


1. 射击一个目标直到射中,记下其次数为n k k k k 321,,,求命中率的极大似然估计。 2. 优效估计量求解,()λρ求λ的优效估计量,并求()λλ+1的一致最小方差无偏估计。 3. 2χ法假设检验。

4. Bayes 估计(和书上例题类似)。

5. β

?是β的罪优线形无偏估计的证明。 6. ()()2







n i i


i i

u x

x x

T ,以此构造σ的α-1的置信上限。

7. 均值分布()???




x u x f ,T 为其极大似然估计,

(1)CT 为θ的无偏估计,求C ;




1. 总体(



u N X ,()()







n i i n

i i

u x x x

T ,①.求



服从的分布;②.u 已知时构造σ

e 的置信水平为α-1的区间。

2. ()()




θx x e x f x 0

,样本为n x x x 21,,求①.θ的极大似然估计;②.求证θ的MLE 是θ的一致估计;③.()1,0~u θ,当损失函数为()()



θ-=L 时,求θ的贝叶斯估计。 3. (



u N X ,u 已知道,样本为n x x

x 2


,,①.求常数C ,使得∑=-=n

i i u x C T 1

σ的无偏估计;②.求σ的无偏估计C-R 下界;③.问T 是否为σ的优效估计。

4. 设


11,~σu N X ,(



2,~σu N Y ,X 和Y 相互独立,样本为n


x x 2



n y y y 21,,其中2


21,σσ已知。①.检验:211210:,:u u H u u H >=的拒绝域;②.对①的检验求犯第一、第二类错误的概率表达式,用()?φ表示。

5. 有表达式:???




εεb a Y b Y b a Y ,其中()

2321,0~,,σεεεN ,①.求参数b a ,的最小二乘


σ已知时,给出检验b a H 2:0=的拒绝域(取检验水平为α)。


1. 设


21,,+n n ξξξξ 是总体()1,0~N ξ的样本,令∑==n

i i n 1





n n S ,试求:1


1+--=+n n S n

n ξξη的分布。 2. 设总体

n ξξ ,1是取自双参数指数分布的一个子样,密度函数为







θx e

x f x ,其中+∞<<∞-1θ,+∞<<θ0,试求参数


3. 将一正四面替的四面分别涂为红、绿、蓝、白四中不同的颜色,任意抛掷该四面体,


4. 设:???


i y

m i y m

i y i

m i m i

m i m i i 2,122,12,122εφθεφθεθ,各i ε独立,且服从()

2,0σN ,求θ与φ 的最小二乘估计,并证明当n m 2=时θ?和φ?不相关。

5. 设总体ξ服从参数为λ的泊松分布,证明:样本均值ξ是参数为λ的优效估计量。


1. ()()n i i i 2,1,,=ηξ是取自二元正态分布(



2121u u N 的子样,设∑==n

i i n 1



i i

n 1


()∑=-=n i i n S 1





∑=-=n i i n S 1








i n

i i i


i i i

r 1










21-++---n S rS S S u u η


2. 设总体X 在()ρρ+-u u ,上服从均匀分布,n X X X 21,是该总体一个容量为n 的样

本。求:①.未知参数u 及ρ的矩估计矩u

?及矩ρ?;②.矩u ?、矩ρ?是否为u 和ρ的一致估计量,为什么? 3. 设

n ξξξ 21,是总体()0,0,1




θξθx e x f x


()2,θθθ=g 的极大似然估计g ??,θ;②.判别θ?是否为θ的一致最小方差无偏估计;③.求()2θθ=g 的一致最小方差无偏估计。

4. 为了比较枪弹的速度(单位:s

m ),在相同的条件下独立进行速度测定,计算得到样本


枪弹甲:1001=n ,样本均值2805=x ,修正样本标准差41.1201=S 枪弹乙:1002=n ,样本均值2680=y ,修正样本标准差1052=S


速度快? 5. 设:


