许国璋英语1 Lesson19 课件

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4. After he finished school there… 在他毕业之后… ⑴ “中学毕业”为固定词组,middle可以省略。 ⑵ 注意在某些词组中school前面不加冠词,又例如: to go to school 上学 to stay at school 留在学校 School begins tomorrow. 明天开学。 5. There he was a leader of the student movement and took an active part in revolutionary work. 是简单句。同样的有第三段的:He was the best student in his class, and was always ready to help his friends with their lessons. 也是简单句。 ⑴ take part in 参加 ⑵ to be ready 乐于… to be ready to do something 随时愿意做某事,乐于做某 事 ⑶ to help somebody with something 就某事帮助某人 例如:to help him with grammar, pronunciation, etc.

— How did you do in yesterday's test? —Not very well, I'm afraid. I made a mistake in grammar and two spelling mistakes. I wasn't careful enough. — We all make mistakes. But we can learn from our mistakes, can't we? — How did you do? Did you get everything right? — I didn't make any mistakes, but my handwriting was poor. My teacher told me to pay more attention to that.

How did you do in yesterday’s test? 注意:这里do是习惯用法,应根据上下文理解其意思。 do是不及物动词,意思是“考试”,例如: do well in the test / do well in the examination 考得好 也可用do a good job,例如: Did you do a good job in yesterday’s test? Yes I did. / No, I’m afraid not. Not very well, I’m afraid. Not very well 是省略句,整句应该是: I didn't do very well。 I'm afraid 是会话中很有用的说法, 它使语气更缓和一些, 例如: I'm afraid I can't go.(我恐怕不能去。) I'm afraid you are wrong.(恐怕你错了。)
Lesson Nineteen
Study as Lenin Studied Dialogue After the Test Grammar 一般过去时
读音规则 降调小结
Study as Lenin Studied

Yesterday we went to an exhibition on the life and work of Lenin, the great revolutionary leader of the working class. There we saw pictures of Lenin’s early life. They were very inspiring and taught us a lot. Lenin was born on April 22, 1870, in the town of Simbirsk. After he finished school there, he went to the University of Kazan. There he was a leader of the student movement and took an active part in revolutionary work. Lenin lived simply and studied hard. He was the best student in his class, and was always ready to help his friends with their lessons. Lenin worked very hard at foreign languages, because he knew they were a useful weapon in revolutionary struggle. He read a great deal, and made full notes while he read. He planned his work carefully, and never left today’s work for tomorrow. Lenin learned not only from books. He talked with workers and peasants and learned a great deal from them. He was always close to the people, and the people loved him. Lenin set an example to all of us. Let us study as Lenin studied.

I wasn’t careful enough. 我不够仔细。 enough在句中是副词,修饰形容词careful。 enough作副词永远 要放在所修饰的形容词或副词的后面,例如: The room is big enough for three people. 这个房间对于三 个人来说够大的了。(修饰形容词big) He didn’t run fast enough. 他跑得不够快。(修饰副词fast) enough也可用作形容词修饰名词,但要放在所修饰的名词 前,例如: I haven’t enough money to buy a computer. 我没有足够的 钱来买电脑。(形容词修饰名词money)

We all make mistakes.我们谁都免不了犯错误。 (一般现在时表示普遍事实) Did you get everything right? 所有的题你都做对了吗? everything是不定代词,具体意思由上下文决定; get + 名词 + 形容词 表示“把……弄成……样”,例如: Let me get this clear. 让我把这件事搞清楚。 Please get the papers ready. 请把文件准备好。 My teacher told me to pay more attention to that. 我的老师 告诉我要我多注意书写。 ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事;tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某 人去做某事 pay attention to 对……重视,对……注意,(这里to是介词, 而非动词不定式符号),例如: He didn’t pay enough attention to that problem. 他对那个问题 不予足够的重视。 Please pay attention to the road signs. 请注意路标。
Lenin lived simply. 列宁生活简朴。 We lived simple life. 我们生活地很简朴(我们 过着简朴的生活)。 We lived hard simple life. 我们生活地很苦(我 们过着艰苦朴素的生活)。 7. Lenin worked very hard at foreign languages. 列宁在外语上很下功夫。 to work hard at something 对某事下功夫,勤 奋地学习某科目 8. He … never left today’s work for tomorrow. 他从不把今天的工作留到明天做。
9. Lenin learned not only from books. 列宁不仅通过书 本学习。 not only … but also 不但…而且,不仅…也。not only 常和 but also 连用,连接两个并列的成分,例如: ⑴ He not only studies hard, but also takes an active part in physical labour. (连接两个谓语) ⑵ He learned not only from books, but also from the people. (连接两个状语) Not only/hardly/little等表示否定的词放于句首引导一个 句子时,句子要用部分倒装。 10. Lenin set an example to all of us. 列宁为我们大家 树立了一个榜样。 to set an example to somebody 给某人树立榜样 11. Let us study as Lenin studied. 是状语从句。

1. Yesterday we went to an exhibition on the life and work of Lenin, the great revolutionary leader of the working class. ⑴ go to an exhibition可译为“去参观展览会”,同样地: to go to the cinema 去看电影 to go to a lecture 去听讲演 ⑵ the great revolutionary leader of the working class 这一短 语是Lenin 的“同位语”,对Lenin加以说明。 the 因为列宁是全世界无产阶级的伟大领袖,所以加定冠词 the. 2. There we saw pictures of Lenin’s early life. 在那里我们看到 列宁早年生活的图片。 这里there 是副词,应重读。课文第二段的 There he was a leader of the student movement. 也是同样的情况,there指在大 学里。 3. They were very inspiring and taught us a lot. a lot 这里相当于a great deal.