中国航空业的PESTLE 和五力分析

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1、推动机场、空管、机队规划稳步实施。 2、空管基础设施建设,提升空管运行保障水平。 3、提出促进支线机场可持续发展的意见。 4、研究制定关于加快飞机租赁业发展的意见。
1、由于2011年宏观经济紧缩政策导致的经济增 速下滑以及投资增长放缓,影响航空市场的 需求。 2、国内经济周期波动的影响, 2012 年上半年 国内航空需求增速放缓,而国际航空需求受 国际经济震荡的影响仍然不旺盛,从而使行 业需求增长放慢。 3、国际业务成为三大航竞争的关键不确定因素。 4、期待政策反转带来的市场繁荣。政策反转是 航空板块反转的关键条件。
Barriers to entry
The Bargaining Power of Suppliers
The Bargaining Power of Suppliers—moderate
1、The market power of suppliers:Aircraft, aviation supplies, China Aviation oil, and for products.Suppliers of aircraft strength is very strong;For vendor comparison 2、 The brand featuresof suppliers:Airbus believes a connection that you can relay between Hub ultra large aircraft;While Boeing is considered in the middle of cities to direct flights, is the trend of future flights. 3 、The company’s position of vendor‘s strategies: When choosing a supplier always consider the economic, once you select a supplier of
fax, e-mail, this type of advanced telecommunications equipment supplier.
routes;Political advantage;Security brand 4、To see competitive pressure
Southern Airlines: Has themost domestic routes ;Largest
Domestic marketa certain low; from Hainan Airlines merger distribution networks market share--has share is advantage of Among the Alliance failed, there is risk of advantage and channels;Advance e-ticket technology marginalization; Continued mergers and geography strength speed up China Eastern Airlines: acquisitions, both to international, enhancing international competitiveness;Also in The regional airline: good institutional advantages;Flexible order to ensure the steady growth of enterprises by scale, against operation mechanism;Occupies most of the country's regional
Intensity of Rivalry
Competitive rivalry —Strong
1、Number of industries: Airlines' profiles 2、Each has advantages 3、Equilibrium Airlines: largest capital;Many international International
——网络安全存在隐患 ——自身技术的落后 ——高速铁路网络建设加快
宏 观 因 素 分 析
Porter's Five—Forces Analysis for China's Airlines
Porter's Five Forces Analysis for China's Airlines
The Bargaining Power of Buyers
The Bargaining Power of Buyers
1, The volume size of buyer's purchase :
Single passengers‘ purchase and the groups’ purchase;Large buying, higher power of bargaining
Political Economics
Social and Cultural
按照“十二五”规划《纲要》和已报国务院待批 复的《综合交通运输体系规划(2011-2015年)》要求, 中央和地方发展改革部门要抓紧工作,全面推进,为实 现5年规划目标打下坚实基础。按照中央对经济工作的 总体要求,2012年要进一步优化投资结构,保障在建 续建项目建设,有序推进“十二五”规划确定的重大项 目。
战略图 KSF分析
The development of Aviation Transportation
• From remote ancient times, people dream to fly freely in the sky, but it was untill the 18th century that people realized the dream uБайду номын сангаасder the rapid development of modern science and technology. • On December 17, 1903, the United States "the aviator" flight of the Wright brothers' success marked the birth of the civil aviation industry, and China's history of air transportation industry can be traced back to the April of 1920, just that time China's first commercial airline flight test got success.
blackmail to reduce fares, making the company lower profits.。
The Threat of Substitutes
The Threat of Substitutes
1. Business contact areas Try to provide phone, conference phone,
宏 观 因 素 分 析
1、时间价值观念逐渐深入人心 2、追求健康、休闲旅游的理念逐步形成 3、节约和环保逐渐成为人们的共识,廉价 航空市场前景光明 4、消费群体意识性提升 5、旅游品味及潮流的变化 6、注重节日经济
宏 观 因 素 分 析
1、互联网技术的发展带来航空运输业“简化商 务”的兴起
2, The switching cost purchasers turned to substitute:
No additional costs;(Cancellation charges) 3, Whether there is a risk of the buyers' joint : Buyers often joint to flight against to buy other companies as a
external risks。 routes
The Threat of New Entrants
The Threat of New Entrants—Lesser
根据我国《民航法》规定,设立航空运输企 业,应当向国家民航总局申请领取经营许可 Policy barriers: the provisions of the Civil Aviation 证,并依法办理工商登记。只有当申请公司 具备符合国家规定的适应保证飞行安全要求 ActCapital requirements: large capital investment 的民用航空器、有必须的依法取得执照的航 空人员、有不少于国务院规定的最低限额的 Product differentiation: the service quality, frequent flyer 注册资本和法律、行政法规规定的其他条件 ,方可从事民用航空运输服务。这从资金规 program, flight schedule 模和技术水平方面设置了壁垒。民航总局对 航空公司运行也有具体的规定。它会规定在 Swiching costs: higher •服务质量主要体现在无缝隙的中转衔接、机舱内 哪些航线是民运航线,哪些是军用航线。 服务和机票限制等。 Expected •常旅客计划是目前航空公司较为常用的能带来产 品差异化的一种促销方式。 return •对于时间敏感旅客,航班时刻产生的差异化远远 高于常旅客计划。而我国航空公司没有航班时刻 Industry‘s 的制定权,由民航总局制定统一分配。为争夺更 overcapacity and fierce 多的旅客,航空公司之间对出行高峰期航班时刻 retaliation 的竞争尤为激烈。
The development of Aviation Transportation
• In 2012, our country civil aviation (certified) airport reached a total of 183 (excluding Hong Kong and Macao, the same below), including regular flight navigation airport 180, 178 regular flight navigation city. Airport throughput each index of 2012, China's maintaining the momentum of steady growth, the annual throughput of 679.772 million passengers, an increase of 9.5% over the previous year. The annual throughput of 11.994 million tons of, an increase of 3.6% over the previous year.
aircraft, the replacement may be little (the maintenance of aircraft, the costs
of pilots'cultivation), so vendors' strategies take the higher status of the company.