32132122101,0,1,3,2,1,23εεεεβββ,,。其中==-==+-++=x x x i x x y i i i 相互




N 。①.写出矩阵X ;②.求21






2017年上海交通大学博士入学测试英语试题回忆 阅读理解Passage One Rent control is the system whereby the local government tells building owners how much they can charge their tenants in rent. In the United States, rent controls date back to at least World War II. In 1943 the federal government imposed rent controls to help solve the problem of housing shortages during wartime. The federal program ended after the war, but in some locations, including New York City, controls continued. Under New York's controls, a landlord generally cannot raise rents on apartments as long as the tenants continue to renew their leases. In places such as Santa Monica, California, rent controls are more recent. They were spurred by the inflation of the 1970's, which, combined with California's rapid population growth, pushed housing prices, as well as rents, to record levels. In 1979 Santa Monica's municipal government ordered landlords to roll back their rents to the levels charged in 1978. Future rents could only go up by two-thirds as much as any increase in the overall price level. In any housing market, rental prices perform three functions: (1) promoting the efficient maintenance of existing housing and stimulating the construction of new housing, (2) allocating existing scarce housing among competing claimants, and (3) rationing use of existing housing by potential renters. One result of rent control is a decrease in the construction of new rental units. Rent controls have artificially depressed the most important long-term determinant of profitability —rents. Consider some examples. In a recent year in Dallas, Texas, with a 16 percent rental vacancy rate but no rent control laws, 11,000 new housing units were built. In the same year, in San Francisco, California, only 2,000 units were built. The major difference? San Francisco has only a 1.6 percent vacancy rate but stringent rent control laws. In New York City, except for government-subsidized construction, the only rental units being built are luxury units, which are exempt from controls. In Santa Monica, California, new apartments are not being constructed. New office rental space and commercial developments are, however. They are exempt from rent controls. 1. What does the passage mainly discuss? (A) The construction of apartments in the United States. (B) Causes and effects of rent control (C) The fluctuations of rental prices (D) The shortage of affordable housing in the United States. 2. Which of the following was NOT a reason for the introduction of rent controls in Santa Monica, California? (A) rapid population growth (B) inflation (C) economic conditions during wartime (D) record-high housing prices 3. It can be inferred that the purpose of rent control is to (A) protect tenants


上海交大2013年考博英语试题及答案 第一篇 There are desert plants which survive the dry season in the form of inactive seeds. There are also desert insects which survive as inactive larvae (幼虫). In addition, difficult as it is to believe, there are desert fish which can survive through years of drought (干旱) in the form of inactive eggs. These are the shrimps (小虾) that live in the Mojave Desert, an intensely dry region in the south-west of the United States where shade temperatures of over 50C are often recorded. The eggs of the Mojave shrimps are the size and have the appearance of grains of sand. When sufficient spring rain falls to form a lake, once every two to five years, these eggs hatch (孵化). Then the water is soon filled with millions of tiny shrimps about a millimetre long which feed on tiny plant and animal organisms which also grow in the temporary desert lake. Within a week, the shrimps grow from their original 1 millimetre to a length of about 1.5 centimetres. Throughout the time that the shrimps are rapidly maturing, the water in the lake equally rapidly evaporates. Therefore, for the shrimps it is a race against time. By the twelfth day, however, when they are about 3 centimetre long, hundreds of tiny eggs form on the underbodies of the females. Usually by this time, all that remains of the lake is a large, muddy patch of wet soil. On the thirteenth day and the next, during the final hours of their brief lives, the shrimps lay their eggs in the mud. Then, having ensured that their species will survive, the shrimps die as the last of the water evaporates. If sufficient rain falls the next year to form another lake, the eggs hatch, and once again the shrimps pass rapidly through their cycle of growth, adulthood, egg-laying, and death. Some years there is insufficient rain to form a lake: in this case, the eggs will remain dormant for another years, or even longer if necessary. Very, very occasionally, perhaps twice in a hundred years, sufficient rain falls to form a deep lake that lasts a month or more. In this case, the species passes through two cycles of growth, egg-laying, and death. Thus, on such occasions, the species multiplies considerably, which further ensures its survival. 1.Which of the following is the MOST distinctive feature of Mojave shrimps? A) Their lives are brief. B) They feed on plant and animal organisms.


