动词的时和体-Tense & Aspect

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• The village was very poor twenty years ago.
• Denoting past habit, e.g.
• In those days they sowed wheat by hand.
• He worked in a bank all his life.
• Compare: • His father was an English teacher all his life. • His father has been an English teacher all his life.
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Momentary and instantaneous present
• To denote a momentary phenomenon that exists at the time of speaking. This phenomenon usually has some duration and therefore is mostly associated with static verbs, e.g. • What’s the matter with you? You look pale. • What do you think, Jane? • To imply that the event takes place singly and once-forall within the moment of speaking, restricted to dynamic verbs denoting short actions, e.g. “ I declare the meeting open”; “Look, I take this card from the pack and place it under the handkerchief.”
Uses of simple present
• The simple present can be used to denote the following meanings:
• 1) Timeless present
• 2) Habitual present • 3) Momentary and instantaneous present • 4) Simple present referring to the future • 5) Simple present referring to the past
• Did you want me? Yes, I wondered if you could give me some help.
Attitudinal and hypothetical past
• The hypothetical past – the simple past refers not to a fact but to a non-fact, e.g.
• It’s time you had a holiday. • I wish I were eighteen now. • I’d rather you stayed. • If I had the money now, I would buy a house.
Uses of present progressive
Simple present referring to the future
• I hope you have a good time. • I bet it rains tomorrow.
• I’ll make sure that you don’t get lost.
• Would you tell him the latest development as soon as he comes back. • If it is fine, we’ll go to the countryside this weekend.
Uses of present progressive
• 2) to denote an action in progress at time including the present. Compare:
• He walks to work.
Permanent habit
• He is walking to work these days.
Simple present referring to the past
• Simple present is used to refer to the past in situations such as newspaper headlines / photographic captions
• http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/china/201303/22/content_16338838.htm
• 1) to denote an action in progress at the moment of speaking. Compare: Permanent residence • He lives in Guangzhou.
• He is living in Guangzhou. Temporary residence
Attitudinal and hypothetical past
• Attitudinal past – the past tense is associated with the present time in independent clauses expressing a question, request or suggestion. Its effect is to make the question/request/suggestion less direct, polite, somewhat tentative attitude on the part of the speaker, e.g. • Could you open the door, please? • Could you do me a favor?
Temporary habit
• The present progressive can collocate with such adverbial of frequency as always, constantly, continually, forever. Compare: An objective fact • She complains about the house. With emotional color • She is constantly complaining about the house.
Tense and Aspect
• Uses of simple present
• Uses of simple past
• Uses of present progressive
• Uses of past progressive • Uses of present perfective (progressive) • More on the use of perfective aspect
Uses of present progressive
Examples 1) I’m meeting Robin for coffee tomorrow. 2) I wish I weren’t so short. (second verb) 3) Wild storm hits Melbourne. 4) What name was it, please? 5) If I won the lottery, I’d resign. (both verbs) 6) My tram leaves at 6.35. 7) In she comes and slaps him across the face. 8) Would you mind if I turned down the AC? Time future present past present future future past Tense present past present past past present present
Uses of simple past
• 1) Past event and past habit • 2) Attitudinal and hypothetical past
Past event and past habit
• Denoting past event, e.g.
• His father joined the Party ten years ago.
Habitual present
• A second use of the simple present, that of habitual or recurrent use, is typically associated with dynamic verbs, e.g. • Percy often goes to work by bus. • The postman comes twice a day. • He always sleeps with his windows open.
Simple present referring to the past
• Usually found with “communication verbs” such as tell, say, hear, learn, write to express the present effect of information received in the past, e.g.
Lecture 6 Tense & Aspect
Time and Tense in the English Verb System
Warming-up Activities: Work with your neighbors. Look at the following sentences and make a note of the time and tense of each one.
Timeless present
• The most common use of the simple present is found in the expression of eternal truths and proverbs, as well as in scientific, mathematical, geographical and other statements made for all time, mostly applied to static verb, e.g. • Honesty is the best policy. • Facts speak louder than words. • London stands on the River Thames.
• Alice tells me you’re entering college next year.
• I hear poor Mrs Smith has lost her son. • As a device of story-telling and news reporting to add vividness to the description, known as “historic present”, e.g. • …I was just dozing off in front of the television when my wife rushes in shouting that the kitchen is on fire.