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对练: 情景1: A:“Good morning,sir,welcome to Guangzhou Friendship Store.May I help you?”
B:“Um,I am looking for the television.” A:“The television sells in four.” B:“Thank you.” A:“You’re welcome”
Chinese English, 中: The hall can seat two hundred people. 英: The hall seats two hundred people 中: Little children are difficult to understand
that. 英: It is difficult for children to understand
情景2: A:“Good morning,sir.May I help you?”
B:“Oh,thank you,I am just having a look.” A:“Take your time,please.” B:“Thank you.” A:“You’re welcome.”
情景3:A:“How much is it?” B:“Here is the total price.” A:“OK.Here is my VISA card.” B:“Thank you,sir.May I have your signature
★日韩人发音相当硬,且会将每一个音都 发出来,并且没有声调的变化; ★星马泰人的口音和我们相似,区别很小。
★不要强求听明白每一句话,要抓关键词 ★不必怕犯错,一些微小的语病可以忽略 ★要注意语意,避免直译造成误会 ★ 要注意单词的声调和句子的语调,但 不必处处模仿外国人的语调。
情景4: A:“Check your merchandise and the receipt,please.Thank you.”
B:“OK.Thank you. Guarantee?” A:“Yes.2 years guarantee with the receipt” B:“All right.Thank you.Good-bye” A: “Thank you for your purchasing.Good-bye
may I help you,sir/madam?
服务: a.指引其至商品后,如其表示要自己选购,则应 说:"Take you time,please."后退Hale Waihona Puke Baidu,不要紧随左 右
b.不要围观,尤其不要围观私语评论。如有小朋 友,可加以赞美lovely,pretty,beautiful,但不可有 身体触碰,尤其是摸头
that. 中: Where is here. 英: Where are we. 中: I introduce Mr. Smith to you ! 英: May I introduce Mr. Smith to you !
迎客: 问好:中午12点前Good Morning 12点-下午6点Good Afternoon 下午6点后Good Evening(切勿用Good
signature again?Please." c.如果觉得签名不符时请说:"The signatures are not
similar." 要报价时最好指示外宾看收款机上显示的价格 说:”Sir/Madam,here is the total price.” 找钱时可说:’Here is your
here?” A:“Um..Excuse me,sir.The signatures are not
similar,may I have it again?” B:“Um..OK,no problem.” A:“Thank you,sir.Here is your receipt.” B:“OK.Thank you.” A:“You’re welcome.”
3、谦虚并非美德:中国人视谦虚为美德。 但是美国人却把过谦视为虚伪的代名词。 4、“人老珠黄不值钱”:如果见到上了 年纪的人,避免涉及这个问题,否则是相 当粗鲁的。
5、与人交谈 莫问私事。
UNIT3:非正式英语国家的 英语特色
发音习惯: ★印度人卷舌头; ★阿拉伯国家人口音比较含混和鼻音中; ★ 俄罗斯人发音偏于口腔前上方,卷舌并 且语音较快;
change,Sir/Madam.Thank you.”
送客: 在外宾拿小票回柜台取货时请说: “Check your merchandise and the
receipt,please.Thank you.” 送外宾离开时,如其购买了商品时,请说: “Thank you for your purchasing.Good-bye.” 如果没有购买任何商品时,请说: “Thank you,Good-bye.”
第二讲 东西方文化差异 和语言习惯
UNIT1: 五大英语国家: 英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新 西兰的英文口音
UNIT2:与西方人交往时需要 注意的礼节
1、"不要称呼黑人为"Negro":Negro"是英 语"黑人"的意思,应该称"black".
2、不能随便说"I am sorry":"I am sorry"和 "Excuse me"都是"抱歉"、"对不起"的意思, 但是前者语气很重,只有在真正犯错时用.
c.在为外宾翻译时,要目视外宾,大方作答,如 有不明白时请说excuse me,切勿说what!
d.尽量避免身体接触,如要其避让或一定要接 触时,请提前说excuse me,并且将接触的时间缩 到最短
收款: 收信用卡时请注意三点: a.如果需要其签名时请说:"May I have your
signature here?Please." b.如果需要其重签时请说:"May I have your
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