>特殊类型骨折 >上肢 【bankart骨折】指肩关节盂前下边缘骨折,伴或者不伴有肩前脱位。 【Hill-Sachs损伤】指肱骨头压缩性骨折,当肩关节前脱位时,关节盂前缘撞击导致肱骨头后外侧压缩骨折。 【Holstein—Lewis骨折】肱骨远端1/3骨折伴桡神经嵌压。 【Posadas骨折】经髁的肱骨骨折,伴有骨折碎块向前移位,以及因双髁骨折造成尺桡骨的脱位。 【Kocher骨折】肱骨小头骨折(分四型,Ⅰ型为Hahn-steinthal骨折;Ⅱ型为Kocher-lorenz 骨折;Ⅲ型粉碎性骨折;Ⅳ型软骨挫伤。) 【Hahn-steinthal骨折】全肱骨小头骨折,为一种少见的关节内骨折,多见于成年人。【Hume骨折】译休姆 【Monteggia骨折】孟氏骨折,指桡骨头脱位合并尺骨骨折。孟氏骨折孟氏骨折Bado分类(1967)I型:尺骨干骨折向前成角,桡骨头向前脱位,约占60%,石膏固定于屈肘110°,前臂旋后II型:尺骨干骨折向后成角,桡骨头向后脱位,约占15%,石膏固定于屈肘70°,前臂旋后III型:儿童尺骨近端干骺端骨折合并桡骨头前/外侧脱位,约占20% IV:型尺骨近端1/3骨折,桡骨头脱位。约占5%。 【Galeazzi骨折】指桡骨干骨折伴下尺桡关节脱位脱位。 【双极骨折】即Monteggia骨折合并Galeazzi骨折. 【肘关节恐怖三联征】特指伴有桡骨头和尺骨冠突骨折的肘关节后脱位,属于肘关节内复杂骨折脱位的一种类型。这类损伤均同时伴有肘内外侧副韧带的撕裂,但不伴有尺骨鹰嘴骨折。 【Essex—Lopresti骨折】指桡骨颈骨折伴有远端尺桡关节分离。 【夜盗(杖)骨折】即尺骨干骨折 【警棍骨折】(Night-stick fracture)前臂单纯的尺骨骨折 【Colles骨折】Colles骨折指桡骨远端骨折,伴有桡骨远端向背侧的移位,是关节外骨折,常常伴有尺骨茎突骨折。 【Smith骨折】桡骨远端屈曲型骨折,骨折远端向掌侧移位。 【Barton骨折】桡骨远端关节内骨折,伴桡腕关节脱位,有两种类型,背侧Barton骨折、掌侧Barton骨折,后者更常见,治疗多需要切开复位内固定。 【Hutchinson骨折】又名Chauffeur骨折、back-fire骨折、crank骨折。是桡骨茎突斜行骨折,累及桡腕关节。 【Die-punch骨折】:也称月骨负荷骨折或模具冲压骨折。桡骨远端的关节内骨折,伴有月骨陷窝背侧表面的压迫。1962年Scheck对从桡骨远端月骨关节面背侧部分撕脱下来的骨折命名为die-punch碎片,现在把由月骨冲撞挤压桡骨的月骨关节面所造成的骨折通称为桡骨远端Die-punch骨折。在AO/ASIF 分型上属于B1.3型。 【huichinson骨折】桡骨茎突骨折,多由于舟骨撞击或牵拉撕托导致。 【Boxer骨折】拳击手骨折指第5掌骨颈骨折,伴有掌骨头向掌侧移位,骨折端背侧成角,多发生于握拳击打损伤所致。同样的损伤机制,第4掌骨颈部骨折,也称Boxer骨折。【Rolando骨折】纵向暴力导致第一掌骨基底部劈裂骨折,骨折呈T或Y型粉碎性骨折,可伴有关节半脱位,属于关节内骨折。 【Bennett骨折】指第一掌骨基底部关节内骨折伴脱位。 【Kienbock病】月骨无菌性坏死,好发于20—30岁之青年人手工业工人, 【Buttonhole deformity】(纽扣畸形)


