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1. I hope _____ the job she's applied for (申请) .

a. she's going to get

b. she'll get

c. she is to get

d. she decides to get

答案是b项。will或shall用来表示希望或期望。因此在表示与希望有关的动词或动词短语的宾语从句中的将来时态时,要用will或shall。这些动词或短语是:hope , expect , be sure , believe , think , suppose , doubt 和be afraid 等。

2. There must be _____ book which could help .

a. some

b. any

c. one

d. one useful

答案是a项。some除了用作数量词外,还可用来泛指未知的人或事物。又如:there must be some reason for what he has done . (他所做的事肯定基于某种原因。)

3. If you _____ stop smoking , you can only expect to have a bad cough .

a. won't

b. would not

c. do not

d. can not


If you will would wait a moment , i will fetch the money . (如果你肯/愿意稍等片刻,我就把钱取来。)但是在表示不肯或不愿意时,则只能使用won't,不能使用would not。

4. Take a taxi , _____ you'll miss your train .

a. and

b. if

c. otherwise

d. or

答案是c项。祈使句可用来取代if从句来表示评论、提出要求、发出忠告或威胁等。用祈使句比用if从句表达更强的紧迫性。在表示评论和要求时,其连词用and,表示忠告时用连词otherwise,表示威胁时,用连词or。例如:fail to pay and they will cut off the electricity . (不交钱,他们就会中断供电。)这是客观的评论;tell us what to do and we will get on with it . (如果你告诉我们该做些什么,我们就会把它做好。)这明显是请求;put on you overcoat when you go out , otherwise you will catch cold .

(外出时你应该穿上大衣,不然的话你会感冒的。)显然这是忠告;drop that gun , or i will shoot you . (把枪放下,否则我就开枪打死你。)很明显,这是威胁。

5. I posted the letter some time _____ the week .

a. in

b. during

c. throughout

d. within

答案是b项。如同感观动词一样,下面这些动词后只能跟代词的宾格或名词的通格(如him , mary),其后是"动词-ing":start , keep , stop , catch , find , leave , 如:when are you going to start him working for us ?


6. I'd better not catch ______ that again !

a. your doing

b. you doing

c. you to do

d. you being doing

答案是b项。如同感观动词一样,下面这些动词后只能跟代词的宾格或名词的通格(如him , mary),其后是"动词-ing":start , keep , stop , catch , find , leave , 如:when are you going to start him working for us ?


7. I couldn't have got to the meeting on time - _______ an earlier train .

a. if i had not caught

b. unless i had caught

c. if i did not catch

d. unless i caught

答案是b项。if…not和unless有时可以互相替换,但也有不能互相替换的时候。unless用于这样的句子,即"如果a不受阻于b,a将发生",例如he will accept the job if the salary is not too

low /unless the salary is too low .

(如果薪水不太低,他就会接受这一工作/除非薪水太低,否则他会接受这一项工作的。)但是unless不能用于"由于未发生b而发生a"的句子里,如:i will be quite glad if she does not come this evening (她今天晚上要是不来,我才高兴呢。)又如:i will be surprised if he does not win the game next week .(如果他赢不了下星期那场比赛,我倒会感到惊奇的。)在以上的两个句子中不能使用unless,但是unless常用来引导一个谈及过去的事后的想法,unless从句跟着主句,通常用破折号而不是逗号将它与主句分开。第7题的句意是:我不可能准时到会了-除非我当时赶上更早一列火车。这个句子的实际是说:我没有准时到会。我只有赶上更早的一趟火车,才能准时到会。如果用if…not代替上面句中的unless,那么这个句子就变成:i couldn't have got to the meeting on time if i hadn't caught an earlier train .(要不是我赶上了更早的一班火车,我就不可能准时到会。)这句话表达的意思与上句完全相反:我确实准时到会了,因为我赶上了更早的一趟火车。

8. I'll have you ______ english in six months .

a. speaking

b. speak

c. spoken

d. be able to speak

答案是a项。"have+宾语+doing"这一结构有以下五种用法。(1)用来表示我们一心要取得的效果,如:he promised to have me swimming across the river in two weeks' time .


in cold winter we always have the fire burning day and night .(在冬天,我们总是让火日以继夜地燃烧着。);(3)用来表示不想发生的后果,如:don't shout ! you will have the neighbors complaining !(别大声嚷嚷!你会使邻居有意见的!);(4)用来表示说话人控制不了的情况,如:we have salesmen or saleswomen calling every day .(我们每天都得任凭推销员们的造访。);(5)这一结构前如用can not 或won't,则表示"不能/愿容忍"宾语做某事,如:i won't / can not have you speaking like that about your father .(我不允许/不能容忍你那样无礼貌地谈论你自己的父亲。

9. Our decision _____ was wise .

a. of waiting

b. to wait

c. for waiting

d. to be waiting

答案是b项。英语中一些名词总与不定式连用,如:decision , wish 与

refusal等,使用这些名词与使用它们的动词形式表达的内容是一致的,请看下面三组例句:我们决定等待是明智的。his wish to succeed is probable. 他希望成功,有可能。

her refusal to help surprised us greatly. 她拒绝帮忙,使我们感到意外。

10. he's unlucky , and he's always suffering _____ luck one after another .

a. a sick

b. an ill

c. sick

d. ill

答案是d项。英语中的名词有可数与不可数之分,luck是不可数名词,用来修饰贬意的luck 形容词有bad,poor或ill,这时ill的词义是:不好的。

11. The news about the terrible flood there greatly discouraged ______ these for a sight-seeing .

a. us from going

b. us to go

c. our going

d. our to go

答案是a项。discourage与encourage互为反义词。英语中说"鼓励某人做某事"时使用encourage sb to do sth ,

但如果要表示"使某人没勇气做某事"时,不能想当然的以此类推:discourage sb to do

sth , 这是不符合英语习惯的错误表达方式,其正确形式是:discourage sb from doing sth 。

12. My dictionary ________ . i have looked for it everywhere but still ______ it .

a. has lost ; do not find

b. is missing ; do not find

c. has lost ; have not found

d. is missing ; have not found

