bread. The next morning they took turns to describe their turns. The first man dreamed about eating the best food and wines in the world’s most wonderful restaurant. The second man dreamed about traveling to all the wonderful places on a flying carpet. The third man said he dreamed the bread was going bad. So as soon as he woke up, he ate the bread because he didn’t wan’t to waste it.
Retelling 7
梗概:艾伦常违反交通规则被传讯。他将车油 漆成两种颜色,以让目击证人证词不一致。
关键词: accident(事故,车祸) court(法庭,法院) notice(通知书,传讯) paint(油漆) witness(目击证人)
Alan was the worst driver in town and he had an accident almost every week. His mother was always worried about him because at least once a week he got a speeding ticket or a court notice. He had almost broken all the traffic laws, but luckily he had never hurt anyone in his accident. The police didn’t like him but his lawyer did because he had earned a lot of money from Alan’s cases. One day his mother saw him working in the garden painting his car. She asked him why he was painting one side of the car red and the other side blue. He said in court two witnesses were needed for every traffic case. If he went to court next time, the witnesses would give two different answers when his lawyer asked them about the colour of his car. Then the judge would have to dismiss the case against him.