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when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
作业 根据你喜爱的一则童话、寓意或神话, 设计一个或一组卡通画形象。
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
1、立意构思:要构思巧妙,主题明确, 有一定思想性、艺术性和趣味性;
2、表现形式:根据主题需要,兼顾自 己的实际能力,选择合适的形式进行表 现; 3、造型手法:可通过夸张、变形、概括、 比喻、象征、寓意、拟人等方法进行表现;
5、细节处理:注意的细节处理,让形 象和环境具有典型性。
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
漫画 是艺术家运用夸张、比喻、象征、寓意 等多种手法通过幽默、诙谐的画面,讽刺、 批判或歌颂生活中的各种现象,是一种具 有强烈的讽刺性或幽默性的绘画形式。
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school
第 四 单 元 我 们 的 动 漫 天 地
幽 默 智 慧 的 漫 画
when is y our birthday can y ou play the guitar what time do y ou go to school