英国文学史及选读课件 4 The Renaissance

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c. the most influential man of letter since the Renaissance: d. an encyclopedia of the Elizabethan Age e. the representative of the Renaissance literature in general;
3). 1601-1607 great tragedies; dark comedies 悲喜剧 (tragicomedies) (11plays) 4). 1608-1613 romantic drama (4 plays)
*Four Types of His Plays
a. b. c. d. comedy tragedy tragic-comedy historical plays
unrhymed iambic pentameter (五 五 步抑扬格with five feet unstressed 步抑扬格 syllable + stressed syllable )
2. William Shakespeare (1564―1616)
2. William Shakespeare (1564―1616)
Leabharlann Baidu b. The old English aristocracy贵族 was taken the place by a new nobility totally dependent on the king’s power.
c. The class of bourgeoisie composed of由…组成,构成 the rich merchants and handicraftsmen手工业者 living in the cities came into being出现,
The study and propagation增殖,繁殖,广传,传播 of classical learning and art was carried on by the progressive进步的;先进的;革新的 thinkers of humanists.
They held their chief interest not in ecclesiastical基督教会的;教士的 knowledge, but in man, his environment and doings and bravely fought for the emancipation释放, 解放 of man from the tyranny暴政,专制 of the church and religious dogmas教条 .
His Life
His writing career Shakespeare’s achievement and significance
His Life
1564, Born in Stratford-on-Avon 1588-1592, in London as actor and playwright 1592-98, devoted himself mainly to history plays and comedies
*Man is the measure of all things; *Man has ability to perfect themselves, to develop the individual; *Man should enjoy the present life.
E. Literarily:
*Essays: a. Thomas More --- Utopia (Latin: nowhere) b. Francis Bacon --- Essays
*poetry: a. Thomas Wyatt --- the first to introduce the Sonnet into English literature b. Edmund Spenser --- “The Fairy Queen”
The Twelfth Night
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Four greatest tragedies Hamlet
King Lear
The Merchant of Venice
The Tempest
Historical plays
*drama: Christopher Marlowe --- made “Blank Verse” the principle vehicle of expression in drama for the first time in history.
*Blank verse(白体诗、无韵体诗 白体诗、 白体诗 无韵体诗)
f. “He’s not of an age, but of all time" — Ben Jonson g. He had the largest command of vocabulary. (16,000 different words)
To preview “To be or not to be” soliloquy To preview “Sonnet 18”
Unit 4 The Renaissance
I. Background II. Shakespeare
The Renaissance is an epoch时期,时代 of social and cultural development not only for all Western Europe but also for England. Great changes have taken place in England in every aspect.
1601-1609, wrote the greatest tragedies and romantic comedies 1610, retired to Stratford 1616, died.
His writing career
Four periods 1). 1588-1594 period of apprenticeship (10 plays) 2). 1595-1600 lyrical poems抒情诗 ; historical plays and comedies (2 plays)
a. Manufactories were developing and the wool trade was rapidly growing.
The large-scale enclosure圈地;围场 of common land It’s a time called by Thomas More “sheep devoured吞食 men” period.
A. Politically:
a. The absolute monarchy君主专制政体 was formed in England. King Henry VIII broke off with the Pope(天主教)教皇;罗马教 皇 so that the secular现世的;世俗的;非宗教的 and religious power was consolidated合并,联 合,统一 under one king.
B. Economically:
The 16th century in England was a period of the breaking up of feudal relations and the establishing of the foundation of capitalism.
D. Culturally:
Together with the development of bourgeois relationships and formation of the English national state, this period is marked by a flourishing茂盛,繁荣,兴旺 of national culture known as Renaissance.
Henry VI
*Shakespeare’s achievement and significance 2 long narrative poems; 154 sonnets; 37 plays
a. represents the climax of the Renaissance;
b. one of the few writers who can be said indispensable in the European literary history; (Homer, Dante and Shakespeare)
a. “renaissance”― a French word, meaning “rebirth”, “revival苏醒;复活;复兴 ” 苏醒;复活; b. it is first used to indicate a revival of classical (Greek and Rome) arts and science after the dark ages of medieval obscurantism蒙昧主义 .
b. The victory over Span consolidated巩固,加强 Great Britain’s right on the high seas公海 and in world trade.
C. Socially:
The uprisings of peasants农民,佃农 were ruthlessly无情地;冷酷地;残忍地 suppressed压制,镇压 .
c. Now it is used to indicate the intellectual and literary movement over Europe from the 14th to the early 17th century.
d. A great number of the works of classical authors were translated into English during the 16th century. e. Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.