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Methodologies for Evaluating Player Experience in Game Play 在游戏中评估游戏用户体验的方法

Kimberly Chu, Chui Yin Wong, and Chee Weng Khong

Universal Usability and Interaction Design (UUID) SIG,

Interface Design Department, Faculty of Creative Multimedia,

Multimedia University, 63100 Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia


Abstract. Player experience constitutes one of the most significant factors in determining the success rate of games. Games which do not provide enormous user experience usually will not gain intense interest from players. The concept of player experience is normally interchanged with concepts such as fun, flow, fulfillment, enjoyment, engagement, satisfaction, pleasure and playability. In this paper, we reviewed, analyzed and discussed the different attributes and methodologies used to evaluate player experience for game play. We concluded the finding in a playability matrix based on an analysis of methodologies for evaluating player experience in game play. The matrix was constructed from literature analysis, which comprised of attributes consisting of qualitative and quantitative, verbal and non-verbal, empirical and non-empirical methods.


Keywords: Player experience, measurement, game play, playability.


1 Introduction

1 简介

In the past decade, game industries have been flourishing on various platforms from consoles, to personal computers (PC) to mobile devices. The trend is also coupled with enhanced graphic processing power, advanced user interfaces and increased complexity in game play. The number of players grows exponentially due to the increased enjoyability of game play. Therefore, in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) discipline, there are a number of research contributions, which are related to the methodologies for evaluating player experience for game play.



The concept of player experience is often interchangeable with other concepts, such as fun, flow, fulfillment, engagement, satisfaction, pleasure and playability. Player experience does not depend on a particular mode of emotion, but encompass a wide variety of emotions that contribute to game player experience. For example, while playing game, players experience fear, excitement, happiness, alert, anger, relief, pleasure, hope, discouragement, proud, joy, and distress.


These different modes of emotions eventually form the elements of gaming experience. In addition, Clanton [3] and Federoff [6] mentioned three aspects of gaming, i.e. interface, mechanics and game play, which highly affected the level of player’s experience. Nevertheless, the concept of player experience is fairly difficult to distinguish as they seem to be as intangible as they are appealing, which requires hands-on skills and grasping the experience of enjoyment [15, 18]. So far, the concept itself seems fragmented, with various viewpoints, and it has not defined a cohesive integrated framework [11].Sweetser and Wyeth [16] also highlighted that there was no integrated model on how players evaluate their enjoyment level in games. Moreover, Bernhaupt [1] addressed there was no general framework on what methods shall be used to assess interaction concept on games. As a result, this paper aims to review and analyze the existing methodologies for evaluating player experience, particularly on game play.

这些各式各样的人类的情感的模式最终便会共同构成玩家们的游戏体验。另外,Clanton【3】和Federoff 【6】曾提到过有关游戏用户体验的三个方面,这三个方面说的内容包括游戏的用户界面,游戏的运行机制和玩家的游戏过程,这三个方面在极大的程度上影响着游戏玩家的用户体验的水平。然而,要想区分游戏玩家的用户体验这个概念是十分困难的,由于玩家的用户体验这个概念看上起让人十分难以捉摸以至于它们是如此的吸引人去研究,要想弄清这个概念就需要我们拥有亲自动参与游戏体验的技能并能够把握好玩家们在游戏娱乐中的用户体验【15,18】。至现在为止,从许许多多不同的角度来看,玩家们的用户体验这个概念本身看上去好像零零散散,并且它任然没有给予一个连贯整合框架式的定义【11】。Sweetser和Wyeth 【16】也作出这样的强调,他们表示目前来说仍然没有一个可以用来正确评价玩家们在游戏体验过程中所得到的愉快感的水平的完整的模式。除此之外,Bernhaupt还强调,对于如何评价游戏中互动的概念也没有一个总体的框架能为之提供固定的方法。总而言之,这篇论文的主要目的是回顾和分析当前已经存在的用户体验评估方法,尤其是在游戏当中。

2 A Review of Methodologies for Evaluating Player Experience

2 用户体验评估方法回顾

Numerous research studies from different domains have been conducted in academia and industries to evaluate player experience. Csikzentmihalyi [4] introduced the study of “flow” where it defines the optimal experience of enjoyment regardless of age, gender or social class. On one hand,
