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Useful Sentences in the Establishment of Business Relations
Contents of the letter:
• • • • • • 1 the source of information; 2 intention; 3 business scope; 4 reference to firm’s financial position; 5 make request for sample, pricelists, catalogues; 6 To close the letter, the writer usually expresses his expectation and an early reply.
V. Initial/first Enquiries 1. We invite you to send us details and prices, possibly also samples, of such goods as you would be interested in selling, and we shall gladly study the sales possibilities in our market. 2. We shall thank you to let us know your trade terms, and forward samples and other helpful literature, with a view to getting into business in the near future. 3. We should be pleased to have you send us your quotations, with all pertinent information and covering samples. 4. If you can supply this type of merchandise, kindly airmail us a sample cup. Also, please enclose your prices of various models. 5. As there is a good demand here we should appreciate your sending us a sample together with the prices of various models. 6. Would you please supply us with a complete set of catalogues for Textile Accessories so that we may make our choice and work on them.
Establishing Байду номын сангаасusiness Relations
• Channels to obtain information: 1. Banks 2. Chambers of commerce 3. Advertisement in the media 4. Trade directory 5. Exhibitions and trade fairs
IV. Business Scope
1. We are in a position to accept orders against customers’ samples specifying design, specifications and packaging requirements. We are also prepared to accept orders for goods with customers’ own trade marks or brand names. 2. Our corporation is established for the purpose of carrying on import and export business as well as other activities in connection with foreign trade. 3. Electronics products fall (come) within the scope of our business activities. 4. Textiles are our line. 5. The main products our corporation deals in is electrical appliance.
II. Intention to establish business relations: :
1. We are writing to you in the hope that we can open up business relations with your firm. 2. In order to extend our export business to your country, we wish to enter into direct business relations with you. 3. We wish to express our desire to trade with you in leather shoes. 4. We would like to establish business relations with you on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods.
I. Information source 1. Your company has kindly been introduced to us by Messrs. Freeman & Co., Ltd., London, England. We shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you at an early date. 2. Having had your name and address from the commercial Counselor's Office of our Embassy in Pakistan, we avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations with you. Your Commercial Counselor'sOffice参赞has referred us to you for establishing business relations with your corporation. The American Consulate in Shanghai领事馆has advised us to get in touch with you concerning our new product.
10. The name of your esteemed firm has been given us by the Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong. 11. We learned from the Chinese Chamber of Commerce here that you are producing for export shoes and handbags in a variety of natural leathers. 12. We learn from our Embassy in your country that you are manufacturing and exporting a variety of Cassette Tape Recorders. 13. We got the information from our sales manager that you have the desire to cooperate with our firm in marketing our electronics and audio products.
5. As for ourselves, we are a leading and old established firm of exporters, and we are in a very good position to supply most grades of canned fish at competitive prices and for good delivery. 6. We introduce ourselves as dealers in bicycles and spare parts. We have been in this line for over two decades.
III. Self-introduction
1. We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state-owned corporation dealing exclusively in light industrial goods. 2. Our corporation is a group enterprise integrating scientific research, business, production and service. As a joint venture, our corporation has won a prominent position in the fields of home electronics, computers and telecommunications in China. 3. We inform you that we have been engaged in this business for the past 25 years. We, therefore, feel that because of our past years’ experience, we are well qualified to take care of your interests at this end. 4. May we introduce ourselves as importers of all general merchandise, exporters of china produce, and manufacturers’ representatives, and commission agents. We have been in business since 1900, and can boast of having vast and wide experience in all the lines we handle.
5. You were recommended to our company by the Bank of China, New York Branch, which told us that you import Chinese textiles and cotton piece goods. 6. We owe your name to the Bank of China, through whom we learned that you are the manufacturers of textiles, piece goods and other general merchandise.