2009上海交通大学英语专业考博语言学试题 LTerms with examples 4x 10=40 1.Functional categories:Words which do not denote objects, ideas, etc., are known as function words and they belong to classes known as functional categories. For example, Bill thinks that Tom and Dick have been visiting Harriet to ask for help with one of the assignments which have to be finished for the next morph onolgy class ? 2.operator movement:Operator movement involves movement of an operator expression into the specifier position within CP. For instance, in sentence What languages can you speak, the phrase what languages is moved into the specifier position within CP. 3.Null subject parameter:Null-subject parameter determines whether finite verbs and auxiliaries do or dorf t license(i.e. allow) null subjects. For example, in Italian: Maria non vuole mangiare. "Maria does not want to eat." Non vuole mangiare. [She] "Does not want to eat." The subject "she” of the second sentence is only implied in Italian. English, on the other hand, requires an explicit subject in this sentence. 4.lexical tone:Lexical tone is the distinctive pitch level carried by the syllable of a word which is an essential feature of the meaning of that word. The pitch of voice is very important in language, and all Ianguages make use of it for some purpose? In some languages different words are distinguished from each other by means of pitch?Here are some Yoruba words The word ti with the mark' over the vowel is pronounced at a higher pitch than the word ti, which is in turn is pronounced at a higher pich than ti.These different pitches are call tones? Some languages distinguish only two levels of tone, while others distinguish up to four levels? When a language distinguishes words from each other using pitch in this way we say that it has lexical tone. 5.Onset, necleilS and coda:Words like bat, cat, rat, flat and sprat are said to rhyme, this is because they have identical pronunciations after the first consonant or consonant cluster. We can divide a syllable therefore into two halves, the Rhyme and the Onset. We have already referred to the vowel in the middle of the syllable as the Nucleus. The consontint or consonant cluster after the Nucleus will be called Coda? plementizer:A complementizer is a conjunction which marks a complement clause. A complementizer, as used in linguistics (especially generative grammar), is a syntactic category (part of speech) roughly equivalent to the term subordinating conjunction in traditional grammar. For example, the word that is gen erally called a complementizer in English sentences like Mary believes that it is raining. The term


2009年上海交大考博部分考试科目参考书目 部分考试科目参考书目 010船舶海洋与建筑工程学院 2201流体力学《水动力学基础》,刘岳元等,上海交大出版社 2202声学理论《声学基础理论》,何祚庸,国防工业出版社 2203高等工程力学(理力、材力、流力、数学物理方法)(四部分任选二部分做)《理论力学》,刘延柱等,高等教育出版社;《材料力学》,单祖辉,北京航空航天大学出版社;《流体力学》,吴望一,北京大学出版社;《数学物理方法》,梁昆淼,高等教育出版社 2204结构力学《结构力学教程》,龙驭球,高等教育出版社 3301船舶原理《船舶静力学》,盛振邦,上海交大出版社;《船舶推进》,王国强等,上海交大出版社;《船舶耐波性》,陶尧森,上海交大出版社;《船舶阻力》,邵世明,上海交大出版社 3302振动理论(I)《机械振动与噪声学》,赵玫等,科技出版社2004 3303海洋、河口、海岸动力学《河口海岸动力学》,赵公声等,人民交通出版社2000 3304高等流体力学《流体力学》,吴望一,北京大学出版社 3305弹性力学《弹性力学》上、下册(第二版),徐芝纶,高等教育出版社 3306振动理论(Ⅱ)《振动理论》,刘延柱等,高等教育出版社2002 3307钢筋混凝土结构《高等钢筋混凝土结构学》,赵国藩编,中国电力出版社 3308地基基础《土工原理与计算》(第二版),钱家欢、殷宗泽,水利电力出版社 3378船舶结构力学《船舶结构力学》,陈铁云、陈伯真,上海交大出版社 020机械与动力工程学院 2205计算方法《计算方法》,李信真,西北工业大学出版社 2206核反应堆工程《核反应堆工程设计》,邬国伟 3309工程热力学《工程热力学》(第三版),沈维道;《工程热力学学习辅导及习题解答》,童钧耕 3310传热学《传热学》(第三版),杨世铭 3311机械控制工程《现代控制理论》,刘豹;《现代控制理论》,于长官 3312机械振动《机械振动》,季文美 3313生产计划与控制《生产计划与控制》,潘尔顺,上海交通大学出版社 3314机械制造技术基础《机械制造技术基础》,翁世修等,上海交通大学出版社1999;《现代制造技术导论》,蔡建国等,上海交通大学出版社2000 3315现代机械设计《高等机械原理》,高等教育出版社1990 030电子信息与电气工程学院 2207信号与系统《信号与系统》,胡光锐,上海交大出版社 2208电子科学与技术概论《电子科学与技术导论》,李哲英,2006 2209信息处理与控制系统设计《线性系统理论》,郑大钟,清华大学出版社2002;或《数字图像处理》(第二版)《Digital Image Processing》Second Edition (英文版),R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods,电子工业出版社2002(从“线性系统理论”或“图像处理”中选考其一) 2210计算机科学与技术方法论《数理逻辑与集合论》,石纯一,清华大学出版社2000;《图论与代数结构》,戴一奇,清华大学出版社1995;《组合数学》,Richard A. Brualdi著,卢开澄等译,机械工业出版社2001 2211数字信号处理(I)《数字信号处理(上)》,邹理和;《数字信号处理(下)》,吴兆熊,国防工业出版社2212电力系统分析与电力电子技术《电力电子技术基础》,金如麟,机械工业出版社,或《电力系统分析(上册)》,诸骏伟,中国电力出版社1995;《电力系统分析(下册)》,夏道止,中国电力出版社1995 3316网络与通信《数字通信》(第四版),Proakis,电子出版社(必考,占30%):另按照专业加考70%:无线通信方向、信息安全方向,《数字通信》(第四版),Proakis,电子出版社;或光通信方向,《光纤通信


