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课堂练习—词汇应用 Ⅰ.单句语法填空
• 1.I set my feelings down on the blog,which is my hobby.
• 2.Having got tired (tire) of staying indoors for days, we are longing to go out and relax ourselves.
The sun is setting so the time now is
at dusk
苹果5系列 _a__s_e_ri_e_s_o_f__ iphone 5
Her hair is __l_o_o_s__e__ (松散的)
_w_a_lk__ the dog
Now they are talking happilyfa_c_e__t_o_f_a_c_e
• 3.我们担心他父亲的健康。(be concerned about) We are concerned about his father’s health.
• 4.这是我第一次到屯昌。(It’s the first time that…) It is the first time that I have been to Tunchang.
Read them together and try to remember their Chinese meanings
Biblioteka Baidu upset
• 心烦的,不安的不适的
• calm down • 平静下来,镇定下来
• have got to • 不得不,必须
• concern
• v.担忧涉及;关系到 n担心关
A good friend is someone who you can tell everything to, even your most personal feelings and1 (think).Anne
Frank treated her diary as her 2.
• 3.—How can you say that?
• —Sorry.I didn't mean to hurt you on purpose. • 4.The government has taken a series of measures
to stop house prices from rising sharply. • 5.Suffering(suffer) such a heavy loss,the boss didn't
stayed up on purpose until eleven thirty just to see 8 . moonlight. She said,“This is the first time I .9 (see) the moonlight since I came here.”
• 10. (unfortunate),Anne and her family were discovered at last and taken away from the hiding place.
• be concerned 心
• 关心,挂念
• walk the dog • 遛狗
• loose
• 松的,松开的
• go through • set down • a series of • outdoors • on purpose • in order to • at dusk
• 经历,经受 • 记下,写下 • 一连串的,一系列的 • 在户外;在野外 • 故意 • 为了 • 在黄昏时刻
A good friend is someone who you can tell everything to, even your most personal feelings and1 thoughts (think).Anne
(good) friend.
The German Nazis were in search of Anne and her family.
The family had to hide away from the chase. They didn't dare
(go) out even in the evenings .They had to stay 4 .
have the courage to go on with his business.
II. 汉译英
• 1. 你现在和同学相处得好不好? (get along with) Are you getting along well with your classmates?
• 2. 他写了一系列有关早期教育的书。(a series of) He wrote a series of books on early education.
• entire • entirely • power • face to face
• 整个的,完全的 • 完全地,全然地 • 力量,权力 • 面对面
• curtain
• 窗帘
• dusty • no longer
• 挤满灰尘的 • 不再…
• not any longer
Let's play games !!!
(indoor) day and night. Not 5. (be) able to go out for such a long time,Anne missed the beauty of nature so much6 . she grew crazy 7 everything to do with it. One evening she
They are not at home but they do sports o__u_td_o_o__rs_
There is no wind and the
sea is _c_a__lm__
We should keep
_c_a_l_m__ during
the exam.