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Comrade Jiang Zemin said in the 15th National Party Congress:
During the century, the Chinese has been through three historic changes on the way we move; meanwhile there came three great people who stand at the top of the era.The three historic changes are: the 1911 Revolution, the establishment of the new China, Reform and Opening up Policy; three great people are Sun Yat-sen, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping
浦东陆家嘴 Lujiazui,Pudong
浦东陆家嘴 Lujiazui,Pudong

百姓的衣食住行Basic necessities 衣 clothes 70年代 :单一
80年代:色彩 1980s: color
90年代 开放 1990s open
21世纪 个性 21st personality
住 living
1905年,中国同盟会在日本东京成立,总理为孙中山;这是第一个全国 性的统一的资产阶级革命政党。 1905,United Democrats was founded in Tokyo, Japan.Sun Yatsen was the president. This is the first national bourgeois
1978年,当中国作出实行改革开放的战 略决策时,美国《时代》杂志曾经质疑说: “他们的目标几乎不可能按期实现,甚至不可 能实现。”2008年,中国隆重纪念改革开放 30周年、成功举办北京奥运会,《时代》杂 志又发表文章说:“当奥运会主火炬点燃时, 世界见证了一个确凿无误的事实。中国回来 了——在荣誉的光环下。”回望历史,我们由 衷地感叹,翻天覆地的时代伟大变革!
二、新中国的成立(毛泽东)the Establishment of the New China(Mao Zedong)
百万雄师过大江 Million mighty armies across Yangtze River
钟山风雨起苍黄, 百万雄师过大江。 虎踞龙蟠今胜昔, 天翻地覆慨而慷。 宜将剩勇追穷寇, 不可沽名学霸王。 天若有情天亦老, 人间正道是沧桑。
改革开放前~~~Before Opening
改革开放后——新农村 After Opening-New countryside
改革开放后——城市 After Opening-City
改革开放后——城市 After Opening-City
70年代四大件 Four items in 1970s
二十世纪中国三次历史性巨变 China's Three Historic Changes in 20th Century
前列的历史伟人。这三次历史性巨变是:辛亥革命、新中国的成立、 改革开放,三位历史伟人是:孙中山、毛泽东、邓小平。
社会主义改造庆祝 Celebration of Socialist Transformation
三、改革开放(邓小平)Reform and Opening up Policy(Deng Xiaoping)
邓小平诞辰100周年纪念大会在京隆重举行 Deng xiaoping's 100th birthday anniversary was grandly held in Beijing


GDP:1952年只有679亿元,到1978年增加到3465亿元, 2008年超过30万亿元,达到300670亿元,比1952年增强了77 倍。2009年,GDP总量达到33.5万亿人民币,折合49100亿美 元,人均收入3776.9美元。
1978年,中国国内生产总值只有3645亿元,在 世界主要国家中位居第10位。人均国民总收入仅 190美元,位居全世界最不发达的低收入国家行列。 改革开放的推进,中国经济迅速走上快速发展的 轨道。1979—2007年,国内生产总值年均增长10% 以上,大大高于同期世界经济年均增长3%的速度。 中国的改革开放,顺利实现预期战略规划“三步 走”中的第一步——温饱和第二步——小康。
80年代四大件Four items in 1980s
90年代四大件Four items in 1990s
21世纪 21st century
开放前的深圳Shenzhen before Opening
开放后的深圳 Shenzhen after Opening
浦东开发前的陆家嘴 Lujiazui,before the development of Pudong
一、辛亥革命(孙中山) The 1911 Revolution(Sun Yatsen)
中国同盟会政治纲领 Declaration of United Democrats
孙中山题著《民族主义》《民权主义》《民生主义》 Sun Yat-sen's works: Principles of Nationalism、 Principles of Democracy and Principles of People's Livelihood
武昌起义门 The Uprising Door in Wuchang
1、“皇帝倒了,符号变了” “The emperor down, the symbol change.”
“五族共和 ”
Braid cut,feet free.
南京临时政府颁布了法令。如:通令剪辫子;禁止缠足。留 在男子脑后长达三百余年的发辫及妇女缠足陋习终被革除。
In 1978, when China decided to carry out the strategic decision of the Reform and Opening Policy to the outside world, the United States magazine- Time once doubted that " their goal is almost impossible to achieve on time, even impossible to finish." In 2008, China grandly commemorated the 30th anniversary of Reform and successfully held the Beijing Olympic Games, Time magazine published an article: when the Olympic Games main torch lit, the world witnessed an unequivocal fact that China is back--under the aura of honor.Looking back at the history, we were impressed by the great historic change!
毛泽东《七律· 人民解放军占领南京》 (1949年4月)

Over Chungshan swept a storm, headlong, Our mighty army, a million strong, has crossed the Great River. The City, a tiger crouching, a dragon curling, outshines its ancient glories; In heroic triumph heaven and earth have been overturned. With power and to spare we must pursue the tottering foe And not ape Hsiang Yu the conqueror seeking idle fame. Were Nature sentient, she too would pass from youth to age, But Man's world is mutable, seas become mulberry fields.
南京解放 Nanjing Liberation 1949.4.23
“诸位代表先生,我们有一个共同的感觉,这就 是我们的工作将写在人类的历史上,它将表明:占人 类总数四分之一的中国人从此站立起来了!”
新 中 国 成 立 民 族 独 立 与 人 民 解 放
土地改革运动掠影 A Glimpse of Land Reform Movements