上海交大考博英语作文写法练习概要1 五段三部分写作方法 五段三部分写作方法 第一段:介绍现象,引入主题,陈述大意 第一句群:现象描述、争论呈现、自问自答、引入概念 开头陈述背景、描述现象、引入概念:nowadays、recently、in the past few years、with the development of、now people in growing numbers are coming to realize that、at present、according to 开头强调:it goes without saying that、as is known to all、there is no denying the fact that、essential as sth is、 开头引入概念:refers to、be defined as、means 问题、主题、话题、难题、挑战:hot topical issue、discussion、concentration、public concentration、the general public concentration、popular action、saying、idea、in hot dispute、under hot debate、under hot discussion Draw public attention The discussion about … is becoming increasingly hot. The controversial action arouses hot discussion in society. Various people may have different choices. When asked about…、When it comes to…,people's opinions differ. Everything has two sides of effects on human life. A is no exception. 引入争论:


上海交通大学2011年骨科考博真题 一名词解释1. 骨的一期愈合2. dugas征3. barton骨折4. 无人区5. 转子间骨折IV型6. Pilon骨折7. 直腿抬高试验8. 冷脓肿9. Trendlenburg征 二简答 1. 骨牵引的适应症 2. 胫骨平台骨折分型 3. DVT诊断要点 4. 骨肿瘤保肢指征 5. 骨盆骨折的诊断 上海交通大学2009年骨科考博真题 一、名称解释分角2. 手指Heberden结节3. 半月板桶柄样损撕裂4. Brodie脓肿5. Trendelenberg征6. Nelaton线7. 无人区8. 尺神经损伤表现 二、简答题选分骨肿瘤的外科分期。2截肢适应症。3肱骨髁上骨折发生缺血性肌挛缩的原因预防诊断。4髋关节后脱位的临床表现可能的合并症闭合复位后复位成功的标志。上海交通大学2008年骨科考博真题 1、骨不连的分类、诊断、治疗原则 2、脊柱骨折伴脊髓损伤的治疗 3、恶性骨肿瘤的治疗要点 4、股骨头缺血坏死的机理 5、骨折内固定的机制和方法 上海交通大学2007年骨科考博真题 一、名词解释(7选5) 交锁髓内钉Baton骨折Pilon骨折孟式骨折tinel征脊髓休克肘后三角 二、填空、动力和静力锁定作用静钉入骨质前洞和后洞直径与螺纹直径大小比。2、绝径后骨质疏松是几型病理基础是什么诊

断标准是什么。 三、问答、脊柱脊髓伤的手术适应症、化脓性关节炎的病理分型和每型的治疗方法、良恶肿瘤的鉴别、病例分析劲腓骨开放性骨折半年后胫骨骨不连中骨缺失骨折段长合腓骨愈合骨折处皮肤疤痕粘连骨质问下一步治疗方案 上海交通大学2006年骨科考博真题 一、名词解释。选病理骨折疲劳骨折交锁髓内针骨折的延迟愈合肱骨外上髁炎骨折的生物学固定胸腰椎的三柱理论挛缩脊髓震荡原发性骨质疏松。二、问答题。选 肱骨上端骨折的Neer分型四部分和治疗原则急性关节炎的治疗原则恶性骨肿瘤的诊断要点分析和比较水泥型全髋关节置换和非水型全髋关节置换的优缺点及适应症 上海第二医科大学2005年骨科学博士 一、名词解释 1.BMP 2.张力带固定 3.肥大型骨不愈 4.脊髓震荡 5.静力锁钉 二、论述题 1.二期愈合组织学 2.生物学固定机理 3.慢性骨髓炎 4.良恶性骨肿瘤鉴别5.股骨颈骨折内固定,关节置换适应症三、病例分析骨筋膜室综合症 上海第二医科大学2004年骨科学博士 一、名词解释 1. 应力遮挡 2. OSTEOPOROSIS 3. 桥接接骨板 4. SHENTON线 5. TINEL征

