美国小学英语教材1第2课Bunny Boy 小兔哥

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美国小学英语教材 1
第2课 Bunny Boy 小兔哥
Bunny Boy was a white rabbit. 小兔哥是只小白兔。 He was a happy rabbit. 它是只快乐的小兔子。 Bunny Boy liked to play with Anny and Ned. 小兔哥喜欢跟安妮和奈德一起玩耍。 He liked to play with Spot1, the cat, and Jack2, the dog. 它还喜欢跟小猫司 博特和小狗杰克一起玩。 They all liked Bunny Boy. What fun they had! 它们都喜欢小兔哥。它们在一起 玩得真开心! One day Bunny Boy was playing in the yard with Spot and Jack. 有一天,小 兔哥正在院子里与斯波特和杰克一起玩耍。 Bunny found a big dark hole under the house. 小兔在房子下面发现了一个大黑 洞。 What a big hole! he said. 好大的一个洞啊!它说。 "I will hide in it. Spot and Jack can not find me." 我要躲到里面去。司博特和杰 克就找不到我了。 So Bunny jumped into the hole. 于是,小兔跳进了洞里。 Down, down, down he fell. 它下啊,下啊,下。 Oh, oh! said Bunny Boy. 噢,天哪!小兔哥说。 "How black it is down here! I am all black, too." “下面好黑啊!我也弄得一身黑。” Where is Bunny Boy? said Ned. “小兔哥去哪了?”奈德问道。 Where is Bunny Boy? said Anny. “小兔哥去哪了?”安妮说。 Oh, dear! Where can he be? “噢,天哪!它会去哪儿呢?” They looked and looked for him. 它们四处寻找它。 They looked in the house and in the yard. 它们在房子里找,在院子找。 They looked up and down the street. 它们在街道上来回找。 Mother and Father looked. 妈妈和爸爸在找。 Spot and Jack looked. 司博特和杰克在找。 But no one could find Bunny Boy. 但是没有人能找到小兔哥。

美国小学英语教材 1
Then Mother said, "We must go to dinner now." 这时妈妈说:“现在我们必须吃 晚饭了”。
They all went into the house, but Anny and Ned were not happy. 它们全都 走进了房子里,但是安妮和奈德都不开心。
They did not want any dinner. 它们不想吃晚饭。 They wanted their rabbit. 它们想要它们的小兔子。 All at once Jack said, "Bow-wow!" 突然杰克叫道:“汪汪”! Then he ran to the door. 然后它向门跑去。 Spot ran to the door, too. 司博特也向门跑去。 Something was there. What was it? 那里有东西。是什么呢? Father ran and opened the door. 爸爸跑到门前打开了门。 There sat a rabbit. 那儿坐着一只兔子。 Oh, look! said Anny. It is a rabbit. “噢,看哪”!安妮说。是一只兔子。 But it is not Bunny Boy, said Ned. “但它不是小兔哥”,奈德说。 It is not a white rabbit. 它不是一只白兔。 Just then the rabbit saw Spot. 就在这时,那只兔子看到了司博特。 Hop3, hop, hop it went to her. 兔子一蹦一跳、一蹦一跳地来到了她身边。 Guess what Spot did. 猜猜司博特做了啥。 Oh, oh! said Ned. "Look at Spot! “噢,天哪”!奈德说,“快看司博特”! She is washing4 the rabbit. 她正在给这只兔子洗澡。 She is washing the black away. 她正在把黑色洗掉。 It is a white rabbit. It is Bunny Boy!" 它是只白色的兔子。它是小兔哥!” Then they all laughed. 这时,它们全都笑了。 Oh, Bunny Boy, said Anny, "how did you get so black?" “喂,小兔哥”,安妮 说,“你怎么弄得这么黑”? Ned said, "I can guess." 奈德说,“我能猜到”。 Anny said, "I can guess, too." 安妮说,“我也能猜到”。

美国小学英语教材 1
1 spot

He's in a spot of trouble.他遇到一点麻烦。

He did not mention having been on the spot.他没说他当时在场。
2 jack

I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。

He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
3 hop

The children had a competition to see who could hop the fastest.孩子们举行比赛,看谁

How long can you hop on your right foot?你用右脚能跳多远?
4 washing

A washing machine is run by a small electric motor.洗衣机由一台小电动机驱动。

She hung the washing on the line to dry.她把洗好的衣服晾在绳子上。