上海交通大学 历年考博分数线

上海交通大学2004年博士生录取分数线的通告 根据上海交通大学2004年博士生入学考试成绩统计情况,经研究,本次最低录取分数线如下: 管理学:初试单科成绩不低于55分且初试三科总成绩不低于180分。 其它学科:初试单科成绩不低于55分且初试三科总成绩不低于195分。 复试成绩满分为100分,录取时与初试成绩一并计入总分。复试不及格者不予录取。 上海交通大学2005年博士生录取分数线的通告 根据上海交通大学2005年博士生入学考试成绩统计情况,经研究,本次最低分数线如下: 初试三门科目的单科成绩不低于55分且外语和专业基础课两科总成绩不低于125分。 复试成绩满分为100分,录取时与初试成绩一并计入总分。复试不及格者不予录取。 注:尚未复试的考生请密切关注本网站,各学院的复试名单即将陆续在本网站公布。复试将采取差额的方式进行,详情请咨询报考学院或到各学院的网站查阅。 上海交通大学研究生院 2004年11月15日 上海交通大学关于2006年博士生最低分数线的通告 根据上海交通大学2006年博士生入学考试成绩统计情况,经研究,本次最低分数线如下: 管理学科:初试三科总成绩 190分、单科成绩55分。 其它学科:初试三科总成绩 180分、单科成绩50分。 复试成绩满分为200分,录取时与初试成绩一并计入总分。复试不及格者不予录取。各院系可根据本院系实际情况,制定高于学校最低线的分数线

注:各院系的最低分数线、复试名单、复试时间、地点等即日起即将陆续在本网站和报考院系网站公布,请各位考生密切关注。复试将采取差额的方式进行,详情请咨询报考学院或到各学院的网站查阅。 上海交通大学2007年博士生招生入学考试复试基本分数线 根据教育部有关文件精神,结合我校实际情况,经学校研究生招生领导小组研究决定,公布2007年博士生招生入学考试复试基本分数线如下:单科成绩≥ 45分,总成绩(三科)≥ 160分。 各院(系)原则上按1:1.2比例确定复试考生人数,在达到复试基本分数线生源充足的情况下,可根据本学科、专业的实际情况向上适当调整本单位的复试分数线,以各院(系)的具体通知为准。 注意事项: 1、复试采取差额选拔方式进行。复试成绩满分为200分,与初试成绩一并计入录取总分。复试成绩不及格者,不予录取。 2、各院(系)的复试方案(含复试分数线、复试名单、复试办法、复试时间及地点等信息)将于近日在各院(系)的网上公布,请考生关注相关通知。 3、凡公开招考的考生都必须进行资格审查。未经资格审查或未通过资格审查的考生,不予录取。办理资格审查的时间安排如下: 2007年4月16—20日(闵行校区研究生教学大楼[陈瑞球楼]337室),上午8:45—11:00,下午1:30—4:00(考生自行选择)。 资格审查材料:准考证、身份证、硕士学位证书(原件);应届毕业在校硕士生须带研究生证(原件);获得境外硕士学位的考生,还须携带教育部留学服务中心的认证书。 4、前来参加复试的考生除须携带资格审查材料(提前攻博考生不进行资格审查)外,还需提交考生报名表(网报)、硕士生课程成绩单(原件)、两封推荐信、硕士学位论文摘要和目录、公开发表的学术论文、所获专利及其它研究成


上海交大生物化学历年 考博试题精选文档 TTMS system office room 【TTMS16H-TTMS2A-TTMS8Q8-

2010年上海交通大学医学博士入学试题 一、名词解释(每题3分,共24分) RNA 3.乙酰辅酶A羧化酶 4.混合功能氧化酶 5.不对称转录 6.反应元件 7.凝血酶原激活物 8.活性维生素D3 二、简答题(每题6分,共24分) 1.何谓Anfisen定律,简述Anfisen定律。 2.体内胆固醇的转化。 3.简述PCR实验的原理。 4.简述经cAMP介导的生物学效应的机制。 三、问答题(每题13分,共52分) 族维生素多为酶的辅助因子,请写出四种在糖代谢中作为酶的辅助因子的B族维生素,它们的活性形式及所参与的化学反应(用文字式表达)。 2.临床上肝昏迷的患者通常伴有血氨升高,试从蛋白质与氨基酸代谢的角度探讨降低肝昏迷患者其增高的血氨的措施和生化原理。 3.试述干扰素抗病毒的机制。 4.因肝功能障碍引起脂类代谢异常的患者其临床和生化检验指标上会出现哪些改变,请简述其中的生化机制。

2012年上海交通大学生物化学真题(绝对考场记录版绝非网络copy 附英文名词解释中文名称)希望版主加分 一、名词解释 1. 二硫键 2. exon and intron (外显子和内含子) 3. acetyl CoA carboxylase (乙酰辅酶A羧化酶) 4. 氨基甲酰磷酸 5. recombination repairing (重组修复) 6. 1,25-(OH)2-D3?1,25二羟维生素D3 7. 分解代谢物激活蛋白 8. calmodulin (钙调蛋白) 9. 2,3-二磷酸甘油酸支路 10.鹅脱氧胆酸和牛黄石胆酸 二、简答题 1. 蛋白质的别构作用?并举例? 2. NADH+H+?和NADPH+H+去路? 3. 原核生物转录终止途径? 4. cAMP在细菌和鼠肝细胞中的作用及其机制? 5. 甲状腺激素合成步骤? 三、论述题 1. 5-氟尿嘧啶和甲氨蝶呤抑制肿瘤的机制? 2. 丙酮酸的去路及反应? 3. mRNA在大肠杆菌和小鼠肝细胞中的异同点?


上海交通大学考博英语-1 (总分:75.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、{{B}}Part Ⅰ Listenin(总题数:40,分数:20.00) 1.I'll have to ______ this dress a bit before the wedding next week.(分数:0.50) A.let off B.let go C.let loose D.let out 2.From the time of the Greeks to the Great War, medicine' s job was simple: to struggle with ______ diseases and gross disabilities, to ensure live births, and to manage pain. A. immortal B. immune C lethal D. toxic(分数:0.50) A. B. C. D. 3.Telephones save the feet and endless amounts of time. This is due partly to the fact that the telephone service is superb here, ______ the postal service is less efficient.(分数:0.50) A.where B.since C.that D.whereas 4.These people actively try to ______ what they believe to be bad English and assiduously cultivate what they hope to be good English.(分数:0.50) A.suppress B.regress C.enhance D.revive 5.Although the" on line" life style has dominated the majority of city youth, most people in the remote countryside still think Internet or something is ______ to their life.(分数:0.50) A.unconcerned B.irrelevant C.inseparable D.inaccessible 6.The company, EDS, is smart enough to ______ 90, 000-person workforce into independent microteams that work directly with individual clients on creative business solutions.(分数:0.50) A.break out B.break off C.break away from D.break down 7.The 1982 oil and Gas Act gives power to permit the disposal of assets held by the Corporation, and ______ the Corporation's statutory monopoly in the supply of gas for fuel purposes so as to permit private companies to compete in this supply.(分数:0.50) A.defers B.curtails C.triggers D.sparks 8.The poor quality of the film mined the ______ perfect product.(分数:0.50)


一、名词解释: Weak up test; MCMurray征; Finkelstein实验; Brodie脓肿一名词解释;Codman’s triangle Lasegue’s test ;Charcot’s joint ; Wallerian degeneration ;Otolani’s sign ;Weak up test; OSTEOPOROSIS;SHENTON线;TINEL征;colles;Legg-Calve-Perthes病; Garden力线指数;Tissue engineering;Co lles’ fracture ;Bone-fascia compartment syndrome; Galeazzi’s fracture ;Thomas sign ;CARRE;. Monteggia’s fracture;Volkmann’s contracture ;Dugas’ sign;bone morphogenetic protein(BMP) ;Osteoporosis ; Osgood-Schlatter disease . Smith’s fracture ;Schmorl’s nodule Bryant’s triangle Volkmann’s contracture;Nelaton’s line ;Vater-Pacinian Corpuscle;Ward’s triangle ; Dugas’s sign ; Lumbar disc protrusion;Bone graft ;Bennett’s fracture; Congenital hip dislocation Ortolani’s test;Smith’s fracture;Trendelenb urg’s sign(test);.Mucopoly saccharoidosis ;Spondyloschisis;Painful Arc Syndrome;.Neurapraxia; Chance fracture;.Osgood-Schlatter disease ;Claw foot;Sprengel’s shoulder; Arthrogyposis;CE angle of wiherg; Snapping hip; Osteogenesis imperfecta;Bennett’s fracture; CPM; Buttonhole deformity;Tirol’s sign ; Brown-sequard syndrome;Charcot’s joint ; Wallerian degeneration ;Otolani’s sig 1. ;Osteoporosis ;Coxa vara ;Adson’s test急性骨萎缩;应力遮挡;骨筋膜室综合征;骨折延迟愈合;二期愈合组织学;功能复位;下肢力学轴线;生物降解;骨化性肌炎;生物学固定机理;病理骨折;疲劳骨折;交锁髓内针;骨折的生物学固定;Volkmann挛缩;BMP;张力带固定;肥大型骨不愈;静力锁钉;应力遮挡;应力缓冲效应;桥接接骨板;脂肪栓塞综合症;骨传导;骨诱导;弹性模量;骨折一期愈合;延期愈合;病理脱位;解剖复位;疲劳性骨折;再灌注损伤;组织工程;挤压综合征;青枝骨折;盖氏骨折(Galeazzi’s);腱袖;Pilon骨折;腱鞘巨细胞瘤;骨肿瘤的广泛性切除;骨嗜酸性肉芽舯;骨巨细胞瘤;骨水泥;髋内翻与髋外翻;关节僵直;扁平髋;股骨颈内收骨折;第三代骨水泥技术; 新月征;关节内游离体;腰椎滑脱症;Hangman骨折;屈肘位瘫痪;胸腰椎的三柱理论(Denis); 脊髓震荡;椎间盘源性腰痛;复杂型腰椎管狭窄症;脊髓损伤的分型;脊髓震荡(休克);颈椎病; 椎管狭窄症;脊髓损伤三阶段;脊柱侧弯;腰椎滑脱症;脊椎滑脱症;颈椎综合征;直腿抬高试验阳性; Frank's分型;板机指;胸廓出口综合征;肱骨外上髁炎;原发性骨质疏松;慢性骨髓炎; 嗅鞘细胞;腕管综合征;骨髓炎;关节结核;全关节结核;三关节融合术;外翻;肘内翻;仰趾外翻足;肩部撞击症;手部无人区;髌骨软化症;马蹄内翻足的畸形;仰趾外翻足;瓦氏变性;灼性神经痛;干脆性骨骺炎;锤状指;Osgood-S chlatter’s disease ;Garre’ osteomyelitis ; Risser’s sign ;Baker’s cyst (8)Thomas sign ;Laseque test ;Codman’s triangle; nelaton线;扁平髋( Perthes’ disease) 柯德曼氏三角(Codman’s triangle); 托马氏征(Thomas’ sign);夏柯氏关节(Charcot’s joint) 畸形性骨炎(Paget’s disease) 瓦氏变性(Wallerian degeneration) 布乐迪氏脓疡(Brodie’s abscess);Mills;肱骨外上髁炎(俗称网球肘) 二、简答和论述 1. 概述骨不连治疗中,几个方面如生物、机械、电学等进展和应用。 试述骨不连的形成原因及骨生长因子的研究进展。 试述各种植骨材料的优缺点及其研究进展。 试述参与骨折愈合的几种(可选述3种)主要细胞因子的生物学作用,如何用细胞因子促进骨折愈合? 概述骨不连治疗中,几个方面如生物、机械、电学等进展和应用。 试述骨折愈合过程及诱导性成骨因子骨形态发生蛋白银(BMP)在加速骨愈合中的作用试述骨不连的形成原因及骨生长因子的研究进展。 试述骨不连形成的原因及内源性骨性骨生长因子的研究进展。 简述骨折一期愈合和二期愈合的特点。 试述各种植骨材料的优缺点及其研究进展。 如何识别骨折延迟连接和不连接, 其发生的主要原因和治疗原则为何? 骨折延迟连接及不连接的涵义为何? 试述其处理原则。 试述加快骨折愈合的生物学方法有哪些,你对BO有何看法
